Tips on how to start saving money - MyFinancialHill

Tips on How to Start Saving Money

Looking to bolster your bank account and achieve your financial goals?

There are numerous savvy strategies and practical tips on how to start saving money that can help you stretch your budget further.

From budgeting and tracking spending to embracing DIY solutions and taking advantage of discounts, there are endless opportunities to trim expenses and build a more secure financial future.

Whether you're aiming to pay off debt, grow your savings, or simply live more frugally, exploring these ways to save money can empower you to take control of your finances and make every dollar count.

So, let's dive in and discover the wealth of possibilities for saving money in your everyday life!

1. Budgeting

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Picture your money as a team of workers, each with a specific task. Budgeting is about assigning each worker a job and ensuring they stick to it.

You assess how much money you have coming in and then decide how much to allocate to different expenses like groceries, bills, and entertainment.

It's like drawing a map for your money, guiding it to where it needs to go so that you can achieve your financial goals.

2. Track Spending

Tracking your spending is like keeping a journal of your money's adventures. You jot down every purchase, big or small, from rent to that cup of coffee you grabbed on the go.

It's a bit like being a detective for your finances, uncovering where your money goes each month.

Once you've tracked your spending, you can identify areas where you might be overspending and find opportunities to cut back and save.

3. Emergency Fund

Think of an emergency fund as your financial safety net, ready to catch you if you ever need it.

It's like setting aside a little nest egg for unexpected surprises—like a sudden car repair or a surprise visit to the doctor.

Having an emergency fund means you don't have to stress when life throws you a curveball, because you've got money set aside just for those moments.

4. Automate Savings

You can automate savings by instructing your bank to transfer a portion of your paycheck directly into your savings account every time you get paid.

It's as though you've enlisted a secret agent to quietly build up your savings without requiring your constant attention.

Before you know it, you've amassed a tidy sum for whatever you need.

5. Limit Eating Out

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By reducing how often you eat out, you're giving your wallet a much-needed break.

Rather than splurging on meals at restaurants or ordering takeout regularly, you opt to whip up delicious dishes in your own kitchen.

It's not just about saving money—it's also about relishing the process of cooking and sharing homemade meals with loved ones.

6. Meal Planning

Meal planning puts you in control of your culinary journey.

You dedicate a bit of time each week to map out what you'll eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Armed with your grocery list, you head to the store and purchase only what you need.

It's more like crafting a strategy for your groceries, ensuring you don't wander the aisles aimlessly and overspend.

7. Use Coupons

Coupons are like hidden treasures waiting to be discovered.

Whether found in newspapers, magazines, or online, they're magical tickets that unlock discounts on essential purchases.

Incorporating coupons into your shopping routine allows you to enjoy special deals on groceries, clothing, or household items, all while saving money without sacrificing quality.

8. Shop Sales

Embark on a treasure hunt for bargains. Keeping an eye out for those enticing words—“sale,” “discount,” “clearance”—and seizing the opportunity when they appear.

It's similar to receiving a gift from the store, where you can snag your favorite items at a fraction of their original cost.

Plus, it's an effective strategy for maximizing your budget and making your money stretch further.

9. Buy Generic

Opting for generic brands is like choosing the store-brand version of products over name brands.

It's about getting the same quality product without paying extra for fancy packaging or advertising.

By buying generic, you're often able to save money without sacrificing on quality.

10. Cancel Subscriptions

Canceling subscriptions can help declutter your life.

Just like cleaning out your closet, you assess which subscriptions you use and enjoy, and which ones you can live without.

By trimming down on unnecessary subscriptions, you free up extra cash each month that can be put towards more important things.

11. DIY Repairs

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Learning to do basic repairs yourself is like acquiring a superpower for saving money.

Instead of calling a professional every time something breaks or needs fixing, you roll up your sleeves and tackle the problem yourself.

It not only saves you money on repair bills but also empowers you to become more self-sufficient.

12. Energy Efficiency

Being mindful of energy usage is like being a superhero for the planet and your wallet.

Simple habits like turning off lights when you leave a room, unplugging electronics when they're not in use, and using energy-efficient appliances can add up to significant savings on your utility bills over time.

13. Carpooling

Sharing rides with others is like forming a little community on wheels.

Instead of driving solo and bearing the full cost of gas and maintenance, you team up with friends, coworkers, or neighbors to share the ride and split expenses.

It not only saves you money but also reduces traffic congestion and helps the environment.

14. Public Transportation

Opting for public transportation is like giving your car a break and letting someone else do the driving.

Whether it's buses, trains, or trams, public transit offers a cost-effective and environmentally friendly way to get around town.

By using public transportation instead of driving, you can save money on gas, parking, and maintenance expenses.

15. Bike/Walk

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Choosing to bike or walk for short distances is like giving yourself a double dose of savings and exercise.

Instead of hopping in the car for a quick trip to the store or gym, you grab your bike or lace up your sneakers and enjoy a leisurely ride or stroll.

Not only does it save you money on gas and parking, but it also helps you stay fit and healthy.

16. Pack Lunch

Bringing your lunch to work is like giving your wallet and waistline a break.

Instead of shelling out money for pricey lunches at restaurants or cafes, you pack a homemade meal from leftovers or meal prep.

It not only saves you money but also allows you to control the ingredients and portion sizes of your meals.

17. Coffee at Home

Brewing coffee at home is like starting your day with a little dose of savings.

Instead of stopping by the coffee shop on your way to work and paying a premium for your daily caffeine fix, you invest in a good quality coffee maker and brew your own at home.

It not only saves you money but also allows you to customize your coffee just the way you like it.

18. Drink Water

Choosing water over sugary drinks is like giving your body and budget a healthy boost.

Instead of splurging on expensive sodas, juices, or energy drinks, you stick to good old-fashioned H2O.

Not only is water better for your health, but it's also virtually free, saving you money on your grocery bill and reducing waste from plastic bottles.

19. Entertainment Deals

Seeking out entertainment deals is like discovering hidden treasures for your leisure time.

Whether it's discounted movie tickets, special promotions at local attractions, or free community events, there are countless ways to enjoy entertainment without breaking the bank.

By keeping an eye out for deals and discounts, you can have fun without worrying about overspending.

20. Library Membership

Tips on how to start saving money-library-MyFinancialHill

Embracing your local library is like unlocking a treasure trove of free resources.

With a library membership, you gain access to a vast collection of books, movies, music, and more, all available for borrowing at no cost.

It's a budget-friendly way to indulge your interests and explore new topics without spending a dime.

21. Cancel Gym Membership

Saying goodbye to your gym membership is like freeing yourself from a financial burden.

Instead of paying monthly fees for access to a gym, you can find creative ways to stay active without breaking the bank.

Whether it's jogging in the park, following workout videos online, or joining community fitness classes, there are plenty of ways to stay fit without the hefty price tag.

22. Buy Used

Opting for second-hand items is like giving new life to pre-loved treasures.

Whether it's clothing, furniture, electronics, or appliances, buying used allows you to score great deals on quality items while reducing waste and environmental impact.

From thrift stores and garage sales to online marketplaces, there are endless opportunities to find hidden gems at a fraction of the cost of new.

23. Sell Unused Items

Decluttering and selling unused items is like turning clutter into cash.

Instead of letting unused items collect dust, you can declutter your home and make some extra money by selling them online or at a yard sale.

Not only does it help you free up space and simplify your life, but it also puts some extra cash in your pocket.

24. Avoid Impulse Buys

Resisting impulse buys is like flexing your willpower muscle.

Instead of giving in to the temptation of spontaneous purchases, you take a moment to pause and consider whether you really need or want the item.

By being mindful of your spending habits and sticking to your budget, you can avoid unnecessary purchases and save money in the long run.

25. Comparison Shop

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Shopping around and comparing prices is like becoming a savvy shopper.

Instead of settling for the first price you see, you take the time to research and compare prices from different retailers.

Whether it's online or in-store, comparison shopping allows you to find the best deals and stretch your dollars further.

26. Limit Credit Card Use

Using credit cards responsibly is like wielding a powerful tool for financial flexibility.

Instead of relying on credit for everyday expenses, you use cash or debit cards to stay within your means and avoid accruing debt.

By paying off your balance in full each month and avoiding high-interest charges, you can enjoy the convenience of credit cards without falling into the trap of overspending.

27. Avoid ATM Fees

Dodging ATM fees is like keeping more of your hard-earned cash in your pocket.

Instead of using out-of-network ATMs that charge hefty fees, you stick to your bank's ATMs or opt for cash back at checkout to avoid extra charges. By planning ahead and accessing cash strategically, you can minimize unnecessary fees and save money over time.

28. Pay Bills on Time

S ahead of the game in the financial arena by paying your bills on time.

Instead of risking late fees or penalties by procrastinating on bill payments, you prioritize paying your bills on time each month.

By staying organized and setting up automatic payments or reminders, you can avoid unnecessary expenses and maintain a healthy financial routine.

29. Refinance Loans

Refinancing loans is like giving your finances a makeover.

If you have high-interest loans like credit cards or personal loans, refinancing them with a lower-interest option can save you money on interest payments over time.

Whether it's consolidating multiple loans into one or negotiating better terms with your lender, refinancing can help you pay off debt faster and save money in the long run.

30. Avoid Overdraft Fees

Tips on how to start saving money-avoid overdraft-MyFinancialHill

Steer clear of overdraft fees by keeping a close eye on your bank account balance.

Instead of risking overdrawing your account and incurring costly fees, you monitor your spending and ensure you have enough funds to cover your transactions.

By setting up alerts for low balances or using budgeting tools to track your expenses, you can avoid overdraft fees and keep more of your money in your account.

31. DIY Beauty

Embracing DIY beauty treatments is like pampering yourself on a budget.

Instead of splurging on expensive salon services, you explore homemade remedies and beauty hacks to achieve the same results at home.

Whether it's making your own face masks, hair treatments, or skincare products, DIY beauty allows you to indulge in self-care without breaking the bank.

32. Cancel Unused Memberships

Saying goodbye to unused memberships is like clearing out clutter from your budget.

Whether it's gym memberships, streaming services, or magazine subscriptions, canceling memberships you no longer use or need can free up extra money each month.

By evaluating your recurring expenses and trimming down on unnecessary memberships, you can streamline your budget and save money for things you truly value.

33. Host Potlucks

Hosting potlucks is like throwing a budget-friendly party where everyone pitches in.

Instead of bearing the full cost of food and drinks for a gathering, you invite friends or family to bring a dish to share.

It not only reduces the financial burden of hosting but also creates a sense of community and togetherness as everyone contributes to the festivities.

34. Use Cashback Apps

Taking advantage of cashback apps is like getting rewarded for your everyday spending.

Whether it's groceries, dining out, or online shopping, cashback apps offer you a percentage of your purchase back as cash or rewards.

By linking your debit or credit cards to cashback apps and shopping at participating retailers, you can earn money back on purchases you were already planning to make.

35. Avoid Fast Fashion

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Steering clear of fast fashion is like investing in quality over quantity.

Instead of constantly buying cheap, trendy clothing that falls apart after a few wears, you opt for timeless pieces made from durable materials.

By choosing quality over quantity, you not only save money in the long run but also reduce your environmental impact and support ethical fashion practices.

36. Free Workouts

Embracing free workout options is like breaking a sweat without breaking the bank.

Whether it's following workout videos on YouTube, jogging in the park, or joining free fitness classes in your community, there are plenty of ways to stay active without paying for a gym membership.

By exploring free workout options, you can prioritize your health and fitness goals without spending a dime.

37. Rent Instead of Buying

Opting to rent instead of buying is like enjoying the benefits of ownership without the long-term commitment.

Whether it's tools, equipment, or special occasion attire, renting allows you to access what you need for a fraction of the cost of buying it outright.

By renting items on an as-needed basis, you can save money and reduce clutter in your home.

38. Buy in Bulk

Purchasing items in bulk is like stocking up for the future while saving money in the present.

Instead of buying small quantities of items like non-perishable foods, cleaning supplies, or toiletries, you buy larger quantities at once, often at a lower unit cost.

By buying in bulk, you not only save money per item but also reduce the frequency of shopping trips and minimize packaging waste.

39. Refill Water Bottles

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Refilling reusable water bottles is like quenching your thirst while reducing waste and saving money.

Instead of purchasing single-use bottled water, you invest in a durable reusable bottle and fill it with tap water or filtered water from home.

Not only does refilling water bottles help you stay hydrated on the go, but it also eliminates the need to constantly buy disposable plastic bottles, saving you money and reducing plastic pollution.

40. Shop Out of Season

Shopping for items out of season is like finding hidden gems at discounted prices.

Whether it's clothing, holiday decorations, or outdoor gear, purchasing items during off-peak seasons often means scoring great deals as retailers clear out inventory to make room for new merchandise.

By planning ahead and shopping out of season, you can save money on items you'll need in the future while enjoying significant discounts.

41. Cancel Landline

Saying goodbye to your landline phone is like streamlining your communication expenses.

In an age where most people rely on mobile phones for calls and texts, maintaining a landline may be an unnecessary expense.

By canceling your landline service and relying solely on your mobile phone or internet-based communication options, you can eliminate a monthly bill and save money without sacrificing connectivity.

42. Negotiate Bills

Negotiating bills is like advocating for your financial well-being. Whether it's your cable bill, internet service, or insurance premiums, many providers are willing to negotiate lower rates or offer discounts to retain your business.

By reaching out to your service providers, exploring competitor offers, and leveraging loyalty or promotional deals, you can potentially lower your monthly expenses and save money over time.

43. Use Loyalty Programs

Taking advantage of loyalty programs is like being rewarded for your continued support.

Whether it's grocery store rewards cards, airline frequent flyer programs, or hotel loyalty programs, signing up for loyalty programs can earn you discounts, freebies, and exclusive perks based on your spending habits.

By participating in loyalty programs and accruing points or rewards, you can save money on future purchases and enjoy special benefits as a valued customer.

44. Plan Vacations in Advance

Tips on how to start saving money-plan vacation in advance-MyFinancialHill

Planning vacations in advance is like embarking on a journey with financial foresight.

By booking flights, accommodations, and activities well ahead of time, you can take advantage of early booking discounts, promotional offers, and lower prices.

Additionally, planning ahead allows you to budget for your trip, prioritize your expenses, and avoid last-minute splurges that can bust your budget.

Whether it's a weekend getaway or a dream vacation, planning in advance can help you save money and make the most of your travel experiences.

45. Staycations

Opting for staycations is like discovering the joys of vacationing in your own backyard.

Instead of traveling to far-flung destinations, you explore local attractions, parks, museums, and events in your own community.

By embracing staycations, you can save money on travel expenses like flights and accommodations while supporting local businesses and enjoying the comforts of home.

Whether it's a weekend staycation or a week-long adventure, staying close to home can be a budget-friendly and enjoyable way to relax and unwind.

46. Avoid Bank Fees

Dodging bank fees is like keeping more of your money where it belongs — in your wallet.

Instead of paying unnecessary fees for things like ATM withdrawals, overdrafts, or account maintenance, you choose a bank that offers fee-free or low-fee accounts.

By reading the fine print, understanding your bank's fee structure, and opting for accounts with favorable terms, you can avoid unnecessary charges and keep more of your hard-earned cash.

47. Use Cash Envelopes

Embracing cash envelopes is like giving your budget a tangible makeover.

You allocate specific amounts of cash to different spending categories — like groceries, entertainment, or dining out — and keep each portion in a designated envelope.

By using cash for discretionary spending, you can visually track your expenses, stay within your budget, and avoid overspending.

It's a simple yet effective way to manage your money and prioritize your spending based on your financial goals.

48. Cancel Cable

Saying goodbye to cable is like embracing the streaming revolution.

Instead of paying for expensive cable TV packages with channels you rarely watch, you opt for streaming services that offer on-demand access to your favorite shows and movies at a fraction of the cost.

By cutting the cord and switching to streaming, you can enjoy a wide range of entertainment options while saving money on your monthly bill.

49. Cancel Unused Insurance

Reviewing and canceling unused insurance policies is like decluttering your financial portfolio.

Whether it's redundant coverage, unnecessary add-ons, or policies that no longer fit your needs, canceling unused insurance can help you streamline your coverage and save money on premiums.

By regularly reassessing your insurance needs, comparing quotes from different providers, and opting for the most cost-effective options, you can ensure that you're adequately protected without paying more than necessary.

50. Avoid Convenience Stores

Steering clear of convenience stores is like sidestepping a budgetary trap.

While convenient for quick purchases, convenience stores often charge higher prices for everyday items like snacks, beverages, and household essentials.

By planning ahead, making shopping lists, and purchasing items from grocery stores or discount retailers instead, you can avoid the convenience store markup and save money on your everyday purchases.

51. DIY Gifts

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Creating DIY gifts is like infusing your presents with a personal touch. Instead of buying expensive gifts from stores, you put your creativity to work and craft thoughtful handmade gifts for your loved ones.

Whether it's homemade baked goods, handcrafted artwork, or DIY spa kits, homemade gifts not only save you money but also show your friends and family that you care enough to put time and effort into creating something special just for them.

52. Grow Your Own Produce

Cultivating your own produce is like bringing the farmer's market to your backyard.

Instead of relying on store-bought fruits and vegetables, you plant a garden and grow your own fresh produce at home.

By harnessing the power of nature and tending to your garden, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest of flavorful, nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables while saving money on grocery bills and reducing your environmental footprint.

Whether it's a small herb garden on your windowsill or a sprawling vegetable patch in your yard, growing your own produce is a rewarding and cost-effective way to enjoy fresh, healthy food year-round.

53. DIY Cleaning Products

Try making your own DIY cleaning product.

Instead of buying expensive commercial cleaners filled with harsh chemicals, you mix up your own natural cleaning solutions using simple ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils.

By DIY-ing your cleaning products, you not only save money but also reduce your exposure to harmful chemicals and create a healthier, safer environment for you and your family.

54. Shop Clearance Sales

Hunting for clearance sales is like embarking on a treasure hunt for hidden gems.

Whether it's clothing, electronics, home goods, or seasonal items, clearance sales offer steep discounts on quality merchandise that retailers are looking to clear out.

By keeping an eye out for clearance racks, online clearance sections, and end-of-season sales, you can score great deals on items you need or want while saving money and stretching your budget further.

55. Stay Motivated

Staying motivated is like fueling your financial journey with determination and positivity.

Whether you're saving for a specific goal, paying off debt, or building a nest egg for the future, staying motivated is key to sticking to your financial plan and achieving success.

By setting realistic goals, tracking your progress, celebrating milestones, and surrounding yourself with supportive friends and family, you can stay motivated and focused on your financial goals, no matter how big or small they may be.

Remember, every step you take towards financial health is a step in the right direction, so stay motivated and keep moving forward!


There you have it, 55 awesome money saving tips. Soak up these savvy strategies and practical tips on how to start saving money which can be your ticket to financial empowerment.

From crafting a budget and tracking expenses to harnessing DIY solutions and seizing discounts, there's a wealth of opportunities to trim expenses and pave the way for a more secure financial future.

Whether you're focused on paying off debt, building your nest egg, or simply living more frugally, exploring these approaches enables you to maximize your resources and make every dollar count.

By embracing these saving strategies, you can embark on a journey towards financial stability and unlock the potential to achieve your long-term goals.

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Cheap destinations in the US - MyFinancialHill

Cheap Travel Destinations in the US

1. New Orleans, Louisiana

Cheap Travel Destinations in the US- New Orleans- MyFinancialHill

New Orleans, with its lively music scene, rich cultural heritage, and mouthwatering cuisine, offers an unforgettable experience at an affordable price.

From exploring historic neighborhoods to indulging in Creole and Cajun flavors, there's something for every budget-conscious traveler in this vibrant city.

Things to Do in New Orleans:

Cheap Travel Destinations in the US- New Orleans-French Quarter- MyFinancialHill
  • Explore the French Quarter: Wander the historic streets, enjoy street performances, and admire the architecture.
  • Visit Jackson Square: Enjoy the park, view street artists' work, and take in the sights of the St. Louis Cathedral.
  • Cheap Travel Destinations in the US- New Orleans-Jazz- MyFinancialHill
  • Listen to live music: Many bars and clubs offer free or low-cost live music performances throughout the city.
  • Window shop on Magazine Street: Explore the eclectic shops and galleries without spending a dime.
  • Take a self-guided cemetery tour: Visit historic cemeteries like St. Louis Cemetery No. 1 and learn about New Orleans' unique burial practices.
  • 2. Portland, Oregon

    Cheap Travel Destinations in the US- Portland Oregon- MyFinancialHill

    Portland's quirky charm, abundance of parks, and diverse culinary scene make it an ideal destination for budget travelers.

    Whether you're exploring the city's eclectic neighborhoods, sampling food cart delights, or hiking in nearby nature reserves, Portland offers plenty of affordable adventures.

    Things to Do in Portland:

    Cheap Travel Destinations in the US- Portland Forest- MyFinancialHill
  • Explore Forest Park: Hike or bike the trails in one of the largest urban forests in the country.
  • Visit the Portland Saturday Market: Browse local crafts and enjoy street performers at this iconic market.
  • Walk or bike across the bridges: Admire scenic views of the city and the Willamette River from the various bridges.
  • Attend free events: Check out free concerts, festivals, and art walks happening throughout the city.
  • Explore the International Rose Test Garden: Wander among thousands of roses and enjoy panoramic views of Portland.
  • 3. Austin, Texas

    Cheap Travel Destinations in the US- Austin TX- MyFinancialHill

    Known for its live music, outdoor activities, and Tex-Mex cuisine, Austin provides budget travelers with a wealth of affordable experiences.

    From free concerts in city parks to exploring the vast network of hiking trails, there are numerous ways to enjoy this dynamic city without overspending.

    Things to Do in Austin:

    Cheap Travel Destinations in the US- Austin TX state capital- MyFinancialHill
  • Take a dip in Barton Springs Pool: Cool off in this natural spring-fed pool located in Zilker Park.
  • Explore the Texas State Capitol: Take a free guided tour or wander the grounds of this historic building.
  • Hike or bike the Lady Bird Lake Trail: Enjoy scenic views of the downtown skyline while getting some exercise.
  • Cheap Travel Destinations in the US- Austin Live Music- MyFinancialHill
  • Attend free live music events: Check out the schedule for free concerts at venues like Waterloo Records and Shady Grove.
  • Visit the graffiti park: Explore the ever-changing street art at the HOPE Outdoor Gallery.
  • 4. Savannah, Georgia

    Cheap Travel Destinations in the US- Savannah Georgia- MyFinancialHill

    Savannah's historic charm, picturesque squares, and Southern hospitality make it an enticing destination for travelers on a budget.

    Stroll through cobblestone streets, admire the antebellum architecture, and savor delicious yet affordable seafood dishes, all while immersing yourself in the city's rich history and culture.

    Things to Do in Savannah: 

  • Walk along River Street: Enjoy views of the Savannah River and explore shops, galleries, and restaurants.
  • Cheap Travel Destinations in the US- Savannah Forsyth Park- MyFinancialHill
  • Visit Forsyth Park: Relax in the park, admire the iconic fountain, and people-watch.
  • Take a self-guided walking tour of historic homes: Explore the architecture and history of Savannah's beautiful homes.
  • Attend free festivals and events: Check the calendar for events like the Savannah Music Festival and Savannah Art Walk.
  • Stroll through Bonaventure Cemetery: Explore the scenic cemetery made famous by the novel "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil."
  • 5. San Antonio, Texas

    Cheap Travel Destinations in the US- San Antonio- MyFinancialHill

    San Antonio offers budget travelers a blend of history, culture, and culinary delights.

    From exploring the iconic Alamo and strolling along the scenic River Walk to indulging in delicious yet wallet-friendly Tex-Mex cuisine, there's no shortage of affordable attractions and experiences in this vibrant city.

    Things to Do in San Antonio:

  • Explore the San Antonio River Walk: Wander along the river, enjoy the scenery, and people-watch.
  • Cheap Travel Destinations in the US- San Antonio-Alamo- MyFinancialHill
  • Visit the Alamo: Learn about the history of the famous mission and its role in Texas history.
  • Take a self-guided tour of the King William Historic District: Admire the historic homes and architecture of this charming neighborhood.
  • Attend free events at Market Square: Check out cultural festivals, live music, and other events at this vibrant outdoor market.
  • Explore the missions: Visit the other four Spanish colonial missions along the San Antonio River for free.
  • 6. Asheville, North Carolina

    Cheap Travel Destinations in the US- Asheville - MyFinancialHill

    Nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains, Asheville beckons budget-conscious travelers with its outdoor adventures, craft breweries, and artsy vibe.

    Explore scenic hiking trails, sip on local brews at affordable prices, and immerse yourself in the city's bohemian atmosphere without breaking the bank.

    Things to Do in Asheville:

    Cheap Travel Destinations in the US- Looking Glass Falls - MyFinancialHill
  • Hike to waterfalls: Explore the numerous hiking trails in the area, many of which lead to beautiful waterfalls like Looking Glass Falls and Triple Falls.
  • Visit the River Arts District: Browse galleries and studios featuring local artists' work and often offer free admission.
  • Attend free outdoor concerts: Check out the schedule for free concerts and events in parks like Pack Square and Carrier Park.
  • Explore the Blue Ridge Parkway: Take a scenic drive along this iconic roadway and stop at overlooks for breathtaking views.
  • Enjoy street performances: Catch live music, dance, and other performances by local artists in downtown Asheville.
  • 7. Memphis, Tennessee

    Cheap Travel Destinations in the US- Memphis - MyFinancialHill

    Memphis, the birthplace of blues and rock 'n' roll, offers budget travelers a taste of music history and Southern hospitality.

    Visit iconic landmarks like Graceland and Beale Street, sample mouthwatering barbecue at reasonable prices, and experience the city's vibrant cultural scene without straining your wallet.

    Things to Do in Memphis: 

  • Visit the Memphis Farmers Market: Browse local produce, artisan goods, and food vendors at this vibrant market.
  • Explore Shelby Farms Park: Enjoy hiking, biking, and picnicking in one of the largest urban parks in the country.
  • Attend free concerts on Beale Street: Check the schedule for free live music performances at various venues along Beale Street.
  • Visit the Stax Museum of American Soul Music: Enjoy free admission on Stax Free Days, which occur several times throughout the year.
  • Walk along the Mississippi Riverfront: Take a leisurely stroll along the river, enjoy views of the Mississippi, and watch the sunset.
  • 8. Salt Lake City, Utah

    Cheap Travel Destinations in the US- Salt Lake City - MyFinancialHill

    Salt Lake City provides budget travelers with access to outdoor adventures, cultural attractions, and scenic beauty.

    Explore the city's diverse neighborhoods, visit historic sites like Temple Square, and enjoy outdoor activities like hiking and skiing—all without spending a fortune.

    Things to Do in Salt Lake:

    Cheap Travel Destinations in the US- Salt Lake City-LDS Temple - MyFinancialHill
  • Visit Temple Square: Explore the gardens, historic buildings, and visitor centers of this iconic religious site.
  • Hike Ensign Peak: Enjoy panoramic views of the city and surrounding mountains from this short and easy hike.
  • Explore the Utah State Capitol: Take a free guided tour or stroll the grounds of this beautiful neoclassical building.
  • Attend free concerts and events at Gallivan Center: Check the calendar for outdoor concerts, festivals, and other events held at this downtown venue.
  • Visit the Utah Museum of Fine Arts: Enjoy free admission on the first Wednesday and third Saturday of each month.
  • 9. Santa Fe, New Mexico

    Cheap Travel Destinations in the US- Santa Fe New Mexico - MyFinancialHill

    With its unique blend of Native American, Spanish, and Mexican cultures, Santa Fe offers budget travelers a wealth of experiences.

    Wander through art galleries and adobe architecture, savor flavorful Southwestern cuisine at affordable eateries, and immerse yourself in the city's vibrant arts scene without exceeding your travel budget.

    Things to Do in Santa Fe:

    Cheap Travel Destinations in the US- Santa Fe New Mexico - Canyon Road- MyFinancialHill
  • Explore Canyon Road: Wander along this historic street lined with art galleries, many of which offer free admission.
  • Visit the Plaza: Experience the heart of Santa Fe, where you can browse shops, galleries, and historic landmarks.
  • Take a self-guided tour of the Georgia O'Keeffe Museum Sculpture Garden: Enjoy outdoor sculptures by renowned artist Georgia O'Keeffe for free.
  • Attend free festivals and events: Check out cultural events like the Santa Fe Indian Market and Santa Fe Bandstand concert series.
  • Visit the Santa Fe Farmers Market: Sample local produce, artisan goods, and food vendors at this vibrant market.
  • 10. Kansas City, Missouri

    Cheap Travel Destinations in the US- Kansas City Missouri- MyFinancialHill

    Kansas City, known for its jazz heritage and mouthwatering barbecue, is a budget-friendly destination brimming with cultural attractions and culinary delights.

    Explore the city's jazz clubs and museums, sample world-class barbecue at modest prices, and soak up the city's lively atmosphere without breaking the bank.

    Things to Do in Kansas City:

    Cheap Travel Destinations in the US- Kansas City Missouri-Riverfront- MyFinancialHill
  • Visit the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art: Enjoy free admission to this world-class art museum, home to works spanning centuries and cultures.
  • Explore the Kansas City Riverfront: Walk or bike along the Missouri River, enjoy views of downtown, and relax in green spaces like Berkley Riverfront Park.
  • Attend free concerts at the Kansas City Jazz District: Check out live jazz performances at outdoor venues like the Blue Room and 18th & Vine.
  • Explore the Crossroads Arts District: Wander through galleries, studios, and boutiques showcasing local artists' work during First Fridays, a monthly art event.
  • Visit the Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art: Enjoy free admission to this museum featuring modern and contemporary art from around the world.
  • 11. Nashville, Tennessee

    Cheap Travel Destinations in the US- Nashville Tennessee- MyFinancialHill

    Nashville, the capital of country music, welcomes budget travelers with its lively music scene, historic landmarks, and Southern charm.

    Explore iconic attractions like the Grand Ole Opry, stroll along Broadway for free live music, and indulge in delicious yet affordable Southern cuisine in this vibrant city.

    Things to Do in Nashville:

    Cheap Travel Destinations in the US- Nashville Tennessee-Centennial Park-MyFinancialHill
  • Enjoy live music at Lower Broadway: Listen to talented musicians perform in honky-tonks and bars along this famous street.
  • Visit Centennial Park: Explore the park's iconic Parthenon replica, stroll through the gardens, and enjoy a picnic.
  • Attend free concerts at Musicians Corner: Check out the schedule for free live music events featuring local and national artists in Centennial Park.
  • Walk along the Shelby Street Pedestrian Bridge: Enjoy panoramic views of the downtown skyline and the Cumberland River.
  • Explore the Nashville Farmer's Market: Browse local produce, artisan goods, and food vendors at this bustling market.
  • 12. Charleston, South Carolina

    Cheap Travel Destinations in the US- Charleston South Carolina-Centennial Park-MyFinancialHill

    Charleston's historic streets, stunning architecture, and coastal charm make it a captivating destination for budget-conscious travelers.

    Wander through cobblestone alleys, admire antebellum homes on a budget-friendly walking tour, and savor Lowcountry cuisine without splurging in this enchanting Southern city.

    Things to Do in Charleston:

    Cheap Travel Destinations in the US- Charleston South Carolina-MyFinancialHill
  • Take a self-guided walking tour of the historic district: Explore cobblestone streets, admire the architecture, and visit landmarks like Rainbow Row.
  • Relax at Waterfront Park: Enjoy waterfront views, stroll along the pier, and cool off in the splash fountain.
  • Visit the Charleston City Market: Browse handmade crafts, artwork, and souvenirs at this historic market.
  • Attend free events at Marion Square: Check the calendar for festivals, concerts, and other events held in this downtown park.
  • Explore the Charleston Tea Garden: Take a free tour of the tea plantation and learn about the tea-making process.
  • 13. Portland, Maine

    Cheap Travel Destinations in the US- Portland Maine-MyFinancialHill

    Portland, Maine, offers budget travelers a mix of coastal beauty, culinary delights, and cultural attractions.

    Explore the city's picturesque waterfront, indulge in fresh seafood at affordable eateries, and visit art galleries and museums showcasing local talent, all while staying within your travel budget.

    Things to Do in Portland:

    Cheap Travel Destinations in the US- Portland Maine-Oysters-MyFinancialHill
  • Try their infamous delicious oysters and seafood
  • Visit Portland Head Light: Explore the grounds of this iconic lighthouse and enjoy scenic views of the coastline.
  • Walk along the Eastern Promenade Trail: Enjoy waterfront views, relax in the park, and watch boats pass by in Casco Bay.
  • Explore the Portland Museum of Art: Enjoy free admission on Friday evenings from 4-8 PM and explore the museum's collection of fine and decorative arts.
  • Attend free events at Congress Square Park: Check out concerts, movie nights, and other events held in this downtown park.
  • Visit the Maine State Pier: Enjoy waterfront views, watch boats come and go, and soak up the maritime atmosphere.
  • 14. Tucson, Arizona

    Cheap Travel Destinations in the US- Tucson Arizona-MyFinancialHill

    Tucson's desert landscape, rich history, and vibrant culture make it an affordable gem for budget travelers.

    Explore the beauty of Saguaro National Park on a budget-friendly hike, wander through historic neighborhoods like Barrio Viejo, and savor authentic Mexican cuisine without overspending in this charming Southwestern city.

    Things to Do in Tucson:

    Cheap Travel Destinations in the US- Tucson Arizona-Saguaro National Park-MyFinancialHill
  • Explore Saguaro National Park: Hike or drive through the park and marvel at the iconic saguaro cacti and stunning desert scenery.
  • Visit the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum: Enjoy free admission for kids under 3 and explore exhibits showcasing the desert's plants, animals, and geology.
  • Attend free events at Mercado San Agustin: Check out concerts, art markets, and other events held at this vibrant cultural hub.
  • Explore the Tucson Botanical Gardens: Enjoy free admission on the first Thursday of each month and explore themed gardens featuring plants from around the world.
  • Visit Mission San Xavier del Bac: Explore this historic Spanish mission, known as the "White Dove of the Desert," and learn about its history and architecture.
  • 15. Madison, Wisconsin

    Cheap Travel Destinations in the US- Madison Wisconsin-Saguaro National Park-MyFinancialHill

    Madison, nestled between two scenic lakes, offers budget travelers a mix of outdoor adventures, cultural attractions, and culinary delights.

    Rent a bike and explore the city's extensive network of trails, visit free attractions like the Olbrich Botanical Gardens, and dine on farm-to-table cuisine without breaking the bank in this dynamic college town.

    Things to Do in Madison:

  • Explore the UW-Madison Arboretum: Hike or bike through scenic trails, enjoy native plant gardens, and watch for wildlife.
  • Visit the Wisconsin State Capitol: Take a free guided tour or explore the building's architecture and history on a self-guided tour.
  • Attend free concerts on the Capitol Square: Check out the schedule for free outdoor concerts and events held on the Capitol lawn.
  • Explore the Dane County Farmers' Market: Browse local produce, artisan goods, and food vendors at one of the largest farmers' markets in the country.
  • Visit the Madison Museum of Contemporary Art: Enjoy free admission to the museum's exhibitions of modern and contemporary art from around the world.
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    Free or Cheap Things to Do in San Juan Puerto Rico - MyFinancialHill

    Free or Cheap Things to Do in San Juan Puerto Rico

    Are you looking for your next adventure but don't want to spend a bunch of money? 

    Look no further!

    Here's a list of fun free or cheap things to do in San Juan, Puerto Rico without missing out on an amazing time. 

    1. Explore Old San Juan

    Free or Cheap Things to Do in San Juan Puerto Rico -Explore Old San Juan- MyFinancialHill

    Immerse yourself in the rich history and vibrant culture of Old San Juan as you stroll along its cobblestone streets lined with colorful colonial buildings.

    Marvel at the imposing forts of El Morro and San Cristóbal, which stand as silent sentinels overlooking the azure waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

    Cost: FREE

    2. Relax at the Beach

    Free or Cheap Things to Do in San Juan Puerto Rico -Relax at the beach- MyFinancialHill

    Let the stress melt away as you sink your toes into the soft sands of Playa Escambron or Condado Beach.

    Bask in the warm Caribbean sun, take a refreshing dip in the crystal-clear waters, or simply unwind with a good book under the shade of a palm tree.

    Cost: FREE

    3. San Juan Cathedral

    Free or Cheap Things to Do in San Juan Puerto Rico -San Juan Cathedral- MyFinancialHill

    Step inside the hallowed halls of the San Juan Cathedral, a majestic symbol of faith and resilience that has stood for centuries.

    Admire its elegant architecture, ornate altars, and beautiful stained glass windows as you soak in the tranquility of this sacred space.

    Cost: FREE

    4. La Placita de Santurce

    Lose yourself in the lively ambiance of La Placita de Santurce, a bustling marketplace where locals gather to shop, dine, and socialize.

    Explore the colorful stalls selling fresh produce, artisanal crafts, and traditional delicacies, or simply sit back and enjoy the vibrant rhythms of live music drifting through the air.

    Cost: FREE

    5. Street Art Tour

    Embark on a journey of artistic discovery as you explore the vibrant street art scene of Santurce and Old San Juan.

    Marvel at the colorful murals, graffiti tags, and urban installations that adorn the city's walls, each telling its own unique story and reflecting the spirit of Puerto Rico's creative community.

    Cost: FREE

    6. Paseo de la Princesa

    Take a leisurely stroll along the picturesque Paseo de la Princesa, a charming promenade that winds its way along the waterfront.

    Admire the stunning views of the historic city walls, lush greenery, and sparkling bay as you soak in the beauty of this tranquil oasis in the heart of San Juan.

    Cost: FREE

    7. El Yunque National Forest

    Free or Cheap Things to Do in San Juan Puerto Rico -El Yunque National Forest- MyFinancialHill

    Lose yourself in the natural beauty of El Yunque National Forest, a lush tropical paradise teeming with exotic flora and fauna.

    Immerse yourself in the sights and sounds of the rainforest as you hike along scenic trails, cool off under cascading waterfalls, and marvel at breathtaking vistas of mist-shrouded mountains.

    Cost: FREE

    8. San Juan Bautista Parade

    Join in the festivities and celebrate Puerto Rico's rich cultural heritage at the San Juan Bautista Parade, a colorful and lively street procession that takes place during the festival season.

    Marvel at the elaborate costumes, lively music, and exuberant dancing as you immerse yourself in the joyous atmosphere of this annual tradition.

    Cost:  Free

    9. Food Tours

    Embark on a culinary adventure through the vibrant streets of Old San Juan or Santurce on a budget-friendly food tour.

    Sample an array of delicious dishes and traditional snacks, from crispy empanadas and savory mofongo to sweet pastelitos and refreshing coquito.

    Cost:  $50 to $100 per person, depending on the duration and inclusions.

    10. Kayaking in Bioluminescent Bay

    Free or Cheap Things to Do in San Juan Puerto Rico -Kayaking in Bioluminescent bay- MyFinancialHill

    Experience the enchanting beauty of Puerto Rico's bioluminescent bays on a budget-friendly kayaking tour.

    Paddle through the shimmering waters of Laguna Grande in Fajardo, where microscopic organisms emit a magical blue-green glow that illuminates the night sky.

    Cost: A budget-friendly kayaking tour of Laguna Grande in Fajardo usually costs around $50 to $80 per person.

    11. Ferry to Bacardi Distillery

    Take a scenic ferry ride from Old San Juan to the Bacardi Distillery in Cataño for a budget-friendly tour of Puerto Rico's most famous rum producer.

    Learn about the history and heritage of Bacardi rum, explore the distillery's facilities, and enjoy a complimentary tasting of their signature spirits.

    Cost: The round-trip ferry fare from Old San Juan to the Bacardi Distillery in Cataño is approximately $1.00 to $2.50 per person. The Bacardi Distillery tour itself typically costs around $15 to $25 per person.

    12. Museums

    Immerse yourself in Puerto Rico's rich cultural heritage with a visit to one of the island's many museums, such as the Museo de las Américas or the Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico.

    Marvel at impressive collections of art, artifacts, and historical exhibits for a nominal admission fee.

    Cost: Admission fees for museums in San Juan generally range from $5 to $15 per person, with discounts available for students, seniors, and children.

    13. Nightlife in La Placita

    Experience the vibrant nightlife of San Juan without breaking the bank by heading to La Placita de Santurce.

    Join the locals as they gather to enjoy live music, dance the night away, and sample an array of affordable drinks and snacks from the area's lively bars and restaurants.

    Cost: Enjoying the nightlife in La Placita de Santurce can be relatively inexpensive, with drinks and snacks costing around $5 to $10 each at the local bars and restaurants.

    14. Visit Isla Verde

    Escape the hustle and bustle of the city with a budget-friendly day trip to Isla Verde, home to one of Puerto Rico's most beautiful beaches.

    Soak up the sun on soft golden sands, take a refreshing swim in the crystal-clear waters, or indulge in a variety of affordable water sports and beachfront activities.

    Cost: A day trip to Isla Verde can be budgeted at around $20 to $50 per person, depending on expenses like transportation, food, activities, etc. 

    15. Zip lining

    Free or Cheap Things to Do in San Juan Puerto Rico -Zip Lining- MyFinancialHill

    Soar through the treetops and experience the thrill of zip lining at ToroVerde Adventure Park, Puerto Rico's premier outdoor adventure destination.

    Feel the wind in your hair and adrenaline coursing through your veins as you zip across lush tropical landscapes and breathtaking mountain vistas.

    Cost:  Prices for zip lining at ToroVerde Adventure Park vary depending on the specific package and duration. On average, a zip lining experience at ToroVerde can cost between $50 to $100 per person.

    16. Snorkeling

    Free or Cheap Things to Do in San Juan Puerto Rico -Snorkeling- MyFinancialHill

    Dive into the crystal-clear waters of Puerto Rico's pristine coastline and discover a colorful underwater world teeming with life.

    Rent snorkeling gear and explore vibrant coral reefs, tropical fish, and other marine creatures at popular snorkeling spots like Playa Flamenco and Crash Boat Beach.

    Cost:  Renting snorkeling gear typically costs around $10 to $20 per person for a half-day rental. Some snorkeling tours may include gear rental in the tour package, with prices ranging from $30 to $80 per person depending on the duration and inclusions.

    17. Cocktail Making Class

    Free or Cheap Things to Do in San Juan Puerto Rico -Cocktail Making Class- MyFinancialHill

    Learn to shake, stir, and sip like a pro with a fun and interactive cocktail making class at a local bar or distillery.

    Discover the secrets behind classic Puerto Rican cocktails such as the piña colada and the mojito, and impress your friends with your newfound mixology skills.

    Cost: Prices for cocktail making classes vary depending on the venue, instructor, and inclusions. On average, a cocktail making class in San Juan can cost between $30 to $70 per person.

    18. Cycling Tour

    Free or Cheap Things to Do in San Juan Puerto Rico -Cycling- MyFinancialHill

    Explore the scenic beauty and cultural landmarks of San Juan on two wheels with a guided cycling tour of the city.

    Pedal your way through historic neighborhoods, picturesque parks, and scenic waterfronts as you discover hidden gems and local treasures along the way.

    Cost: Guided cycling tours of San Juan typically range from $30 to $60 per person, depending on the duration and inclusions. Bike rental fees may be included in the tour package or charged separately.

    19. Attend a Salsa Dancing Class

    Free or Cheap Things to Do in San Juan Puerto Rico -Salsa Dancing- MyFinancialHill

    Feel the rhythm of Puerto Rico's vibrant music and dance culture with a thrilling salsa dancing class.

    Learn the basic steps, spins, and turns of this iconic Latin dance style from expert instructors, and let loose on the dance floor as you sway to the infectious beats of salsa music.

    Cost: Prices for salsa dancing classes vary depending on the studio, instructor, and duration of the class. On average, a salsa dancing class in San Juan can cost between $10 to $30 per person.

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    Top Travel Essentials for Women Your Ultimate Packing Checklist- MyFinancialHill - My Financial Hill

    Top Travel Essentials for Women: Your Ultimate Packing Checklist

    What should you pack to travel smart and with confidence?

    In this guide, we’ve curated the essential travel items every woman should have on her checklist.

    From the perfect travel bag to tech gadgets that make life easier on the road, we’ve got you covered.

    Let’s dive into the travel essentials for women that blend practicality with style, ensuring you’re ready for any adventure.

    Key Takeaways

    • Choose versatile and right-sized travel bags to fit overhead compartments, ensure comfort, and reflect style, while considering safety gadgets like alarms and portable locks for added security.

    • Prioritize comfort and suitability in travel clothing - think cargo pants, trail leggings, and breathable tops - and pack grooming must-haves compliant with TSA regulations in a quart-sized bag.

    • Don’t overlook health and tech essentials: Include a first aid kit, prescription meds, gadgets like noise-cancelling headphones and e-readers, and ensure you have good hydration and nutrition on-hand.

    Essential Travel Bags

    Top Travel Essentials for Women Your Ultimate Packing Checklist- Travel Bags - MyFinancialHill

    Opting for the right travel bags can greatly improve your journey, embodying liberty and autonomy.

    Depending on the duration and activities of your trip, a variety of travel bags can cater to your specific needs. Some options include:

    • Carry-on luggage, which fits your immediate essentials

    • Chic weekend bag, which is perfect for short trips

    • Foldable tote bags, which are great for accommodating miscellaneous items

    Durable construction, spacious main compartments, and separate pockets for shoes and small items define high-quality travel bags.

    They should also fit within overhead compartment size restrictions in flights, ensuring a hassle-free journey.

    An ideal travel bag doesn’t just serve a functional purpose but also reflects your personal style and ensures a comfortable and streamlined travel experience.

    Personal Safety Accessories

    Even though discovering new places is exciting, maintaining personal safety remains vitally important.

    That’s why having safety travel essentials is a must.

    Some key safety devices to consider are:

    • Key chain alarm: These personalized alarms can emit a loud sound that can scare off attackers and alert nearby individuals.

    • Portable door locks: These locks provide an extra layer of security for your hotel room or rental property.

    • Keychain flashlights: These are incredibly handy for illuminating dark spaces, ensuring safety and visibility at night.

    By having these safety travel essentials, including an anti theft travel purse, you can have peace of mind while exploring new destinations, making them a travel essential.

    Portable security gadgets, such as portable door locks and door stoppers, can provide an extra layer of safety in temporary accommodations.

    A car safety hammer can be a lifesaver in vehicle-related emergencies.

    In addition, adopting certain behaviors, such as utilizing an emergency whistle or screaming to attract attention, can deter potential threats and keep you safe.

    Comfortable Clothing Choices

    Top Travel Essentials for Women Your Ultimate Packing Checklist- Clothing - MyFinancialHill

    In the realm of travel clothing, comfort takes precedence. Some comfortable options for travel include:

    • Cargo pants

    • High-rise, slim-fit, and curvy pants

    • Trail tight leggings

    • Cargo shorts

    • Hybrid travel pants

    These options not only provide a comfortable fit for long travel durations but also cater to different body types.

    Additionally, breathable fabric options for underwear, leggings, and bike shorts are also essential for maintaining comfort on longer journeys.

    Stylish yet comfortable choices like contrast-panel leggings and slim-fit skinny jeans are suitable for both active journeys or leisure.

    Pull-on pants and travel skorts are perfect for travel with frequent movement, blending style with practicality.

    Tops made of Pima cotton, jersey tops, and mesh-sleeve tops offer a breathable and soft choice, ensuring comfort during travels.

    Beauty and Grooming Essentials

    Top Travel Essentials for Women Your Ultimate Packing Checklist- Beauty Essentials - MyFinancialHill

    Keeping fresh during travel holds equal importance as the journey itself.

    According to TSA regulations, women can carry a quart-sized toiletry bag of liquids, aerosols, gels, creams, and pastes, each not exceeding 3.4 ounces (100 milliliters), in their carry-on luggage.

    Essential travel-sized hygiene products include:

    • toothbrushes

    • toothpaste

    • soap or body wash

    • perfume

    • deodorant

    • sanitary products

    Don’t forget to pack additional items like hand sanitizer, Dramamine, and Body Glide for her.

    Hair management can be a challenge during travels, but don’t worry, powder shampoo can be a game-changer due to its convenience and efficiency in small quantities.

    When it comes to makeup, eyeshadows and mascara are essentials.

    Including makeup wipes in your travel beauty kit provides a quick solution for makeup removal and skin freshening, making them a crucial part of your skincare routine.

    Health and Wellness Items

    Maintaining your health and wellness throughout your travel is of utmost importance.

    Carrying a pill organizer allows you to efficiently manage prescription drugs, allergies medication, sleeping tablets, and other necessary medications.

    Always prepare extra prescription medication for unforeseen travel disruptions and store them separately from extra supplies for safety.

    A small first aid kit is crucial for addressing minor injuries and potential emergencies.

    When traveling to certain destinations, mosquito repellant can prevent mosquito bites and associated diseases.

    Remember, long flights can cause swelling in the legs, so compression socks are essential as they aid in increasing blood flow back towards the heart.

    Tech Gadgets and Accessories

    Top Travel Essentials for Women Your Ultimate Packing Checklist- Travel gadgets - MyFinancialHill

    As we navigate through the digital revolution, a vast array of tech gadgets and accessories have surfaced.

    It transforms travel experiences with enhanced convenience, entertainment, and connectivity, especially during lengthy flights.

    Some essential gadgets and extras to consider are:

    • E-readers, which are lighter than books and ideal for reading during long flights

    • Tablets, which provide additional functionalities beyond just reading

    • Noise-cancelling headphones, a must-have for a relaxing and comfortable experience, especially during flights

    • Multi-port charging stations and a travel power strip to keep all your devices powered up

    • A universal plug converter for your electricity needs internationally

    These gadgets and extras will make your next trip experience more enjoyable and convenient.

    An iPhone holder can provide a hands-free solution for watching content, while a folding electronic fan with a built-in portable charger and flashlight, along with an electronics organizer, can add to your organizational convenience.

    A pocket language translator can facilitate communication in foreign languages, and the Fujifilm Instax Mini EVO allows you to print physical photos and save digital copies, making it a fun gadget for capturing travel memories.

    Hydration and Nutrition Solutions

    Top Travel Essentials for Women Your Ultimate Packing Checklist- Hydration and Nutrition Solutions - MyFinancialHill

    Keeping hydrated and well-fed throughout your journey is of paramount importance.

    A reusable water bottle is a fundamental item to ensure hydration, save money, and maintain sustainability.

    The LARQ self-cleaning water bottle ensures access to clean water by eliminating most bio-contaminants, making it an excellent companion for maintaining hydration.

    To stay nourished on the go, opt for snacks that contain a balanced mix of protein, healthy carbs, fats, and fiber for sustained energy and fullness.

    Fruits like apples and bananas, vegetables such as baby carrots and bell pepper strips, along with non-perishable items like granola bars and plant-based proteins including roasted chickpeas can make for convenient and healthful snacking while traveling.

    Footwear Considerations

    The right footwear selection can immensely impact your travel experience.

    When selecting footwear, consider the weather and activities planned at the destination, prioritizing comfort and practicality.

    For varied travel activities, flip-flops or sandals with arch support are ideal for warm weather, while durable, adjustable sandals like Teva Women’s Tirra are perfect for active travel.

    Brands such as Hoka and models like On Cloud 5 sneakers, Adidas Women’s Cloudfoam Pure 2.0, and Hoka Clifton 9 are recommended for their comfort features such as lightweight designs, extra cushioning, and foot cradling soles, making them excellent choices for comfortable walking shoes.

    Footwear options like the Kizik Lima slip-on shoe can provide comfort for wider feet, while the Everlane Day Glove flats and Cole Haan Laina Chelsea Bootie offer a balance between style and support.

    Don’t forget to pack bamboo socks to prevent blisters during travel, thanks to their moisture-wicking properties and snug fit.

    Travel Documentation and Insurance

    Top Travel Essentials for Women Your Ultimate Packing Checklist- Travel Documents - MyFinancialHill

    Setting out on a trip entails a careful handling of necessary documentation.

    A passport holder provides convenient and safe storage for essential travel documents, including passports and visas which are necessary for identification and entry into foreign countries.

    It’s also crucial to have travel insurance to have financial support and peace of mind in the event of unexpected medical emergencies or travel inconveniences.

    Companies like Wanderwell cater to the specific needs of women travelers, offering comprehensive travel medical insurance in the US.

    Packing Strategies and Organization

    Top Travel Essentials for Women Your Ultimate Packing Checklist- Travel Packing - MyFinancialHill

    Travel packing can sometimes be an overwhelming task.

    Using packing cubes can help you maintain order and make it easier to unpack and stay organized, especially during trips with multiple hotel stays.

    To make the most out of packing cubes, here are some tips:

    1. Select cubes of different sizes to accommodate various item sizes.

    2. Avoid overstuffing the cubes to prevent them from bulging and taking up unnecessary space.

    3. Strategically stack the cubes in your luggage for easy access to specific items.

    By following these tips, you can maximize the benefits of packing cubes and have a more organized travel experience.

    You can further optimize space and provide visibility of items upon opening the suitcase by applying the KonMari technique to fold and store clothes upright in packing cubes.

    Rolling clothes, especially T-shirts, to match the width of the packing cube can prevent wrinkles and fit items perfectly, enhancing packing efficiency.


    In conclusion, being well-prepared can make your travel experience much smoother and more enjoyable.

    What we've learned:

    • Choose the right travel bags

    • Don't forget the personal safety accessories

    • Get comfortable clothing, beauty and grooming essentials, and health and wellness items

    • Tech gadgets can help you be more efficient

    • Always stay hydrated and have a healthy snack on hand

    • Get comfortable footwear

    • Carry essential travel documents and insurance

    • Implement smart packing strategies

    Now that you’re armed with these essential tips, it’s time to pack up and make your next trip an adventure to remember!

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What to pack for 6 months travelling?

    Pack 2 pairs of pants, 2 skirts, 3 pairs of shorts, 1 pair of leggings, 7 casual short sleeve shirts, 2 long sleeve shirts, 2 dressy shirts/blouses, and 2 sundresses for a 6-month trip.

    What are the essential travel bags for women?

    The essential travel bags for women include carry-on luggage, chic weekender bags, and foldable tote bags, tailored to the duration and activities of the trip. These bags cover a range of needs and are versatile for various travel scenarios.

    What are the recommended footwear options for travel?

    For travel, prioritize comfort and practicality when choosing footwear. Opt for flip-flops or sandals with arch support in warm weather, and durable, adjustable sandals like Teva Women's Tirra for active travel.

    What are some packing strategies and organization tips for travel?

    Consider using packing cubes and efficient folding techniques, like the KonMari method, to stay organized and make the most of your luggage space. This will help you maintain order and optimize space for your travel.

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    Chicken Sausage in Air Fryer 3 - Myfinancialhill

    Juicy Perfection: Quick & Easy Chicken Sausage in Air Fryer Recipe

    Looking to perfectly cook chicken sausage in your air fryer?

    Find the ideal temps and times for succulent results with our “chicken sausage in air fryer” guide, whether you’re working with raw or pre-cooked links, and learn how to bring out the best flavors with our simple seasoning and serving tips.

    Key Takeaways

    • Air frying chicken sausages is a quick, easy, and even cooking method, with customizable seasonings and straightforward steps for both raw and pre-cooked sausages.

    • Combining chicken sausage with vegetables like bell peppers, zucchini, and Brussels sprouts in the air fryer creates a tasty, balanced meal in as little as 15 minutes.

    • Chicken sausage is a healthier, protein-rich option that’s low in fat and can be part of a low-carb or ketogenic diet; it additionally offers benefits for muscle development and cardiovascular health.

    Preparing Chicken Sausage in an Air Fryer

    The beauty of cooking chicken sausages in an air fryer is that it’s straightforward and hassle-free. Here’s how to do it:

    1. Preheat your air fryer as this ensures a quick and even cooking of the sausages.

    2. While you wait for the air fryer to heat up, lightly spray your chicken sausages with oil.

    3. Place the sausages separately in the air fryer basket. This technique is crucial to achieve an even cook on each sausage link.

    For cooking chicken sausages in an air fryer:

    • Raw chicken sausages: Set your air fryer to 375°F (190°C) and let them cook for about 15-20 minutes.

    • Pre-cooked chicken sausages: The cooking time reduces to 8-10 minutes at the same temperature.

    • To ensure they cook evenly on all sides, don’t forget to flip the sausages midway through the cooking process.

    The result? Golden-brown, crispy, and juicy chicken sausages, made from raw chicken sausage, ready to be savored with the help of a meat thermometer!

    Seasoning Variations

    Chicken sausages in an air fryer can be seasoned to taste, making every bite an explosion of flavors. Some seasoning options to consider are:

    • A classic blend of oil, salt, pepper, and Italian seasoning

    • Cajun seasoning for a spicy kick

    • Garlic and herb seasoning for a savory flavor

    • Barbecue seasoning for a smoky taste

    These seasoning combinations, including garlic powder, will accentuate the flavor of the chicken sausages, making them a perfect fit for any dish.

    But why stop at classic flavors when you can personalize your chicken sausages?

    The beauty of air frying is that you can experiment with your favorite seasonings or marinades.

    So, whether you’re a fan of smoky paprika, tangy lemon pepper, or fiery cayenne, there’s room for your creativity.

    Remember, the key to a flavorful sausage lies in evenly seasoning it before air frying.

    Tips for Perfectly Cooked Sausage

    The charm of a perfectly cooked air fryer sausage, especially chicken sausage, lies in its crispy exterior and tender interior.

    Achieving this balance is easy with an air fryer, provided you follow a few tips.

    First, preheating the air fryer is a non-negotiable step.

    It ensures even heat distribution, giving your sausages that desired crispy finish.

    Next, placement of the sausages plays a key role.

    Ensure that the sausage links are placed in the air fryer basket without stacking.

    This arrangement allows hot air to circulate freely, ensuring the sausages cook evenly on all sides.

    When done correctly, you’ll have air-fried chicken sausages that are crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, ready to be devoured!

    Combining Chicken Sausage with Veggies

    Chicken Sausage in Air Fryer 2 - Myfinancialhill

    Looking to level up your air fryer chicken sausage game?

    Combine it with vegetables, fresh or frozen!

    Not only do you get a burst of flavors, but you also create a balanced meal in one go. Here’s how:

    1. Start by chopping your favorite vegetables.

    2. Slice the sausages.

    3. Toss the vegetables and sausages with oil and seasoning.

    4. Air fry them together at 390°F for 15 minutes.

    This one-pot meal, made with olive oil, is quick, delicious, and hassle-free!

    Feel free to mix and match the veggies as per your liking.

    Some options that go well with chicken sausage without changing the cooking time are:

    • Potatoes

    • Onions

    • Bell peppers

    • Brussels sprouts

    If you’re adding potatoes, keep in mind they may require 3-5 extra minutes to achieve the desired softness.

    Set the timer for approximately 10 minutes and let the air fryer work its magic.

    Choosing the Right Vegetables

    Chicken Sausage in Air Fryer 3 - Myfinancialhill

    Choosing the right vegetables to pair with chicken sausage can elevate your dish from good to great.

    Bell peppers, onions, and zucchini are particularly well-suited for cooking with chicken sausage in an air fryer.

    They cook evenly, infusing their flavors into the sausages, resulting in a delightful medley of tastes.

    But don’t limit yourself to just these veggies.

    Additional vegetables that complement the chicken sausage beautifully when air-fried include:

    • Green beans

    • Broccoli

    • Cauliflower

    • Mushrooms

    • Brussels sprouts

    • Carrots

    • Sweet potatoes

    • Cauliflower rice

    These veggies, including bell pepper, not only add color and texture to your dish but also pack in a nutritional punch.

    Just remember, if you’re using potatoes, they might require a longer cooking time to reach the desired softness.

    Cooking Times and Techniques

    When air frying chicken sausage and vegetables together, the secret to a delicious meal lies in the cooking times and techniques.

    Cooking them together in the air fryer takes as little as 15 minutes.

    That’s a quick and nutritious meal ready in no time!

    To achieve even browning and cooking, it’s recommended to toss the sausage and veggies in the air fryer after the first 10 minutes of cooking.

    This simple step ensures that every piece of sausage and every chunk of vegetable gets an even amount of heat, resulting in a perfectly cooked, flavorful dish.

    Nutritional Benefits of Chicken Sausage

    Chicken Sausage in Air Fryer 3 - Myfinancialhill

    Aside from its mouthwatering taste, chicken sausage has several nutritional benefits.

    It is a healthier alternative to traditional pork sausage due to its lower fat content and the absence of harmful food additives or highly-refined oils.

    But that’s not all; it’s also a power-packed source of protein.

    Protein not only supports metabolic health but also aids in weight loss by reducing appetite and hunger levels, thereby enhancing the body’s calorie-burning process.

    Consuming chicken sausage can contribute to:

    • Increased muscle mass

    • Improved body strength

    • Muscle development

    • Bone strength

    • Lower risk of developing osteoporosis

    The protein content in chicken sausage is beneficial for these purposes.

    As if these weren’t enough, a diet that includes chicken sausage may aid in managing blood pressure and reducing levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides, which is beneficial for cardiovascular health.

    Low Carb and Keto-Friendly Options

    If you’re following a low-carb or ketogenic diet, you might be wondering if chicken sausage fits into your dietary plan.

    The good news is that it does!

    When selecting sausages, look for those with 0g carbohydrates and 0g sugar to create a low carb and keto-friendly air-fried chicken sausage meal.

    Brands like Applegate, Aidells, and Butterball offer keto-friendly sausage options.

    These keto-approved chicken sausage varieties typically have high protein and fat levels, aligning well with ketogenic dietary principles.

    For a wholesome low-carb meal, pair your air-fried chicken sausage with cauliflower rice.

    It offers added nutrition without a high carbohydrate content, making it an excellent choice for those following a ketogenic diet.

    Air Fryer Models and Features

    Just as the ingredients for a recipe matter, so does the appliance you use to cook them.

    Different air fryers come with varied features, all aimed at enhancing your cooking experience and efficiency.

    You’ll find air fryers with:

    • Pre-programmed settings

    • Power/heat indicators

    • Automatic shut-off

    • Ready alarms

    • Accessories

    These features not only aid in cooking by maintaining the internal temperature but also ensure safety.

    When choosing an air fryer, consider the following factors:

    • Quality and safety of the materials used

    • High-quality construction and positive reviews for product reliability

    • Size of the air fryer

    • Durability of the air fryer

    • Ease of cleaning and maintenance

    Taking these factors into account will help you make an informed decision when choosing an air fryer.

    Cooking capacity, which accommodates different portions from individual servings to large group meals, also influences the choice based on your needs.

    While price is a consideration, many view air fryers as a valuable investment for the health benefits and convenience that come with preparing meals using less oil.

    How to Clean and Maintain Your Air Fryer

    Maintaining the longevity of your air fryer is as important as choosing the right one.

    When selecting an air fryer, consider models designed with cleaning ease in mind to simplify maintenance.

    A clean air fryer not only functions efficiently but also ensures your food tastes great every time.

    Routine cleaning of an air fryer is essential to maintain its condition and to ensure it continues to operate effectively.

    Remember to cool the air fryer completely before cleaning. Most parts of an air fryer are dishwasher safe, but it’s always a good idea to check the manufacturer’s instructions.

    Regular maintenance can prolong the life of your air fryer, ensuring many more delicious air fryer recipe meals to come.

    Creative Serving Ideas for Air Fryer Chicken Sausage

    Chicken Sausage in Air Fryer 5 - Myfinancialhill

    Now that you’ve mastered the art of air frying chicken sausage, it’s time to get creative with serving ideas.

    One popular way is to serve air-fried chicken sausage over jasmine rice, complemented by sautéed bell peppers and a drizzle of low sugar barbecue sauce.

    To make it low carb, replace the jasmine rice with cauliflower rice.

    Alternatively, you can use sliced air-fried chicken sausage to add a tasty and hearty filling to sandwiches.

    Or incorporate Italian chicken sausage into pasta dishes with your favorite sauce for a quick meal.

    For a flavor twist, create a stir-fry with vegetables like Italian style green beans for a flavorful combination.

    With so many chicken sausage flavors available, you can tailor the dish to specific tastes and preferences.

    Don’t be afraid to experiment and pair air-fried chicken sausage with unique ingredients like Japanese sweet potatoes for a balance of sweet and savory flavors.

    Chicken Sausage Breakfast

    Chicken Sausage in Air Fryer 6 - Myfinancialhill

    Save the leftovers till the next day to make some awesome chicken sausage breakfast. 

    This breakfast will be nutritious and packed with protein, just add eggs. 

    I made this with scrambled eggs but you can cook it anyway you like. 

    You can make a large batch of chicken sausage and either have it for breakfast, a snack, or a meal on it's own. There's so many options. 

    Pairing with Sauces and Condiments

    The joy of eating chicken sausage is in savoring its flavors, and what better way to enhance those flavors than with the right sauces and condiments?

    Depending on the dish, you can pair your air-fried chicken sausage with a variety of sauces.

    Teriyaki sauce complements chicken sausage in stir-fry dishes, while marinara sauce is perfect for adding to pasta dishes.

    If you’re looking for a condiment that’s mindful of sugar intake, a low sugar barbecue sauce is an excellent choice.

    Whether you prefer your sausages spicy, tangy, or sweet, the right sauce or condiment can elevate your air-fried chicken sausage to the next level.

    Remember, the perfect pairing of sausage and sauce can turn a simple meal into a gourmet delight.

    Storing and Reheating Leftovers

    If you’ve cooked up a storm and find yourself with leftover sausage and veggies, don’t fret!

    Storing and reheating leftovers is a breeze.

    Once your sausage and veggies have cooled completely, transfer them to an airtight container for storage.

    Properly stored chicken sausage and veggies can remain fresh in the refrigerator for up to 3 to 5 days.

    When you’re ready to savor the leftovers, you can reheat them in the microwave or the air fryer at 350 degrees F for a few minutes until warm.

    Now, you can enjoy your delicious chicken sausage and veggies just as much the second time around!

    Freezing and Defrosting Tips

    In case you’ve cooked more than what you can consume in a few days, freezing is a great option.

    Air-fried chicken sausage and vegetables can be frozen for future meals if stored properly.

    To retain the best quality, chicken sausage and vegetables should be frozen for a maximum of three months.

    Before freezing, ensure the chicken sausage and veggies have cooled completely to prevent bacterial growth and freezer burn.

    When you’re ready to consume the frozen food, fully thaw it before reheating to ensure even cooking and preservation of quality.

    With these tips, you can enjoy your air-fried chicken sausage and veggies anytime, without compromising on taste or quality.


    From preparing chicken sausage in an air fryer to serving it creatively, we’ve covered the A-Z of air-fried chicken sausage.

    We’ve explored the health benefits, discussed the versatility of pairing it with veggies, and even touched upon choosing the right air fryer.

    With this guide, you’re all set to impress with your air fryer chicken sausage cooking skills.

    So, don’t wait!

    Unleash your culinary creativity and savor the deliciousness of air-fried chicken sausage.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How long to air fry sausages at 400?

    Air fry sausages at 400°F for 8-12 minutes until they're well-browned on the outside and cooked through in the middle. The cooking time may vary based on the sausages' thickness and quantity.

    How long does it take to cook chicken sausages in the air fryer?

    Cook precooked chicken sausages in the air fryer at 375 degrees F for 8-10 minutes, flipping halfway, and ensure the internal temperature reaches 165 degrees F. Keep an eye on them as cooking times may vary.

    What vegetables can I pair with chicken sausage in an air fryer?

    You can pair bell peppers, onions, zucchini, green beans, and sweet potatoes with chicken sausage in an air fryer. Keep in mind that potatoes may take longer to cook. Happy cooking!

    Is chicken sausage a healthy choice?

    Yes, chicken sausage is a healthy choice because it has lower fat content and is a good source of protein. Try it out!

    How can I clean and maintain my air fryer?

    Make sure to cool the air fryer completely before cleaning it, and check the manufacturer's instructions to see which parts are dishwasher safe. Regular cleaning is key to maintaining your air fryer in good condition.

    Chicken Sausage in Air Fryer

    Prep Time5 minutes
    Active Time8 minutes
    Course: Appetizer, Main Course, Side Dish, Snack
    Cuisine: American
    Yield: 4 people
    Author: Jina


    • Air Fryer


    • 1 Package Chicken Sausages
    • 1 Bottle Cooking Spray (Optional)
    • 1 Package Frozen Vegetables (Optional)


    • Preheat your air fryer as this ensures a quick and even cooking of the sausages
    • While you wait for the air fryer to heat up, lightly spray your chicken sausages with oil (Optional)
    • Set your air fryer to 375°F (190°C) and let them cook for about 8-20 minutes (8 minutes for pre-cooked sausages)
    • If adding frozen vegetables, cook for at least 10 minutes or until desired consistency
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    Best Side Hustles for Stay at Home Moms - My Financial Hill

    Best Side Hustles for Stay at Home Moms

    Balancing motherhood and a desire for financial contribution can be a tightrope walk for stay-at-home moms.

    Let’s cut to the chase: We have compiled the best side hustles for stay-at-home moms just like you—opportunities that promise flexibility, decent earnings, and that precious work-family balance.

    Ready for a change? These handpicked side hustles can fit snugly into your already full schedule, without the fluff.

    table of contents

    Key Takeaways

    • Freelance writing, virtual assistance, and crafting handmade goods are profitable and flexible side hustles for stay-at-home moms that can be done from home.
    • Earning extra income with hobbies and skills, such as photography, pet care, social media management, and gardening, is feasible by leveraging online platforms and community engagement.
    • Turning spare space into rental property and utilizing expertise for consulting services present opportunities for additional revenue streams while managing family commitments.

    1. Unlocking Earnings as a Freelance Writer

    Best Side Hustles for Stay at Home Moms - freelance writer - MyFinancialHill

    Have you ever thought about converting your love for writing into a lucrative side hustle?

    That’s right, freelance writing isn’t just about crafting engaging stories; it’s about putting your creativity to work in a variety of ways.

    Whether you’re creating blog posts, ghostwriting books, or crafting press releases, the possibilities are endless.

    And the best part? You can do it all from the comfort of your own home.

    Given that some writers earn significantly more than $100,000 a year, freelance writing evidently presents a profitable opportunity.

    So, what do you need to get started?

    A reliable internet connection, a computer, and some basic office supplies are all it takes to embark on this exciting journey.

    Some career paths to take as a freelance writer:

    • Freelance writing for clients
    • Start your own blog
    • SEO specialist

    Starting Your Freelance Writing Journey

    Commencing your freelance writing venture necessitates a solid portfolio.

    Here’s the catch though - your portfolio isn’t just a collection of your best samples, it’s a reflection of your writing style, versatility, and experience.

    So, how do you build one? Here are some steps to follow:

    1. Start with your best samples.
    2. Organize them by topic, medium, or chronologically.
    3. Remember, quality trumps quantity.
    4. Add design elements and summaries to enhance visual appeal and context.

    Lastly, ensure your resume and contact information are included.

    Once you have your portfolio ready, it’s time to hunt for your first clients. Here are some steps to follow:

    1. Reach out to publications with specific pitch ideas.
    2. Share your portfolio with potential clients.
    3. Use resources like The Freelance Writer’s Academy to land opportunities.

    Earnings potential: $60,000 - $150,000+ per year

    Setting Up Your Own Blog

    As a freelance writer, your own blog can be a powerful tool to showcase your expertise, attract potential clients, and establish your brand identity.

    Regular blogging not only engages your targeted audience but also establishes your authority in your niche.

    Over time, consistent blogging helps develop a strong brand identity and fosters a relationship with your customers, contributing to long-term success.

    Thus, if you’re committed to your freelance writing career, initiating a blog should be a top priority.

    Earnings potential: $0-$100,000+ per month

    Check out my article on how to start your own blog:

    How to Start a Blog and Make Money

    Writing for the Digital World

    The digital world opens up a plethora of opportunities for freelance writers.

    One such lucrative opportunity lies in SEO writing.

    As an SEO specialist, you can:

    • Provide value to clients through your SEO skills
    • Enhance your income potential
    • Become a sought-after expert in the digital world.

    Earnings potential: $25-$75 per hour

    Therefore, if you’re a freelance writer aiming to broaden your services, SEO writing may provide a lucrative side hustle opportunity.

    2. Virtual Assistance: Organizational Skills to Income

    Best Side Hustles for Stay at Home Moms - virtual assistant - MyFinancialHill

    How about turning your organizational skills into a profitable side hustle?

    Yes, we’re talking about virtual assistance.

    As a virtual assistant, you can:

    • Manage business-related tasks like coordinating emails, handling calendars, setting appointments, and providing administrative support
    • Work from the comfort of your own home, offering a flexible work arrangement that fits around your family commitments

    Earnings potential: $20-$30 per hour

    Therefore, if you possess robust organizational skills and are prepared to extend your services to businesses, venturing into the realm of virtual assistance might be your subsequent significant step.

    Finding Virtual Assistant Opportunities

    But how does one discover opportunities in virtual assistance?

    Here are some ways to get started:

    1. Market your services on third-party websites.
    2. Identify local organizations that might need a virtual assistant and reach out to them directly.
    3. Network with others in the field and promote your services through your personal networks and social media.

    As you broaden your network and establish connections, your prospects of landing virtual assistant roles and igniting your side hustle will improve.

    Tools of the Trade

    Now, what do you need to get started as a virtual assistant?

    The essentials are a reliable internet connection, a computer, and basic supplies tailored to your specific tasks.

    With these tools of the trade in your arsenal, you’ll be well-equipped to offer your services and start your journey as a virtual assistant.

    Balancing Work and Home Life

    One of the most appealing aspects of being a virtual assistant is the flexibility it provides.

    This work-from-home job allows you to work during hours that don’t conflict with your children’s schedules, while also remaining available for family commitments.

    After all, juggling professional and family responsibilities is no easy feat, but the flexibility of virtual assistant jobs can make it possible.

    Hence, whether you’re a night owl or an early riser, you can adjust your work hours to suit your own schedule, achieving a balanced work-home life equilibrium.

    3. Crafting a Business with Handmade Goods

    Best Side Hustles for Stay at Home Moms - crafter - MyFinancialHill

    Are you a stay-at-home mom with a knack for crafting?

    If so, why not turn your hobby into a profitable business?

    From knitting to jewelry making, there’s a wide array of handmade goods that you can sell online and in person.

    With platforms like Etsy and Facebook Marketplace, you can reach a wide customer base, including other stay at home moms, and establish an e-commerce presence.

    And with some dedication, the income potential is significant.

    Therefore, if you’re eager to display your creativity and interact with a community of craft enthusiasts, establishing a business with handmade goods could be your ideal side hustle.

    Earnings potential: $24,000-$124,000+ per year

    Establishing Your Craft Brand Online

    To successfully sell your handmade goods, you need to establish your craft brand online.

    Utilizing online marketplaces such as Etsy, Big Cartel, and Artfire is an efficient way to start selling your handmade items.

    Once you’ve started, aim to create a professional website with a unique domain name.

    This will not only give you a platform to showcase your products, but it will also establish your authority in your craft niche.

    Therefore, regardless of whether you’re producing homemade candles or personalized jewelry, creating your craft brand online is an essential stride towards success.

    Marketing Your Handmade Creations

    Once you have set up your craft brand online, the next step is promoting your handmade creations. Social media platforms like:

    • Facebook
    • Google Plus
    • Pinterest
    • Instagram

    Update your social media regularly with product photos and engage with your audience to increase visibility.

    Additionally, consider utilizing Facebook groups to market your crafts locally.

    Remember, online advertising targeting audiences interested in handmade items can be conducted through services like Google Ads.

    So, get creative, showcase your products, and make your handmade creations a hit in the online marketplace.

    Pricing for Profit

    Even though crafting and marketing are key elements of your business, pricing your handmade goods is equally vital.

    To determine a profitable yet competitive price, follow these steps:

    1. Account for all costs, including materials, labor, and overhead.
    2. Add a desired profit margin.
    3. Conduct a competitive pricing analysis to ensure your prices are in line with the market. Remember, your products should be differentiated on value, not just cost.

    Don’t forget to regularly adjust prices to reflect changes in costs, market demand, and value perception. After all, pricing for profit is a key component of your business strategy.

    4. Pet Lovers' Profit: Dog Walking and Pet Sitting Services

    Best Side Hustles for Stay at Home Moms - dog walker - MyFinancialHill

    Are you a stay-at-home mom with a love for pets?

    If so, why not turn your passion into profit by offering dog walking and pet sitting services?

    Platforms like Rover and Wag provide avenues for you to advertise your services to local communities and connect with pet owners in need.

    And the income potential? It’s definitely significant.

    Earnings potential: $15-$30 per hour

    Thus, if you’re prepared to make money by caring for your furry companions, this could be the ideal side hustle for you, especially if you consider offering dog walking services.

    Building Trust with Pet Owners

    As a pet sitter or dog walker, building trust with pet owners is crucial. Here are some tips to help you build trust:

    • Provide consistent service
    • Go the extra mile to bond with the pets
    • Offer attention and care
    • Develop professional relationships with local veterinarians

    By following these tips, you will appear more trustworthy to pet owners.

    Additionally, developing relationships with veterinarians can secure referrals, as they are trusted by pet owners for recommendations.

    Plus, platforms like Rover can help you connect with potential clients when starting your business.

    So, focus on building trust, and watch your client base grow.

    Marketing Your Pet Care Services

    After establishing trust with pet owners, the next step is promoting your pet care services. Here are some strategies to consider:

    • Participate in community activities to build your reputation locally.
    • Use local print media and distribute flyers to enhance your visibility.
    • Attending local events like farmers’ markets and artisan shows offers opportunities to market your services directly to the community.

    Implementing a referral program can also incentivize existing clients to refer new clients.

    So, get out there, engage with your local community, and let them know about the exceptional pet care services you offer.

    Understanding Pet Care Essentials

    Grasping pet care essentials is vital for a pet sitter or a dog walker. Here are some key things to keep in mind:

    • Obtaining a pet first aid certification can enhance your credibility.
    • Familiarizing yourself with pet dietary requirements and common signs of pet illness is crucial for the pet’s well-being.
    • Knowledge of basic pet grooming, such as nail trimming and coat brushing, is necessary for pet health maintenance.

    Have the right supplies like:

    • leashes
    • collars
    • treats
    • cleaning products

    So, equip yourself with these essentials, and you’ll be all set to offer top-notch pet care services.

    5. Transforming Social Media Savvy into Income

    Best Side Hustles for Stay at Home Moms - social media manager - MyFinancialHill

    If you’re a stay-at-home mom or stay at home parent who’s always up-to-date with the latest social media trends, why not turn your social media savvy into a source of income?

    By managing social media accounts for individuals, local businesses, and online brands, stay at home parents can leverage their skills and earn a substantial income.

    Not only does this side hustle offer flexible work arrangements, but it also allows you to share your expertise remotely.

    Therefore, if you’re ready to convert your social media expertise into a lucrative venture, it’s time to explore the realm of social media management.

    Earnings potential: $50,000 - $85,000 per year

    Getting Started in Social Media Management

    Venturing into the world of social media management is not as challenging as it appears.

    Businesses across various industries require a robust online social media presence, creating a wide array of opportunities.

    And the best part? You don’t need specific academic qualifications.

    What’s more important is your ability to deliver results.

    If you’re just starting out, resources like Hubspot Academy and YouTube tutorials can help you gain valuable knowledge and skills.

    So, take the first step, and start your journey in social media management today.

    Tools for Social Media Success

    Now, let’s talk about the tools you’ll need for success in social media management. Here are some essential tools:

    • Specialized training to diversify your skill set and enhance your portfolio of services
    • Scheduling platforms such as Hootsuite and Buffer to efficiently plan content across multiple accounts and networks
    • Tools like SocialPilot and Loomly that allow for team role customization, analytics, and content management

    Investing in these tools will make your job easier and more effective in managing social media.

    Therefore, arm yourself with these tools, and you’re set on the path to becoming a successful social media manager.

    Growing Your Client Base

    As a social media manager, managing your workload and growing your client base is crucial.

    To do this, you need to establish uninterrupted work blocks during the day. Here are some strategies to help you do that:

    • Wake up early before the kids or work after they go to bed to provide the necessary focus time.
    • Arrange playdate exchanges with other parents or utilize gym daycare services to free up time for work-related tasks.
    • Implement a consistent quiet time routine for children to create a window for concentrated work efforts.

    Remember, you’ll also need to plan for client meetings, which may require arranging childcare.

    By batching meetings and calls into specific time slots, you can make client interactions more manageable.

    And remember, automating household tasks and using online services can minimize distractions and save time for social media management work.

    6. Photography Passion to Profit

    Best Side Hustles for Stay at Home Moms - photographer - MyFinancialHill

    If you’re a stay-at-home mom with a talent for capturing beautiful moments, converting your passion for photography into a lucrative side hustle could be just right for you.

    By offering photography services for various occasions, freelance photo editing, or selling stock photos online, you can monetize your passion and skills.

    Platforms like iStockPhoto, Shutterstock, Pexels, and Unsplash make it easy to sell your photos to a global audience.

    Therefore, if you’re eager to convert your passion for photography into profit, it’s time to discover how to do it.

    Earnings potential: $60,000 - $110,000+ per year

    Capturing the Market

    Entering the photography market necessitates a strategic approach. Here are some steps to follow:

    1. Start by choosing a photography niche that aligns with your personal interests and strengths.
    2. Conduct demographic research to gain insights into your target audience.
    3. Craft a unique value proposition that sets you apart from competitors.
    4. Develop detailed client personas to help you tailor your marketing strategies to connect with your intended market.

    By following these steps, you can position yourself for success in the photography industry.

    Remember, the market is always evolving. So, use feedback and trend analysis to consistently refine your focus on your target market.

    Photography Gear Essentials

    As a photographer, having the right gear is crucial.

    When starting, prioritize a camera that delivers high image quality over advanced technical specifications.

    Choose a camera brand that’s compatible with your friends’ gear to allow for lens sharing.

    Essential lenses for burgeoning photographers include a general-purpose zoom lens for overall versatility and a prime lens for enhanced quality in various photography situations.

    With these gear essentials, you’ll be well-equipped to capture stunning photos and build a successful photography business.

    Selling Your Photos Online

    After capturing beautiful photos, the next step is to monetize them.

    Online photo selling platforms provide a way to reach a global customer base without the need for traditional retail or gallery representation.

    Websites like Shutterstock, Adobe Stock, and Alamy allow you to upload your work and earn royalties when your images are purchased.

    But how do you stand out on these platforms? Here are some tips:

    • Develop a niche style or focus to attract more buyers.
    • Use social media and personal websites to showcase your work and generate interest.
    • Direct potential customers to the platforms where your images are sold.

    By following these strategies, you can increase your chances of success in the online photo selling market, a niche within the online retail business.

    So, start selling your photos online and turn your photography passion into profit.

    7. Fitness Enthusiasts: Personal Training from Home

    Best Side Hustles for Stay at Home Moms - personal trainer - MyFinancialHill

    If fitness is your passion, why not turn it into a profitable venture? As a fitness enthusiast, you can offer:

    • Virtual personal training or fitness coaching right from your home
    • In-person classes or, more flexibly, virtual classes
    • Personalized workout routines for your clients

    The best part? This side hustle offers a flexible schedule and great earning potential, making it one of the ideal side hustles for stay-at-home individuals looking to make extra money.

    Therefore, if you’re a fitness enthusiast eager to share your passion and expertise with others, personal training may be your perfect side hustle.

    Earnings potential: $60,000 - $120,000+ per year

    Certifications and Setup

    Before commencing personal training, obtaining the appropriate certifications is crucial.

    These certifications establish your credibility and demonstrate your expertise in the fitness field.

    Programs like ISSA CPT, NASM, and Fitness Mentors offer online personal training certifications.

    These programs provide a convenient remote learning experience with digital textbooks, practice exams, video lectures, and online resources.

    With these certifications, you’ll be well-equipped to start your personal training business.

    Marketing Fitness Services

    After you’ve obtained the certification, the next step is promoting your fitness services.

    Here are some strategies to consider:

    1. Write for reputable media outlets to position yourself as an authority in the fitness field.
    2. Build an email list by offering a free product like an exercise checklist.
    3. Cross-referrals with other health professionals like chiropractors or nutritionists can provide you with additional clients.

    Collect and display client testimonials on your website to boost your credibility.

    Use social media platforms like Facebook to share educational content and engage with your fans.

    By implementing these marketing strategies, you’ll attract more clients and grow your personal training business.

    Leveraging Technology for Remote Training

    In the current digital age, technology has a vital role in personal training. Apps like Trainerize allow you to:

    • Deliver effective and professional remote training services
    • Create personalized workout plans
    • Track your clients’ progress
    • Communicate with them effectively

    Therefore, utilize technology to boost your services and convert your passion for fitness into a lucrative side hustle.

    Youtube channel

    If you don't want to be a virtual personal trainer there's an option where you can post your workout routines on Youtube.

    The fact is that people want results and to be inspired.

    If you have the ability to motivate others to get in shape then start your own Youtube channel and who knows, you could get millions of views.

    8. Making Money with Your Green Thumb

    Best Side Hustles for Stay at Home Moms - gardener - MyFinancialHill

    If you have a green thumb and a love for gardening, why not turn it into a side hustle?

    Here are some ideas for how you can make money from your gardening skills:

    • Offer gardening or landscape services
    • Become a garden or plant consultant
    • Grow and sell plants
    • Make garden crafts

    These options can provide you with a steady stream of income while doing something you enjoy.

    With a little creativity and a lot of dedication, you can turn your green thumb into a profitable venture.

    Starting a Garden Consultancy

    Starting a garden consultancy is a great way to share your horticultural expertise and earn income.

    To become a credible garden consultant, you need to gain experience and establish your expertise in horticulture.

    Once you have the necessary experience, you can offer a variety of services like conducting site assessments, providing plant selection advice, creating customized garden plans, and teaching sustainable gardening techniques.

    The best part? Starting a garden consultancy requires minimal financial investment, making it a practical and cost-effective side hustle for gardening enthusiasts.

    Earnings potential: $24-$92 an hour

    From Seedling to Sale

    If you love growing plants, why not sell them for a profit? Here are some steps to get started:

    1. Propagate plants from cuttings
    2. Get pots and potting soil ready
    3. Inform your local community about the plant sale
    4. Understand your customers’ love for plants to aid in better marketing and selling

    You can even sell your plants to local landscapers and garden centers, who frequently look for suppliers of quality plants.

    So, if you have a green thumb and a knack for growing beautiful plants, selling your plants could be a great way to earn extra income.

    Earnings potential: $3,000+ per month

    Crafting Garden-Themed Products

    In addition to selling plants, you can also create and sell garden-themed products. Some ideas for garden-themed products include:

    • Handmade garden tools
    • Decorative garden stakes
    • Planters and pots
    • Garden art and sculptures
    • Seed packets and plant markers
    • Gardening books and guides

    Showcasing your unique and personal gardening creations helps attract customers who value craft and individuality, establishing a distinct customer base for your garden-themed merchandise.

    So, put on your creative hat and start crafting garden-themed products that your customers will love!

    9. Monetizing Spare Space: Rental Income Opportunities

    Best Side Hustles for Stay at Home Moms - air bnb - MyFinancialHill

    Do you have a spare room or a guest house that’s sitting empty?

    If so, why not turn it into a source of passive income?

    Renting out your spare space can provide you with a steady stream of income.

    From long-term stays to short-term vacation rentals, the opportunities are endless.

    Plus, with platforms like Airbnb and Vrbo, you can easily list and manage your rental properties.

    So, if you’re ready to monetize your spare space, let’s explore how to do it.

    Earning potential: $5,000+ per month

    Preparing Your Space for Renters

    Before you list your space, it’s important to prepare it for your renters.

    Enhancing the natural light in a rental space can make it feel more open and inviting.

    Swap out standard light fixtures for more decorative options to improve the ambiance.

    Keep plants or fresh greenery in the rental to add vibrancy and a sense of life.

    And remember, a detailed cleaning, including windows, can significantly enhance the perception of the rental space.

    With these preparations, your space will be ready to welcome renters.

    Navigating Rental Platforms

    Once your space is ready, it’s time to list it on rental platforms.

    Platforms like Airbnb allow you to list your property or spare rooms for short-term rental.

    To list your space, you’ll need to create an account, describe your space, upload photos, and set house rules.

    Optimizing your listing involves using high-quality images, writing detailed descriptions, and selecting the right amenities.

    Remember, successful hosts on rental platforms manage their bookings by ensuring availability is up-to-date and communicating promptly with guests.

    So, navigate these platforms effectively, and you’ll be on your way to earning rental income.

    Understanding Rental Laws and Taxes

    Renting out your space also comes with certain legal and tax implications. Here are some important considerations:

    • You need to follow your locality’s housing codes and regulations and may need to obtain a rental license or permit.
    • Rental income must be reported on your tax returns, and you can often deduct expenses that are necessary for maintaining and managing the property.
    • Remember that short-term rentals face unique legal considerations including the need for proper insurance coverage.

    So, before you start renting out your space, make sure you understand the legal and tax implications.

    10. Creative Consultancy: Turning Expertise into Income

    Best Side Hustles for Stay at Home Moms - coach or consultant - MyFinancialHill

    Last but certainly not least, let’s talk about creative consultancy.

    If you’re an expert in a specific field, you can turn your expertise into a profitable side hustle. The opportunities in consultancy are endless, including:

    • Lifestyle consulting
    • Fitness consulting
    • Parenting consulting
    • Career coaching

    To start, you’ll need to highlight your skills and take on small jobs to build work examples.

    For example, if you’re an expert in interior design, you can reach out to firms to help with short-term projects.

    So, if you’re ready to share your expertise and earn income, let’s delve into the world of creative consultancy.

    Earnings potential: $90,000 - $200,000+ per month

    Identifying Your Consulting Niche

    Before initiating your consulting business, it’s crucial to pinpoint your niche.

    Whether it’s language translation, grant writing, or bookkeeping, your niche should align with your skills and expertise.

    For instance, if you’re a skilled translator, you can offer your services in various settings including:

    • schools
    • hospitals
    • courtrooms
    • businesses

    If you’re a detailed person with a knack for numbers, bookkeeping can be a viable consulting side hustle.

    So, take the time to identify your niche, and you’ll set yourself up for success in the consulting field.

    Setting Up Your Consulting Business

    After identifying your niche, the next step is to establish your consulting business.

    If you’re starting a bookkeeping business, assess your qualifications and consider any necessary training or certifications.

    If you’re considering online boutique selling as a consulting service, it’s important to research other online boutiques and understand the time and cost commitments involved.

    Setting up your consulting business may take time and effort, but it’s a crucial step towards turning your expertise into income.

    Building Credibility and Trust

    In the consulting industry, establishing credibility and trust is essential. Here are some tips to help you convey a professional image and showcase your expertise:

    1. Use a professional headshot and a formal email address.
    2. Develop a compelling value proposition and articulate your unique selling points clearly to prospective clients.
    3. Highlight your relevant qualifications, certifications, and breadth of experience in your field.
    4. Provide clear examples of past successes or projects to demonstrate your expertise.

    Maintain an updated LinkedIn profile with endorsements.

    Use client testimonials and detailed case studies on your website or LinkedIn to provide proof of your ability to deliver results.

    By focusing on building credibility and trust, you’ll attract more clients and grow your consulting business.

    More Side Hustles for Stay at Home Moms 

    Best Side Hustles for Stay at Home Moms - side hustle- MyFinancialHill

    Possibilities are endless when it comes to side hustles.

    What you may earn on the side can lead to a full time income. 

    Some of these side hustles are able to do from the comfort of your own home. 

    Let's take a look at more side hustle ideas for stay at home moms. 

    11. Teaching Music Lessons

    Teaching music lessons can be a rewarding side hustle for moms who have proficiency in playing a musical instrument or vocal skills.

    Whether it's piano, guitar, violin, voice, or any other instrument, there's typically demand for music instruction.

    Moms can offer private lessons to students of all ages and skill levels, either in-person or online.

    Setting up a home studio or using video conferencing platforms can make online lessons feasible.

    Additionally, teaching group classes or workshops can be a way to expand the reach and income potential.

    Earnings potential: $10,000 - $200,000+ per month

    12. Flipping Items

    Flipping items involves buying products at a low price and then reselling them for a profit.

    This can include anything from thrift store finds to antiques, electronics, furniture, clothing, and more.

    Flippers often scout for undervalued items, negotiate prices, refurbish or improve items if necessary, and then sell them through various channels such as online marketplaces (e.g., eBay, Facebook Marketplace), flea markets, or garage sales.

    Successful flippers have a good eye for value, knowledge of market trends, and strong negotiation skills.

    Earnings potential: $500 - $80,000+ per month

    13. Remote Customer Service Representative

    As a remote customer service representative, moms can work from home providing support to customers via phone, email, or chat.

    Companies across various industries, including retail, technology, healthcare, and hospitality, often hire remote customer service representatives to handle inquiries, resolve issues, and provide assistance with products or services.

    This role requires excellent communication skills, problem-solving abilities, and patience.

    Many companies offer flexible schedules, making it suitable for moms who need to work around their family commitments.

    Platforms like FlexJobs and Indeed often list remote customer service job opportunities.

    Earnings potential: $40,000 - $60,000+ per year

    14. Graphic Design

    Graphic designers create visual content for various purposes such as branding, marketing materials, and digital media.

    Some designers also charge flat rates for specific projects, which can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars.

    Earnings potential: $20-100 per hour

    15. Online Tutoring

    Online tutors provide educational assistance to students via virtual platforms.

    Earning potential: $20-100+ per hour

    How much you may earn depends on factors like subject expertise, teaching experience, and demand for tutoring services. 

    16. Baking and Catering

    Baking and catering involve preparing and delivering food for events, parties, or individual customers. 

    Bakers might price their products individually, with prices ranging from a few dollars for cookies or cupcakes to hundreds of dollars for custom cakes or dessert tables.

    Earning potential: $25,000 - $100,000+ per year

    17. Event Planning

    Event planners coordinate and manage various aspects of events such as weddings, parties, and corporate gatherings.  

    Event planners typically charge a percentage of the total event budget or a flat fee for their services.

    Rates can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars per event, with experienced planners commanding higher fees for larger or more intricate events.

    Potential earning: $25,000 - $100,000+ per year

    18. Childcare and Babysitting

    Childcare providers offer supervision and care for children in their homes or the homes of their clients.

    Babysitters might charge hourly rates ranging from $10 to $20 per hour for one child, with additional fees for each additional child or special circumstances such as overnight care.

    Earning potential: $25,000 - $50,000 per year

    19. Language Translator

    Language translators convert written or spoken content from one language to another.

    Earning potential depends on factors like language proficiency, specialization, and project complexity.

    Translators typically charge per word, per page, or per hour.

    Rates can vary widely, ranging from $0.05 to $0.30 or more per word, with specialized or rare languages commanding higher rates.

    Earning potential: $15 - $100 per hour or $30,000 - $100,000 per year

    20. Makeup Artist

    As a side hustle, being a makeup artist offers a creative and flexible way to earn extra income.

    Makeup artists provide professional makeup services for various occasions such as weddings, photoshoots, special events, and film or television productions.

    They use their expertise to enhance clients' natural features and create customized looks to suit their preferences. 

    Earning potential: $20 - $150 per hour

    21. Proofreader

    Proofreaders review written content for errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and style.

    Proofreaders might charge per word, per page, or per hour.

    Earning potential: Rates typically range from $0.01 to $0.05 per word or $20 to $50 per hour.

    22. Transcriber

    As a transcriber, you convert spoken audio or video recordings into written text, ensuring accuracy and clarity. 

    This role requires excellent listening skills, attention to detail, and proficiency in typing.

    Transcribers often work remotely and have the flexibility to choose their own hours, making it a convenient side hustle or full-time job for those seeking flexibility and the ability to work from home.

    Earning potential: $20,000 - $60,000+ per year

    23. Home Organizer

    As a home organizer, you help clients declutter, streamline, and optimize their living spaces to create more functional and harmonious environments.

    This role involves assessing clients' needs, developing personalized organization solutions, and implementing effective strategies to maximize space and minimize clutter.

    Home organizers provide valuable guidance and support to clients seeking to simplify their lives and achieve a sense of order and tranquility in their homes.

    Earning potential: $20 - $100 per hour

    24. Personal Chef

    Personal chefs prepare customized meals for individuals or families, often in their clients' homes.

    Earning potential depends on factors such as menu complexity, ingredients cost, and additional services provided.

    Earning potential: $25 - $100 per hour

    25. Travel Planner

    As a travel planner, you assist clients in organizing and booking travel arrangements, including flights, accommodations, transportation, and activities.

    This role involves understanding clients' preferences and budgets, researching destinations, and curating personalized itineraries to meet their needs.

    Travel planners provide valuable expertise and recommendations to ensure clients have memorable and stress-free travel experiences.

    Earning potential: $30,000 - $60,000 per year

    26. House Cleaner

    House cleaners can provide cleaning services for residential properties, ensuring that homes are tidy, sanitized, and organized.

    This role involves performing various cleaning tasks such as vacuuming, dusting, mopping, and disinfecting surfaces in accordance with clients' preferences and specifications.

    House cleaners play a crucial role in maintaining the cleanliness and hygiene of homes, providing clients with a comfortable and healthy living environment.

    Earning potential: $20,000 - $50,000+ per year

    27. Clothing Alterations

    As a clothing alterations specialist, you provide expert tailoring services to modify and repair garments to fit clients' preferences and specifications.

    This role involves a keen eye for detail, precise measurements, and skillful sewing techniques to alter clothing items such as pants, dresses, shirts, and suits.

    Clothing alterations specialists play a crucial role in helping clients achieve the perfect fit and ensuring that their clothing looks and feels comfortable and stylish.

    Earning potential: $25,000 to $80,000+ per year


    Podcasters create audio content on various topics.

    It ranges from entertainment and education to news and personal development, for distribution through podcasting platforms.

    This role involves planning, recording, editing, and promoting episodes to attract and engage listeners.

    Podcasters often leverage their expertise, personality, and storytelling skills to build a loyal audience and monetize their content through sponsorships, advertising, listener donations, merchandise sales, and affiliate marketing.

    Potential earnings: $30,000 - $100,000+ per year


    In conclusion, there’s a whole world of side hustles out there just waiting for stay-at-home moms to explore.

    Whether you’re a wordsmith, a green thumb, a fitness enthusiast, a pet lover, or a social media guru, there’s a side hustle that perfectly fits your skills and passions.

    Remember, the key to a successful side hustle is to align it with what you love to do and what you’re good at.

    So, are you ready to turn your passions and skills into a source of income?

    The world of side hustles awaits!

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Can I get paid for being a stay-at-home mom?

    Yes, you can get paid for being a stay-at-home mom by selling used items, offering in-home child care, working as a freelance writer, or pet sitting. These are all services that can start making money on short notice.

    How can a stay-at-home mom make $500 a month?

    You can make $500 a month as a stay-at-home mom by starting a Print-On-Demand business, trying affiliate marketing, or selling items you don't need. Give it a go and see what works best for you!

    How can a stay-at-home mom make $2,000 a month?

    You can make $2,000 a month as a stay-at-home mom by blogging, freelancing, babysitting, proofreading, transcribing, becoming a virtual assistant, managing social media, freelance writing, and offering personal training and crafting skills.

    What are some side hustles for stay-at-home moms?

    Consider trying freelance writing, virtual assistance, or selling handmade goods as side hustles if you're a stay-at-home mom looking to earn extra income. There are also options like dog walking and pet sitting services, social media management, photography, personal training, gardening, and creative consultancy to explore.

    How much can I earn as a freelance writer?

    As a freelance writer, you can earn a substantial income, with some making well over $100,000 annually. Starting freelance writers typically earn between $20 to $30 USD per hour. So, the earning potential is promising.

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    Best places to travel solo female in us - My Financial Hill

    Best places to travel solo female in us

    Seeking safe, vibrant, and female-friendly travel destinations in the US?

    Our carefully curated selection guides solo female travelers to the best places to travel solo female in US across the nation for unforgettable solo trips.

    From dynamic cities to tranquil retreats, you’ll discover locales that  cater to safety, offer rich cultural experiences, and open up avenues for solo exploration.

    Embark with us as we unlock the top spots in the US perfect for the solo female adventurer who yearns for both adventure and peace of mind.

    Key Takeaways

    • Solo female travel in the US offers diverse options, emphasizing safety, connectivity, and community, with each destination providing unique cultural, historical, and natural attractions catered to individual interests.
    • Cities like San Francisco, Asheville, and Seattle blend urban exploration with natural beauty and inclusivity, while others like Savannah and Charleston offer historic charm and Southern hospitality ideal for solo adventurers.
    • Locations such as Austin, Portland, and New York City attract solo travelers with their vibrant music scenes, eco-friendly vibes, and unparalleled urban experiences, ensuring there’s never a dull moment on the journey.

    Embracing Solo Female Travel: The Benefits and Tips

    For many women, the idea of traveling solo can feel intimidating.

    Yet, the rewards of embarking on a solo journey far outweigh any initial apprehensions.

    Solo female travel allows for significant personal growth and the opportunity for self-discovery.

    As you navigate new destinations independently, the freedom to explore at your own pace creates lifelong memories.

    But, safety should always be a priority.

    Here are some tips to enhance safety while traveling:

    • Dress to blend in with local customs and avoid wearing expensive jewelry
    • Always stay confident and alert, especially at night
    • Opt for secure transportation options like Uber
    • Limit alcohol intake
    • Join online communities for solo female travelers to get invaluable advice, community support, and even make friendships.

    It’s also important to stay connected while on a solo trip.

    Obtaining a local SIM card enhances connectivity, enabling you to keep in touch with family and friends, ensuring peace of mind.

    So, are you ready to embark on your first solo trip?

    Get set to embrace the freedom and personal growth that comes with solo exploration.

    San Francisco, California: A City of Inclusivity and Culture

    Best places to travel solo female in US - San Francisco - MyFinancialHill

    San Francisco, with its iconic Golden Gate Bridge and winding cobblestone streets, is a vibrant city that welcomes solo travelers with open arms. 

    The city’s celebrated landmarks like:

    • Alcatraz
    • The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
    • The Palace of Fine Arts
    • The Painted Ladies
    • The Golden Gate Park
    • The Cable Cars

    And its natural surroundings which consists of forests, beaches, and bike trails are a treat for the senses. 

    This welcoming city offers an atmosphere of inclusivity and diversity, with a strong queer-friendly community and historical areas like Chinatown reflecting its multicultural heritage.

    Navigating San Francisco is made hassle-free thanks to its compact size and efficient public transportation system.

    The city’s rich food scene can be enjoyed through guided tours in areas like North Beach, offering Italian-American culinary delights.

    For a taste of the city’s cultural vibrancy, explore neighborhoods like the Mission and enjoy unique experiences such as singalongs at the Castro Theatre.

    A solo trip to San Francisco is sure to fill your travel diary with unforgettable experiences!

    Asheville, North Carolina: Nature and Art in Harmony

    Best places to travel solo female in US - North Carolina - MyFinancialHill

    Nestled amid the stunning Blue Ridge Mountains, Asheville, North Carolina, is a nature lover’s paradise.

    The city is surrounded by nearby national parks such as the Pisgah National Forest and Blue Ridge Parkway, providing a wealth of outdoor activities from hiking to kayaking. 

    But Asheville is more than just its natural beauty.

    The city’s vibrant art scene thrives with:

    • Numerous galleries
    • A variety of fine arts from local artists
    • Cultural festivals
    • An art museum

    This creates a rich tapestry of aesthetic experiences.

    A culinary adventure awaits in Asheville’s progressive farm-to-table dining scene.

    Restaurants like Cúrate Bar de Tapas and Posana celebrate local, fresh produce in their dishes. 

    This interplay of Asheville’s mountainous beauty, its dynamic art community, and its commitment to fresh, local cuisine creates a harmonious experience for the solo female traveler seeking both adventure and cultural enrichment.

    Asheville truly embodies the harmony of nature and art.

    Seattle, Washington: The Emerald City Adventure

    Best places to travel solo female in US - Seattle - MyFinancialHill

    Seattle, known as the Emerald City, offers a safe urban adventure with iconic landmarks and stunning natural scenery.

    From the Space Needle to Pike Place Market, solo travelers can explore the city’s main attractions at their own pace. 

    Recognized as a safe city with a lower violent crime rate, Seattle is welcoming for solo female travelers looking for an urban adventure.

    The progressive and diverse atmosphere of Seattle allows solo female travelers to feel comfortable and included.

    While exploring downtown Seattle at night, extra caution is recommended due to lesser pedestrian traffic.

    However, travelers can easily navigate the city using the comprehensive bus system or ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft, eliminating the need for a car rental.

    From food tours to hiking excursions, group activities can help solo travelers make new connections during their journey.

    For those nature lovers venturing into Seattle’s natural landscapes, like Mount Rainier, sharing your itinerary is advised due to sparse cellular coverage.

    Seattle’s vibrant city life, coupled with its stunning natural beauty, makes it an irresistible choice for solo female travelers.

    Ready to explore the Emerald City?

    Savannah, Georgia: Southern Charm and History

    Best places to travel solo female in US - Savannah Georgia - MyFinancialHill

    Savannah, Georgia, captivates solo travelers with its Southern elegance and historic charm.

    The city’s allure stems from its well-preserved antebellum architecture, with each picturesque square offering a unique atmosphere surrounded by historic homes that welcome visitors.

    Dining in Savannah can be a social affair, with options like The Olde Pink House providing a lively setting for solo travelers to enjoy traditional Southern cuisine.

    Adding to Savannah’s laid-back ambiance is the absence of open container laws, allowing travelers to savor to-go cocktails while discovering the city.

    The city’s Bonaventure Cemetery is famous for its haunting beauty, and along with the city’s ghost tours, it underscores the spooky yet intriguing history that attracts many visitors.

    A trip to Savannah is like stepping back in time, making it a perfect destination for history enthusiasts.

    Austin, Texas: Live Music and Foodie Paradise

    Best places to travel solo female in US - Austin - MyFinancialHill

    For solo travelers seeking a blend of entertainment and culinary adventures, Austin, Texas, is the place to be.

    The city is famed for its live music scene, with numerous venues like Mohawk and ACL Live at The Moody Theater offering eclectic performances that cater to all tastes. 

    The Broken Spoke provides an authentic Texan experience with traditional live country music and line dancing classes.

    Austin’s diverse food offerings are sure to tantalize your taste buds.

    With food trucks serving up various cuisines and locales like the South Congress neighborhood known for their culinary delights, foodies are in for a treat.

    The city’s unique neighborhoods and outdoor activities by the Colorado River offer abundant exploration opportunities for solo female travelers. 

    From its vibrant art scene to its exciting nightlife, Austin is a paradise for the solo traveler.

    Portland, Oregon: Eco-Friendly City with Character

    Best places to travel solo female in US - Portland - MyFinancialHill

    Portland, Oregon, an eco-friendly city with a unique character, is an ideal destination for the environmentally-conscious solo traveler.

    The city boasts numerous parks and green spaces, such as the expansive Forest Park, providing 80 miles of trails for eco-conscious exploration.

    The city’s creative streak is embodied in its motto ‘Keep Portland Weird’, and can be experienced firsthand at artistic hubs like the Pearl District, which hosts First Thursdays art events.

    Portland’s diverse food cart scene offers solo travelers a variety of culinary experiences from around the world, adding to its unique character.

    Solo female travelers can enjoy a sense of community within Portland’s diverse and eclectic neighborhoods that foster a small-town feel in a big city.

    Portland’s hip and vibrant ambiance shines year-round, making it an enticing destination for solo female travelers regardless of the season.

    Miami, Florida: Sun, Sand, and Latin Flavors

    Best places to travel solo female in US - Miami - MyFinancialHill

    Miami, Florida, offers solo travelers:

    • A sun-soaked escape with vibrant neighborhoods and Latin-inspired cuisine
    • A suitable destination for solo female travelers, with welcoming locals and effective law enforcement ensuring a safe and pleasant trip
    • A range of water activities, from high-speed jet boat tours around Star Island to nighttime paddleboarding against the Miami skyline, providing a fun way to explore the city.

    Miami’s nightlife thrives with historic Ocean Drive’s evening ambiance and dance opportunities at Mango’s Nightclub

    The city’s Latin charm can be experienced on a cultural Little Havana Food and Walking Tour, offering Cuban culinary treats and insights into cigar production.

    So, if you’re seeking sun, sand, and Latin flavors, Miami is the place to be!

    Sedona, Arizona: Wellness and Outdoor Adventures

    Best places to travel solo female in US - Arizona - MyFinancialHill

    Sedona, Arizona, provides a serene backdrop for wellness retreats and outdoor adventures.

    The city’s stunning red rock formations and serene desert landscapes form the backdrop for numerous wellness retreats and spas, ideal for a rejuvenating solo vacation.

    Solo travelers can find spiritual renewal and cultural insight at unique destinations such as the Palatki Ruins and Amitabha Stupa and Peace Park.

    Opportunities to connect with locals include plant-based dining events and yoga classes at studios like Village Yoga near Bell Rock.

    Meditative hikes to landmarks like Bell Rock, Slim Shady Trail, and less frequented paths such as Long Canyon and Deadman’s Pass offer tranquility and stunning vistas. 

    Traveling during October through February means less crowds in Sedona, ensuring a peaceful solo adventure.

    Remember to stay hydrated, protect your skin with sunscreen, and carry lip balm to combat the dry desert conditions.

    Charleston, South Carolina: Timeless Elegance and Modern Fun

    Best places to travel solo female in US - Charleston - MyFinancialHill

    Charleston, South Carolina, combines historic elegance with modern fun, offering solo travelers a rich blend of history, culture, and dining experiences. 

    The city offers a rich blend of history with attractions such as:

    • The Pineapple Fountain at Waterfront Park
    • The colorful and historic Rainbow Row
    • Historical tours, museums, and shopping at the Charleston City Market and King Street

    Known for its safety, Charleston allows solo female travelers to comfortably explore the historic district and engage with friendly locals, enhancing the travel experience.

    Travelers can enjoy Charleston’s mild weather while touring at their own pace, with options like walking along the Cooper River to the Battery, experiencing the modern Downtown dining scene, or taking day trips to nearby beaches.

    From its timeless elegance to modern fun, Charleston proves to be a memorable solo travel destination.

    Boston, Massachusetts: A Walk Through History

    Best places to travel solo female in US - Boston - MyFinancialHill

    Boston, Massachusetts, is a walk through history for solo travelers.

    Staying in Cambridge near the Redline T subway line allows for easy and inexpensive access to Boston’s historical sites and fine dining.

    A visit to Quincy Market, Faneuil Hall, and the Waterfront is a must for solo travelers interested in history and culture.

    The city’s rich history is not only confined to its iconic landmarks.

    It extends to the city’s unique neighborhoods, food scenes, and local community.

    Strolling through the city’s cobblestone streets, you’ll find historic sites and picturesque settings perfect for solo exploration.

    So, if you’re a history buff, Boston is the ideal destination for your solo trip.

    New York City, New York: The Ultimate Solo Travel Experience

    Best places to travel solo female in US - NYC - MyFinancialHill

    New York City offers endless attractions, cultural experiences, and diverse food options for the ultimate solo travel experience.

    Solo female travelers can:

    • Marvel at the endless attractions in the city, from observing the city’s skyline on the free Staten Island Ferry to enjoying Broadway shows and attending Amateur Night at the Apollo.
    • Explore the city’s cultural offerings, including immersive theatrical experiences such as Sleep No More.
    • Indulge in Instagram-worthy foods.
    • Experience the buzz of alternative Brooklyn nightlife.

    Solo travelers looking for relaxation can spend rejuvenating days at a Korean spa or seek peace in Central Park’s Ramble, and even explore alternative health treatments such as reiki.

    Culinary adventures await solo travelers with options to lose themselves in the vast selection at The Strand bookstore or participate in innovative food tours showcasing local bites and street art.

    With its high level of safety in Manhattan and tourist-heavy areas, New York City is a welcoming destination for solo female travelers.

    From the hustle and bustle of Times Square to the tranquility of Central Park, New York City is the ultimate solo travel destination.

    Chicago, Illinois: Architectural Wonders and Neighborhood Gems

    Best places to travel solo female in US - Chicago - MyFinancialHill

    Chicago, Illinois, known for its stunning architecture and diverse neighborhoods, provides a wealth of exploration opportunities for solo female travelers.

    The city is celebrated for its stunning architecture, with travelers encouraged to visit the downtown Loop area.

    Must-see attractions :

    • Millennium Park
    • Cloud Gate (The Bean)
    • 875 N. Michigan
    • The Wrigley Building

    Solo visitors to Chicago can start their day with a delicious breakfast at specialty donut shops or cafes, join a free walking tour, savor contemporary Greek or vegan/vegetarian lunch in downtown, and indulge in evening experiences like Spanish tapas or French bistros.

    For evening entertainment, the historical jazz club Green Mill is a prime spot for solo visitors to revel in music and socialize with fellow travelers and locals at the bar.

    The city is easily navigable with the Red Line metro and Divvy bike-sharing service, allowing travelers to effortlessly explore diverse neighborhoods like Andersonville, known for its LGBTQ+ community, and ‘Asia on Argyle’ in Uptown, where Asian markets and cuisines abound.

    Chicago’s Magnificent Mile is a haven for solo shoppers, offering everything from high-end department stores to unique specialty boutiques.

    Solo dining in Chicago is a comforting experience that can be enjoyed with headphones or a book, or by engaging with the friendly locals.

    With its architectural wonders and neighborhood gems, Chicago is a destination worth exploring.

    Denver, Colorado: Outdoor Enthusiasts' Playground

    Best places to travel solo female in US - Colorado - MyFinancialHill

    Denver, Colorado’s welcoming attitude and outdoor activities make it an ideal destination for solo travelers seeking adventure.

    The city offers group outdoor activities for solo travelers through local communities such as the Trailtinos Running Group and Denver Urban Skate, as well as tours led by adventure photographers or excursions to Rocky Mountain National Park

    Solo adventurers in Denver can easily reach outdoor destinations through a walkable downtown area, an efficient public transit system with buses and light rail, or travel around Colorado using the Bustang service.

    The welcoming attitude of Denverites adds to the positive experience of solo travelers, enhancing their outdoor adventure in the city.

    Whether you’re looking to join a running group, take a guided tour, or explore the Rocky Mountain National Park, Denver has something for every outdoor enthusiast.

    Washington, D.C.: Budget-Friendly Exploration

    Best places to travel solo female in US - Washington DC - MyFinancialHill

    Washington, D.C. offers budget-friendly exploration with affordable accommodations, accessible public transit, and free cultural experiences.

    Budget-conscious solo female travelers can find affordable accommodations in the city, such as hostels or Sonder’s apartment-style rentals.

    Dupont Circle is highlighted as a secure and lively neighborhood fitting for solo female travelers, offering a selection of dining and shopping options.

    Washington, D.C.’s transit system is both accessible and affordable, with a budget-friendly Metro system that accepts SmarTrip cards.

    In 2024, price reductions are planned for the already cost-effective public transportation system, making it even more welcoming for solo travelers.

    Solo travelers can enjoy a diversity of lunch options from food trucks around the city, which can be located in real time using the Food Truck Fiesta app.

    Free art experiences at venues like the Museum of Contemporary Art, art galleries, or the Harold Washington Library are an attractive option for culture-loving solo travelers on a budget.


    In summary, whether you’re a history buff, a foodie, a nature lover, or simply looking to embark on a self-discovery journey, the US offers a plethora of destinations to suit every solo female traveler.

    From the bustling streets of New York City to the serene landscapes of Sedona, these destinations offer unique experiences that cater to various interests and budgets.

    Solo travel is not just about visiting new places; it’s about embracing the freedom, personal growth, and unforgettable memories that come with it.

    So, are you ready to embark on your empowered solo adventure?

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Where do I start with solo traveling?

    You should start with solo traveling in destinations like Bali, Indonesia, New Zealand, Budapest, Hungary, Portugal, Thailand, Prague, Czech Republic, Italy, and Costa Rica. These are great places for first-time solo travelers to explore and experience.

    What is the safest state for solo female Travellers?

    Vermont is the safest U.S. state for solo female travelers, making it a great choice for your next solo adventure.

    What are some safety tips for solo female travelers?

    When traveling alone as a female, blending in with local customs, limiting alcohol intake, using secure transportation, and connecting with online communities can help ensure your safety and well-being. Stay vigilant and make informed choices to have a more secure trip!

    How can I stay connected while traveling solo?

    To stay connected while traveling solo, consider getting a local SIM card to improve your connectivity with family and friends. This can make it easier to keep in touch and share your experiences with loved ones.

    Can solo travel be budget-friendly?

    Yes, solo travel can be budget-friendly, especially in cities like Washington, D.C. where affordable accommodations and free cultural experiences are available.

    Read More
    Corn Dogs in Air Fryer - Myfinancialhill-5

    Corn Dogs in Air Fryer

    Wondering how to achieve perfect crispy corn dogs in air fryer?

    Whether you have frozen or homemade corn dogs, we’ll guide you on how to cook them perfectly with just the right amount of crunch.

    No fluff—just straightforward steps to get those golden, delicious treats on your plate in minutes.

    Keep reading to master the art of air frying corn dogs.

    Key Takeaways

    • Find out how to cook your corn dogs in 8 minutes.
    • Cook frozen corn dogs in the air fryer for a quick, less greasy snack that’s still crispy and golden-brown.
    • Even with different air fryer models, adjust cook times and temp for perfect results, use tongs to safely remove corn dogs, and serve with a variety of dipping sauces for added fun.

    1 Perfect Air Fryer Corn Dogs: From Frozen to Fabulous

    Corn Dogs in Air Fryer - Myfinancialhill-5

    Air frying is the secret to cook frozen corn dogs that are perfectly crispy on the outside, and juicy on the inside.

    It’s quick, easy, and you don’t even need to thaw your corn dogs first!

    Just follow these steps:

    1. Place the corn dogs in a single even layer in your air fryer basket.
    2. Set the temperature to 375°F.
    3. Let them cook for 8-12 minutes. 8 minutes if corn dogs are thawed.
    4. If you preheat your air fryer, you can reduce this cooking time by a few minutes.

    The result? Crispy, golden-brown corn dogs in air that taste like they’ve been deep-fried, but without all the greasiness.

    Plus, air frying is a healthier choice as it requires less oil than deep-frying, reducing the overall fat content.

    So, you can enjoy your favorite snack without any guilt.

    Choosing the Right Air Fryer Basket

    Corn Dogs in Air Fryer - Myfinancialhill

    Achieving evenly cooked corn dogs starts with choosing the right air fryer basket.

    The size and type of your air fryer basket can greatly influence the outcome of your corn dogs.

    For best results, arrange your corn dogs in a single layer in the basket, without overcrowding.

    This allows for even cooking and a crispy finish that we all love.

    Some air fryers come with non-stick coatings, eliminating the need to oil the basket.

    However, a light spray of oil can prevent overly frozen or greasy corn dogs from sticking, ensuring an evenly cooked and crispy result.

    Remember, a well-cooked corn dog is a delight, but an evenly cooked one? Simply irresistible.

    To Flip or Not to Flip

    Now, here’s a burning question: should you flip your corn dogs while they’re cooking in the air fryer?

    Depends on your air fryer.

    I didn't need to flip mine at all and it still came out perfectly crispy.

    However, flipping your corn dogs halfway through the cooking time ensures they cook evenly and achieve that perfect all-round crispiness.

    Plus, it also prevents the batter from sticking to the basket.

    Don’t worry, flipping your corn dogs isn’t as daunting as it may sound.

    It’s as simple as opening the air fryer halfway through the cooking time, flipping the corn dogs over, and then letting them cook for the remaining time.

    Oil Spray or Not?

    When it comes to air frying corn dogs, one question that often pops up is whether or not to use oil spray.

    While it’s not necessary for cooking the corn dogs themselves, a light spray of oil can be beneficial in preventing them from sticking to the air fryer basket.

    So, if your corn dogs are prone to sticking, feel free to use a bit of oil spray.

    Not only will this make the removal process easier, but it also won’t affect the overall crispness and cooking of the corn dogs.

    In fact, it can even enhance the golden-brown color, adding to the visual appeal of your snack.

    Dipping Delights: Finding Your Favorite Dipping Sauce

    Corn Dogs in Air Fryer Dipping Sauce - My Financial Hill

    Now that you’ve got your crispy corn dogs, let’s talk about dipping sauces.

    The right sauce can truly elevate the flavor of your corn dog and turn it into a deliciously complete snack.

    Whether you’re a fan of the classic ketchup and mustard combo, or you prefer something a bit more adventurous like:

    • BBQ sauce
    • Ranch
    • Honey mustard
    • Sriracha mayo

    The choice is yours.

    Why not serve a variety of dipping sauces and let everyone find their favorite?

    It adds to the overall presentation and makes the dining experience even more enjoyable.

    After all, isn’t food much more fun when you get to dip it in something delicious?.

    Air Frying Corn Dogs: The Healthier Choice

    Corn Dogs in Air Fryer - Myfinancialhill-4

    One of the best things about air frying corn dogs is that it’s a healthier alternative to traditional deep-frying.

    Since air fryers require less oil, they can significantly reduce the overall fat content and calorie density of your corn dogs.

    In addition to being lower in fat, air-fried corn dogs retain more unsaturated fats, which are generally healthier, and avoid the increase of saturated fats that can occur during deep-frying.

    So, you can enjoy your favorite snack without compromising on your health goals.

    Plus, if you’re watching your calorie intake, air frying your corn dogs can help you manage it more effectively compared to deep-fried alternatives.

    Air Fryer Recipes: More Ideas for Easy Dinners

    Corn Dogs in Air Fryer french fries - My Financial Hill

    Air fryers aren’t just for corn dogs; they’re a versatile kitchen appliance that can help you whip up a variety of dishes with minimal effort.

    Partnering corn dogs with a variety of vegetable sides cooked in the air fryer offers a balanced meal that’s not only delicious but also nutritious.

    Looking for easy air fryer recipes to elevate your side dishes?

    Try these delicious options in your air fryer:

    • Air fried sweet potato
    • Air-fried cauliflower
    • Herb and lemon cauliflower
    • Roasted red potatoes with rosemary
    • Air-fried radishes

    These quick and colorful additions can turn any air fryer dinner, including corn dogs, into a feast for the eyes and the palate.

    Cooking Multiple Batches

    If you’re cooking for a larger group, you might need to prepare multiple batches of corn dogs in your air fryer.

    When doing so, it’s important to adjust the cooking time and temperature from the standard recommendations to ensure you get consistent results.

    Full-size ovens or larger air fryers have different cooking characteristics compared to smaller countertop models.

    This can affect the outcome of the corn dogs, so make sure to monitor and adjust cooking times and temperatures as necessary.

    By carefully considering the appliance size and maintaining consistency in cooking conditions, you can successfully cook food evenly and prepare multiple batches of crispy corn dogs for your guests.

    Specific Air Fryer Model Recommendations

    Just like with any other kitchen appliance, the model of your air fryer can significantly impact the outcome of your corn dogs.

    Different brands and sizes of air fryer models offer varying functionalities and capacities, so it’s crucial to choose the one that suits your needs.

    Whether you prefer a basket style or toaster oven style air fryer, both can work wonderfully for cooking frozen corn dogs. If you’re cooking for a smaller household (1-3 people), the size of your air fryer can significantly influence the cooking process, so choose accordingly.

    Adjusting Cooking Time for Different Models

    Cooking times for corn dogs in an air fryer can vary between 8 to 10 minutes at 400°F, depending on the model of your air fryer.

    So, it’s important to adjust your cooking times based on your specific model to ensure your corn dogs come out perfectly crispy every time.

    To achieve desired crispiness, it’s essential to monitor cooking and adjust the timing as needed.

    For example, if the outside of your frozen corn dogs is becoming overly crispy before the inside is thoroughly cooked, you might want to adjust the temperature or cooking time.

    Remember, the goal is to get an evenly heated corn dog with the desired texture.

    Carefully Remove & Serve: Safety First

    Once your corn dogs are cooked to perfection, it’s time to take them out of the air fryer.

    Here’s a tip: use tongs to safely remove the corn dogs from the air fryer.

    This not only keeps your hands safe from burns but also helps maintain the crispness of the corn dogs by preventing them from being squished.

    Once safely removed, present your corn dogs and hot dog on a platter with a variety of dipping sauces.

    This not only enhances the enjoyment for family and friends but also adds to the overall presentation of the dish.

    After all, everyone knows that the secret to a memorable dining experience lies in the details.


    In conclusion, air frying corn dogs is a quick, easy, and healthier alternative to deep-frying.

    Whether you’re cooking from frozen or making your own mini corn dogs from scratch, your air fryer is your best friend for achieving that perfect crispy texture.

    Remember to choose the right air fryer basket, flip your corn dogs for even cooking, and adjust your cooking times based on your specific air fryer model.

    Don’t forget the dipping sauces and vegetable sides to make your meal even more enjoyable. Happy air frying!

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How long to cook Morning Star corn dogs in air fryer?

    Cook the Morning Star corn dogs in the air fryer for about 10-15 minutes at 375-390 degrees Fahrenheit, ensuring they are in a single layer and rotating them halfway through cooking for even crispiness. Enjoy your delicious corn dogs in no time!

    How to air fry Foster Farms jumbo corn dogs?

    To air fry Foster Farms jumbo corn dogs, preheat your air fryer to 350 degrees, then place the frozen corn dogs in the air fryer basket and cook for 10-12 minutes. Enjoy your crispy corn dogs!

    How long do I cook frozen corn dogs?

    Cook the frozen corn dogs in a preheated oven at 375°F for 12 minutes. Enjoy your snack!

    Do I need to use oil spray when air frying corn dogs?

    Yes, a light spray of oil can help prevent the corn dogs from sticking to the air fryer basket.

    What dipping sauces can I serve with my corn dogs?

    You can serve your corn dogs with ketchup, mustard, BBQ sauce, and ranch for dipping. Enjoy!

    Corn Dogs in Air Fryer - Myfinancialhill-5

    Corn Dogs in Air Fryer

    How to Cook Corn Dogs in Air Fryer to Make it Perfectly Crispy
    Prep Time 2 minutes
    Cook Time 8 minutes
    Total Time 10 minutes
    Course Appetizer
    Cuisine American
    Servings 4 people
    Calories 190 kcal


    • 1 Air Fryer


    • 1 Corn Dog


    • Place the corn dogs in a single even layer in your air fryer basket.
    • Set the temperature to 375°F.
    • Let them cook for 8-12 minutes. 8 minutes if corn dogs are thawed.
    • If you preheat your air fryer, you can reduce this cooking time by a few minutes.
    Read More
    Dinosaur Birthday Cake - Myfinancialhill

    Dinosaur Birthday Cake Ideas

    If you want to host an awesome Dinosaur themed birthday party for your kids, don't miss our amazing list of the best dinosaur birthday cake ideas to try out. 

    Making your own cake at home can help save you money while bringing out your creativity.

    Show off your skills and create an amazing cake that your kids will love!

    Supplies Needed



    1. Chocolate Oreo Dinosaur Cake

    chocolate oreo dinosaur cake- dinosaur birthday cake ideas - myfinancialhill

    Photo and Recipe: Flourishing Foodie

    Imagine a super yummy chocolate cake loaded with Oreos and topped with cute dinosaur-shaped cookies.

    It's like a tasty trip back to the dino era with every bite, perfect for any sweet tooth and dino fan out there!

    2. Vegan Vanilla Dinosaur Birthday Cake

    Vegan vanilla dinosaur birthday cake-dinosaur birthday cake ideas - myfinancialhill

    Photo and Recipe: Orchids and Sweet Tea

    Picture a fluffy, vanilla-flavored birthday cake, all decked out with fun dinosaur decorations, but with a twist—it's totally vegan!

    It's the perfect treat for anyone who loves delicious cake but wants to keep it animal-friendly.

    So, whether you're celebrating a dino-loving friend or your own special day, this cake's got you covered!

    3. Chocolate Dinosaur Cake

    chocolate dinosaur cake-dinosaur birthday cake ideas - myfinancialhill

    Photo and Recipe: Cake Whiz

    Imagine a scrumptious chocolate cake covered in a thick layer of creamy chocolate icing, with adorable dinosaur decorations on top.

     It's like diving into a delicious dino adventure with every bite!

     Perfect for any birthday bash where you want to add a touch of prehistoric fun to the celebration.

    4. Dinosaur World Cake

    dinosaur-world-cake-dinosaur birthday cake ideas - myfinancialhill

    Photo and Recipe: The Many Little Joys

    With layers of moist cake, colorful frosting, and mini dinosaur figurines roaming around, it's a tasty adventure waiting to happen.

    Perfect for anyone who wants to turn their celebration into a Jurassic-sized party!

    5. Chocolate Buttercream Dinosaur Cake

    chocolate-buttercream-dinosaur-cake-dinosaur birthday cake ideas - myfinancialhill

    Photo and Recipe: Made to be a Momma

    Imagine a mouthwatering chocolate cake smothered in smooth and velvety buttercream frosting, with cute little dinosaur decorations scattered all over.

    It's like having a delicious slice of prehistoric paradise at your birthday party!

    Get ready to roar with delight with every bite of this dino-themed treat.

    6. Dinosaur Waterfall Cake

    dinosaur-waterfall-cake-dinosaur birthday cake ideas - myfinancialhill

    Photo and Recipe: Bright Color Mom

    Picture a spectacular birthday cake with layers resembling cascading waterfalls, adorned with edible dinosaurs frolicking around.

    It's like stepping into a magical dinosaur oasis where every slice brings you closer to the roaring fun of the prehistoric era!

    Perfect for anyone who wants their celebration to be an epic adventure!

    7. Jurassic World Dinosaur Cake

    Jurassic World Dinosaur Cake-dinosaur birthday cake ideas - myfinancialhill

    Photo: Pinterest

    A thrilling Jurassic World-inspired birthday cake, vibrant frosting, and realistic dinosaur decorations.

    It's like bringing the excitement of the movies right to your celebration, making every bite an adventure in itself!

    Perfect for any dino-loving birthday boy or girl ready to embark on a delicious journey through the land of the dinosaurs!

    8. Tropical Dinosaur Cake

    Tropical dinosaur cake-dinosaur birthday cake ideas - myfinancialhill

    Photo: Pinterest

    Here's an idea for a vibrant tropical-themed birthday cake with lush green frosting, colorful edible flowers, and playful dinosaur figurines lounging amidst palm trees and edible dirt.

    It's like having a tropical paradise right on your dessert table, adding a splash of fun and adventure to your celebration!

    Perfect for anyone who wants to bring a taste of the tropics to their special day with a dino twist!

    9. Dino Birthday Party Cake

    dino-birthday-party-cake-dinosaur birthday cake ideas - myfinancialhill

    Photo: Pinterest

    Create a super cool birthday cake decked out with an adorable dinosaur decoration, like a T-Rex roaming around delicious layers of cake and frosting.

    It's like throwing a dino party right on your plate, making every bite a roaring good time!

    10. Numbered Dinosaur Cake


    Photo: Pinterest

    Check out this awesome birthday cake shaped like a number and adorned with cute dinosaur designs, perfect for celebrating any age milestone in dino style!

    It's like having your very own edible dino parade, making your special day extra memorable!

    11. Easy Dinosaur Chocolate Cake

    easy-dinosaur-cake-dinosaur birthday cake ideas - myfinancialhill

    Photo: Pinterest

    Get inspired to create this easy chocolate dinosaur birthday cake. 

    Try using figurines and green and chocolate flavored icing to decorate the cake like a pro. 

    12. Number Dinosaur World Cake

    number-dinosaur-world-cake-dinosaur birthday cake ideas - myfinancialhill

    Photo: Pinterest

    This numbered dinosaur world cake is like a delicious journey through time, featuring colorful layers, playful dinosaur figurines, and edible landscapes.

    It's a fun and memorable way to celebrate any age milestone with a prehistoric twist!

    13. Tier Dinosaur Cake

    tier-dinosaur-cake-dinosaur birthday cake ideas - myfinancialhill

    Photo: Pinterest

    Imagine a towering tiered cake adorned with adorable dinosaur decorations, perfect for a dino-themed celebration!

    It's like stacking layers of Jurassic fun, making every slice an adventure in taste and style!

    14. Easy Dino Cake

    This cake features simple decorations and try the kid's favorite flavors that everyone will love.

    Bring a little bit of Jurassic Park to your kitchen, making baking and celebrating both fun and tasty!

    15. Velociraptor Birthday Party Cake

    velociraptor-birthday-party-cake-dinosaur birthday cake ideas - myfinancialhill

    Photo and Recipe: One That Ran Away

    Check out this awesome velociraptor birthday cake, featuring a fierce dinosaur design that's sure to impress any dino fan!

    It's like having a delicious slice of prehistoric adventure right on your birthday table, making your celebration roar with excitement!

    16. Simple Dinosaur Cake

    simple-Dinosaur-Cake-dinosaur birthday cake ideas - myfinancialhill

    Photo: Pinterest

    This simple dinosaur birthday cake is perfect for any dino enthusiast, with basic decorations and tasty flavors that everyone will enjoy.

    Bring a touch of Jurassic fun to your celebration without any fuss, making it a hit with kids and adults alike!

    17. Chocolaty T-Rex Dinosaur Cake

    Chocolaty-Trex-Dinosaur-Cake-dinosaur birthday cake ideas - myfinancialhill

    Photo: Pinterest

    Imagine a towering chocolate dinosaur birthday cake, with multiple layers of rich, decadent chocolate goodness adorned with pa T-Rex dinosaur decoration. 

    It's like diving into a delicious Jurassic adventure, making every bite a delightful journey through time and taste!

    18. Volcano Dinosaur Birthday Cake

    volcano-dinosaur-birthday-cake-dinosaur birthday cake ideas - myfinancialhill

    Photo: Pinterest

    Add a volcano to your dinosaur birthday cake to give it a unique and kool flair.

    Create your own prehistoric party centerpiece, adding a fiery touch of excitement to your kid's celebration!

    There you have it!

    Get some inspiration from some of these 18 beautiful dinosaur birthday ideas.

    Make it a memorable dinosaur themed birthday that your kid will remember without having to break the bank. 

    Read More
    How to Start a Blog and Make Money -

    How To Start a Blog and Make Money

    We partner with some awesome companies that offer products which can help our readers. If you make a purchase through one of our partner links, we may receive a commission at absolutely no additional cost to you! Please see my Policy & Disclosure page for full details. 

    Have you ever thought of making money with a blog

    Maybe you've come across success stories of people earning thousands with their blog, sipping on mai tai's on an island. 

    Or maybe you're just miserable with your job and you want to start a business of your own. 

    Well, it's absolutely possible! Your dreams are waiting to be fulfilled. 

    There is no difference between those who are earning a full time income from their blog and you. 

    If they can do it then you definitely can too. 

    In this full step-by-step guide, I'll tell you everything I did to start a blog that earns me passive income. 

    This month I made just over $1,000 of passive income.

    If you're ready to get started, I'll show you how easy it can be to get your own website up and running. 


    There are so many reasons why others start a blog. 

    Some create one because they get inspired by others who earn income from their blog. 

    Others start a blog as a hobby to either spread their ideas and message. 

    For me, I started one because I dreamed of being able to work from home, doing what I love, and to earn money from it. 

    It was the best decision ever. 

    What started out as a side hobby turned into a passion that earns me passive income.

    Basically, I make money in my sleep.  

    Creating a blog of your own can transform your world. 

    It can open doors for you and help you create the life you've always wanted. 

    When I first started blogging, there was so much information out there and no one to really help me. 

    It was frustrating to try and figure everything out myself. 

    I created this guide as a tool for you to skip all the loads of information out there and get to the good stuff as easy as possible. 

    Now, if you're ready let's get started!

    1. Pick a Niche

    Before you get started, you'll want to pick a subject that your blog will be about. 

    Now, think carefully because you will be writing content (blog posts) about this subject or niche so it should be interesting to you. 

    Some niche ideas:

    • Travel
    • Food
    • Personal Finance
    • Fitness
    • Crafts / DIY
    • Video Gaming

    There are such a wide range of niche ideas you can choose from. 

    Choose a Blog Name

    Now brainstorm some ideas for your blog. 

    Keep in mind that you don't want something so long or complicated. 

    You'll want to come up with a website name that is easy to work with. 

    Anywhere from 1-3 words should be good. 

    Checking Your Blog Name 

    Nothing's worse than coming up with what you think is an awesome blog name and finding out later that someone on Instagram has it, or even on Pinterest. 

    You'll want to make sure the perfect name you came up with will be available across the social media platforms you intend to use. 

    You can use Namechk to verify if your blog name will be available before moving forward.

    2. Tech

    Alright, so now you have your niche and blog name ready to go. 

    Now this is where the fun begins. 

    In order to start your blog, you'll need a web host.

    There are a lot of them out there. 

    However, the one I highly recommend is WPEngine


    When you have a blog, you'll need to sign up with a webhost.

    When you create your site/blog, it's going to need a serving host so that you can make it viewable online. 

    Otherwise, you'll just have a website and no one will be able to see it. 

    Picking the right webhost is very important!

    Things I've learned along the way (don't make the same mistakes as me):

    • Fast speed for web hosting of your website/blog
    • Need great customer service
    • Easy to use and customize website/blog

    I really recommend going with the best web hosting provider from the jump. 

    Trust me, it's going to save you so much time and headache when you start with the right one. 

    I've landed on WPEngine after trying the low-cost hosting providers and WPEngine is by far the best web host. 

    6monthsfree wpengine-myfinancialhill

    When you're starting up your website/blog, the last thing you want is to think about all the technical stuff that goes into it. 

    WPengine has a startup plan that takes care of all the essential back end stuff for you so that you can just hurry up and focus on creating your best content. 


    Psst.. My readers will get a special 6 months free deal, grab it before it's gone!

    WPengine offers:

    • Fast load times of your site
    • 24/7 customer service
    • 10 premium website themes
    • Secure website hosting
    • Easy to use staging environment

    WPengine has been amazing for me so far and I highly recommend them for you to start your website and blog!


    Once you get your blog all set up on the backend with WPengine, now it's time to get to the good stuff. 

    WordPress is where you'll go to add all your content. 



    To add or edit a new blog post



    To add a category for your blog post



    To add pages on your website

    Example: Hompage, category page, contact page



    To add customizable plugins for your website (keep these to a minimum so it doesn't slow down your site)


    It's going to be exciting to know that you have your blog/website up and running. 

    Now, you're going to learn a whole new aspect of creating the look you want for your site. 

    You are more than welcome to use the free themes provided to you. 

    To be honest, you don't need to go crazy trying to make your website look perfect by hiring web developers or even spend tons of money to make it look right.

    The free themes should be just fine especially when you're first starting out. 

    Don't spend too much time working on the look of your website because in all actuality, most people are checking out your site from their phone anyway. 

    So, even if you spend lots of money or time on the look of your site, people may not even care. 

    What truly matters is the content and how it resonates with your readers. 

    Now, for those of you who actually really want to really learn and customize your own site, I highly recommend Thrive Suite

    Thrive Suite

    Yes you can go ahead and use the free themes available to you. 

    One thing to keep in mind is the customization and the ease of use. 

    I chose to go with Thrive Suite because it's been an amazing theme so far. 

    Thrive Suite lets me customize my site whenever I want and makes it too easy to do with drag and drop features. 

    It's a perfect tool for people who aren't professional graphic designers. 

    Plus it just saves me a whole lot of time and money because I get to design aspects myself. 

    So for those of you who want that ease of customization, I definitely recommend Thrive Suite

    What You Need to Know

    When you're first starting out, try not to get lost with the technical aspect of starting your blog. 

    I can tell you from experience that you can literally go down a rabbit hole when you start fixating on irrelevant matters. 

    From first hand experience, I've tried Bluehost for my webhost and multiple themes for this site. 

    I finally landed on WPengine and Thrive Suite as my ultimate go-to arsenal for having a site that's super fast and so incredibly easy to customize. 

    I'd say that I save a lot of time and headache because I use the best, in my opinion. 

    Here's a quick summary:

    • WPengine - Webhosting service for your blog. 
      • Fast load speeds
      • Great customer service
      • They will help you set up your blog from scratch 
    • WordPress - Where you go to add new blog posts, pages like your homepage or contact, etc. 
      • It's free and WPengine can help set it up for you
    • Thrive Suite - Amazing drag and drop webpage builder
      • Create a site with no web design experience
      • Best website builder I've used 

    3. Making Money with Your Blog 

    You can absolutely make money with your blog!

    What's great about having an income from your blog is that it's passive. 

    Yeah, you'll have to create a way to earn money with your blog but once you do, money will be coming in when you least expect it. 

    I'm making nearly $1,000 of passive income this month.

    Here are some ways you can earn money with your blog:

    • Affiliate- Earn a percentage when you recommend products or services
      • Amazon Associates- Great affiliate program for new bloggers where you can earn a commission when someone clicks on your affiliate link for a product.
    • Ads- Earn money with an ad network depending on how many views you have
      • Ad Networks
        • Google Adsense - No minimum views
        • Ezoic - Minimum of 10,000 views per month
        • Monumetric - Minimum of 10,000 views per month
        • Mediavine -Minimum of 50,000 views per month
        • Adthrive - Minimum of 100,000 views per month
    • Sponsors-  Get paid when you recommend certain products or work with certain brands
    • Digital Products- Create and sell your own products online to earn an income
    • Courses- Create a course and earn income
    • Memberships- Create a tribe and get paid for whatever service you provide

    There are so many different ways you can go about earning money with your blog. 

    Here are some examples of bloggers who earn from their blogs:

    All these people started from 0 and grew their online business to amazing numbers. 

    If they can do it, so can you!

    4. Traffic Streams

    After you create your blog, you need to create a way for your audience to find you. 

    There's social media like Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and search engines like Google and Pinterest. 

    When you first start out, it may be best to try Pinterest and work on Google also. 

    How did you come across this blog? Most likely from Pinterest right? 

    The great thing about Pinterest is that it acts as a search engine. 

    Create eye pleasing pins and let your audience find you. 

    You'll most likely gain a whole lot more traction from Pinterest than Google SEO in the beginning. 

    Google SEO is also know as Google Search Engine Optimization. 

    All this may sound technical but don't worry it's no big deal. 

    Basically, you'll create posts that your audience is looking for by using keywords. 

    5. Finding Content Ideas

    Don't make the mistake of randomly posting blog posts of what you ate for dinner or what clothes you plan to wear for the day. 

    Because in all actuality, people are looking for answers to their needs.

    You'll want to create content that your audience is interested in. 

    Let's say you want to start a garden blog and don't have an idea of what exactly it is you want to talk about. 

    You can do keyword research by using free tools like: 

    • Ahrefs
    • MOZ

    For example: 

    Say you have a gardening blog and you're trying to come up with a keyword. 

    You come across 'how to fill a raised garden bed' by doing some research with the tools. 


    You see that there is a volume of 1,200 people searching for that specific keyword and you also have a traffic potential of 2,700 just from that one keyword. 

    Using those tools helps you find the keywords you need also analyzes them for you so it'll give you an idea of how much traffic you can get if you start ranking. 

    Now, keep in mind that Google is a lot slower when it comes to giving you traffic as a new blog. 

    That's why your best bet will be to start promoting your articles on Pinterest.


    raised garden bed

    You can get traffic to your site a whole lot faster than going for Google in the beginning. 

    Steps to find keywords in Pinterest:

    1. Type in general keyword in the search bar
    2. The second bar underneath has expanded keywords based on your main keyword

    Once you find your keyword, create a Pinterest pin for that keyword and hopefully it is also related to your blog post. 

    Creating Pinterest pins are super easy and no, you don't have to be a graphic designer.

    Use free software like Canva to create your pins. 

    I'd recommend making several versions of your 1 pin so that you have more chances of capturing the attention of your audience. 

    You can then figure out which pins are doing better and create more similar designs that your audience seems to like. 

    Pinterest will help you get the ball rolling when it comes to getting those pageviews as a new blogger. 

    Another program I use that helped me grow my Pinterest to over 300,000 views is Tailwind

    Pinterest monthly views - myfinancialhill


    Tailwind-Black Friday-Cyber Monday Extension Creative-Myfinancialhill

    Tailwind is a scheduling tool that helped me send out Pinterest pins on auto pilot. 

    Using Tailwind, I can schedule Pinterest pins to go out several times a day for months out. 

    It literally helped me save so much time which would've been wasted trying to pin throughout the day. 

    Unfortunately I just don't have the time during the day to do that. 

    Am I saying you won't have success if you don't you use it? Absolutely not!

    However, Tailwind will be a life saver when you really don't have much time to begin. 

    I really believe that Tailwind really helped launch my site to getting over 300,000 Pinterest views.

    Tailwind Tribes

    Tailwind Tribes is also another aspect of this app that I absolutely love and so grateful for. 

    This is where other content creators go to share their content. 

    You can find a Tailwind Tribe for any industry from:

    • Food
    • Art
    • Spirituality
    • Auto
    • Health
    • Finance

    Basically it's a space where other creators gather to share one another's Pinterest pins.

    But what's amazing about it is the amount of audiences you can potentially reach when someone in the group shares your pin. 

    tailwind stats - myfinancialhill

    Do you see the amount of re-shares and potential audience that my Pinterest pin can be available to? 167 re-shares and 1.9 M reach!

    Tailwind Tribes helps your Pinterest pins spread like butter!

    If you're just starting out and don't have much time to be pinning on the daily, I would HIGHLY recommend Tailwind to give your site a boost!


    My readers will get 50% off, grab it before it's gone!


    Making money with your blog is absolutely possible. 

    Start treating it as a business because essentially isn't that what a business is? 

    Set aside time in your life, maybe after work or on the weekends to get this blog thing going.

     You never know where this journey will lead you.

    If you're feeling stuck in life and need a change, give blogging a shot.

    It can unleash a whole new world of unlimited potential. 

    Remember when you start your blog, don't get stuck on irrelevant things. 

    • Find your niche, get your blog name (get an easy one people can remember)
    • Get your site up and running fast with WPengine (6 months free for my readers)
    • Use a good easy to use theme, I'm using Thrive Suite
    • Do your keyword research using tools like SEMRUSH, Ahrefs, etc.
    • Try Pinterest to get the ball rolling with pageviews to your blog
    • Get the ultimate boost to your Pinterest and Blog by using Tailwind (My readers get a special 50% off now)
    • Dream big because this is your one life to live, give blogging a go!

    Wishing you all the success in this lifetime!

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