Debt, Debt Free Story

Brett’s Debt Free Story of $67,000

In our society, debt is prevalent. People often incur debt to attend school, get a car, buy a home, just to live a “normal” life. Debt is so ingrained into our American culture that there is no emphasis on the significant financial harm that it causes people. Without proper awareness to the issue, people often spend thousands or hundreds of thousands over time in interest fees. Debt truly is the biggest detriment to our financial well being. Sometimes, people do break free from the mentality of complacency. Today, we will be talking about Brett’s debt free story of how he conquered $67,000 worth of debt in under 3 years.

Bretts Debt Free Journey My Financial Hill

Meet Brett, 31 years old, and works as an Aerospace Technician in Indianapolis, IN. Just like the many millions of Americans, Brett took out loans to get himself through school and also got himself a car. What sets him aside from most Americans is that he decided to get debt free and pay off all $67,000 worth of debt he had in under 3 years.

Brett’s Debt Free Story

Brett Burton, 31 years old

Brett’s Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter

Resides: Indianopolis, IN

Occupation: Aerospace Technician

Total Debt: $67,000

Total Time to Pay Off: Under 3 years

1 | How much debt did you have to start with? How long did it take to pay off? 

I paid off a total of $67,000 in just under 3 years.

2 | When did you first decide to start your debt free journey?

I was very anxious upon graduation, in 2015, to have this burden of debt on my shoulders.

I was actually thinking about it as I was applying for more and more loans to get me through college, so the anxiety really came to a head once I was finished with school and hit the workforce.

I’ve always been very financially motivated, but this really lit a fire under me.

3 | What was your debt consisted of?

After graduating with my bachelors degree, I had about $60,000 in student loan debt (interest rates ranging from 3% up to 8.5%), and soon after graduation, I needed to replace my car, so I ended up with about $7,000 (3% interest rate) in auto debt.

4 | What was your income range throughout the debt free journey?

I started out making about $29,000 per year, and by the time I had paid off my debt entirely, I had made $60,000 per year (a lot of which was voluntary overtime).

5 | Are there any specific things you did to help pay down debt? 

The biggest factor in my situation was having great parents that provided me with a home without collecting any rent.

My parents know me as well as anyone, and they knew I was tremendously determined to pay off my debt as fast as I possibly could, so I really owe so much credit to them since they facilitated an environment that was prime for achieving this goal.

During my debt-free journey, I may have sounded ungrateful or frustrated at times due to the stress, driven by the debt scenario, but I can easily see now that I wouldn’t be in such a good situation now if they hadn’t been so gracious in their parenting, helping however they could.

I also worked as much overtime as my employer would allow me; I recall semi-frequent 80-hour work weeks.

Other than that, I was very conscientious about my spending habits, opportunity cost, and compounding interest.

6 |  Did you use any tools to help pay off debt?

It’s funny because I didn’t use any tools or look at my situation very technically until after I had already paid my way out of the mess.

I was very aggressive since my money didn’t need to be allocated to any other bills (aside from cell phone). This unique situation allowed me to be very intense with my payments.

7 |  Did you use any debt payoff strategies?

I didn’t even know the two methods existed during my payoff, but I can easily identify that I used the Avalanche Method.

It made so much more sense to me to eliminate higher interest rates first since they would be compounding more rapidly. I recognize the value in the snowball method, but I wasn’t lacking any motivation in keeping consistent, so I paid them down like it was scorched earth.

8 | How did you stay motivated throughout your debt free journey?

I think everyone at any given time, mentally, can be found on a spectrum somewhere between anxious and depressed (thinking too much about the future vs. thinking too much about the past).

I can usually be found closer to the anxious side of the spectrum, although finding the balance in the present is something I strive for every day through meditation.

Paying off debt is difficult. Being disciplined and keeping focused on your goals is challenging.

Knowing yourself & your habits and tendencies can be very valuable when you begin to feel that you are making compromises on important goals.

Social pressure was a massive challenge for me during my journey, and meditation & conscious visualization kept me motivated, focused and prepared.

Taking the reins and choosing to deal with my problems head-on was an easy decision for me to make, understanding the lifestyle change that would come with the achievement of becoming debt-free.

After all, choosing to work so hard for your future is quite different from living with stress and having your hand forced, living how your lender determines you will live under your debt to them.

9 | How has your life changed from before and after paying off debt?

A big motivator during my payoff was the goal of owning a home of my own & experiencing the lifestyle change that would come with moving out of my parent’s house. Our relationship has always been good, but I think this has made it even better.

The stress of debt can really make you into someone you don’t want to be, and I recognized the danger in that for my relationships.

Now that I’m out of debt, money doesn’t stress me out, and I have freed up mental space for things that I find more valuable and productive. I put in my time, now I can begin to enjoy the fruits of my labor.

Home ownership has been a blessing & I’m experiencing freedoms I’ve been chasing for a very long time. I’m still working like a crazy person because I still have some “habit-carryover” from paying so aggressively on my loans; now I’m paying down my mortgage with similar intensity.

I have learned so much about investing (retirement, stock market, real estate, etc.) and I think I will benefit significantly later in life from educating myself on these things early on.

I could very easily choose to relax at this point in my life, but I choose to keep the momentum I gathered in order to position myself for the future.

Soon I plan to “let off the gas” and begin to let myself enjoy this life I’ve worked so hard to earn, but for now I will continue the grind, understanding that the early dollars are so powerful (compound interest!).

10 |  Was there anything you wish you did differently during the debt free journey?

Not particularly. If I had the same amount of debt today, I think I would treat the situation very similarly.

I had to tell myself, “You borrowed this money. Now it’s time to pay it back.” Taking responsibility is underrated; it’s what my parents taught me, and it’s how I live to this day.

I did find myself compromising on my goal a couple of times and I had to correct my path and remind myself to keep disciplined, but I think those challenges forced me to make decisions that made my conviction stronger, so I wouldn’t say that I regret any of that either.

Finding the balance between staying the course and not absolutely killing yourself (taking the time to enjoy simple pleasures, but not living lavish) is a real hurdle, especially when social pressure begins to get to you.

11 | How does it feel to be debt free or close to?

Aside from my mortgage, I am 100% debt-free.

It is truly an amazing feeling. I know many don’t include mortgage debt in their net worth, but I do.

For that reason, I still feel very much in debt, although I understand this is a very long-term investment that will take quite a while to pay down.

Having the freedom of choice to invest my income however I wish is something special though, without a doubt.

My mind isn’t always concerned with money like it was during my pay-off and I can focus that attention on things that matter more to me and those around me.

12 | Would you like to offer any words of encouragement to other readers?

It can’t be understated that acting early is of such significant importance to becoming debt-free, regardless of individual situation.

The longer you wait, the more interest will stack up against you. The quicker you can pay it down, the quicker you will feel the momentum tip in your favor.

There will be major challenges along the way.

I wish I had known about such great YouTube channels like Dave Ramsey, Chris Hogan, Rachel Cruze, The Money Guy Show, etc. during my debt-free journey.

They can be great resources, communities, and sources of inspiration to keep you focused and remind you that you’re making the right decisions as you chase freedom from debt.

There are plenty of ill-advised financial decisions that you can make (getting yourself into debt in the first place is a great example!), so having free resources to keep you in check is absolutely a plus.

Having relationships in your own life that will help to hold you accountable can be powerful too.

The most effective source of motivation for me was getting fed up with being broke. Life doesn’t have to be so stressful, and getting your finances in order is a game changer.

Brett’s debt free story shows us that paying off debt is possible especially if you’re determined to achieve your goal. Yes, social pressure can often be difficult to overcome but staying focused on your future goals and having the help of supportive loved ones will help you get there.

Why was Brett so adamant about paying off his student loan and car loan? Let’s do some simple calculations to see how much interest would be paid if he just held on to his loans over time.

According to CNBC, people usually take 20 years to pay back student loans.

Let’s say, Brett took 20 years to pay back his student loans at an average interest rate of 5.75% and 5 years to pay back his car loan at 3%, how much interest would he pay?

According to Bankrate:

LoanTermInterestTotal PaidTotal Interest
Student Loan $60,00020 Years5.5 %$99,055.77$39,055.77
Car Loan $7,0005 Years3 %$7,546.85$546.85

Over time, Brett would have paid $39,055.77 and $546.85 in interest alone! To prevent this from happening, Brett’s debt free story shows us that it’s important to hunker down and get serious about paying off debt to prevent wasting money on interest fees.

There were times when Brett worked 80 hour work weeks to make extra income to pay off his debt. Everyone’s debt free journey will be different and ultimately it will be your decision on what pace you want to go for your own debt progress.

Brett’s debt free story shows us that hard work, determination, having supportive loved ones, beating social pressure, all amounts to becoming debt free. Thank you Brett for sharing your debt payoff story with us. Through your story, we can see that a little bit of hard work now will only provide financial benefits in the future.

Are you ready to start your own debt free journey? Get started by grabbing this free Debt Thermometer and join us in the free 5-Day Debt Free Bootcamp to pay off $500 worth of debt in your first month.

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Debt Free Journey Update May 2020 77,750 My Financial Hill
Debt, Debt Journey

Debt Free Journey Update May 2020

We partner with some awesome companies that offer products which can help our readers. If you make a purchase through one of our partner links, we may receive a commission at absolutely no additional cost to you! Please see my Policy & Disclosure page for full details. 

It’s been 20 months into our debt free journey so far. We started off with $116,000 worth of debt. So far we’ve paid $77,750 off with $38,250 remaining. It’s amazing that we’ve paid off 2/3rd of our total debt so far in 20 months.

I have to admit that when we first jotted down all our debt in September, seeing the total number made us feel hopeless. I thought we would carry the debt for the rest of our lives.

My husband and I realized that taking small steps and using the right tools, it is possible to get out of debt.

If you’re reading this post for the first time, check out all the debt we had below.

September of 2018:

8 Credit Cards
1 Car Loan
2 Medical Loans
2 Student Loans
1 Personal Loan and 1 Personal Loan from family
Total $116,000

May 2020:

1 Student Loan
1 Personal Loan from family
Total $38,250

In 20 months, we got rid of $77,750 worth of debt. So what were the actionable steps we took to get this far?

  • We started budgeting using the zero based budget system.

Related: How To Get Out Of Debt With These 5 Tips

May Debt Free Journey $77,750

Since COVID-19 started, my husband and I decided to slow down our debt paying progress at least until things get somewhat back to normal. From paying our usual “rollover money” of $1,600 towards debt, this month we paid $411.

We are paying $411 to my student loans while it’s in forbearance. Why? All payment made goes straight towards principal! This is actually a perfect time to be paying off student loans since any payment will not be split up towards interest and principal. I wish we could pay more of the student loan off but for now we will take things a little slower due to Covid.

We need to be conservative since my husband had a pay cut from his company and I can’t work extra temp jobs as I was planning to before COVID-19 hit.

Now, we are primarily saving mostly because you just can’t predict the future.

We still follow all the steps mentioned above to keep our debt payoff progress going. The most important part of the debt paying process is budgeting.

1 | Budget

I use the Zero Based Budget which has been extremely successful in helping us manage our money. If you want to use an app that tracks your spending automatically then use Personal Capital which is also a free app.



How To Budget Your Money For Beginners

Snowball Method

2 | Emergency Fund During COVID-19

This is one thing I’d strongly recommend especially if you are undertaking your own debt free journey. Please save a good 2-6 month fund before throwing every single penny at debt. Erin and Steve also agrees, read about their debt free journey.

Not saying to hold off on paying debt completely, but make sure you also save for an emergency fund at the same time. Once you reach your ideal and safe emergency fund amount, then throw every extra penny at debt.

3 | Look For Savings


During my last shopping trip to Walmart, I got $8.75 cash back by using Ibotta. I use Ibotta because it’s so easy to use. I actually tried to coupon a while ago but it was too time consuming and I just couldn’t keep up with it.

What I like about Ibotta is choosing items I’m going to buy, upload my receipt, and get real cash back.

Debt Free Journey Update May 2020-Ibotta-My Financial Hill

All you do is click on the “+” icon for the item that you plan to buy. It gets added to your list. Once you get your receipt, submit it to Ibotta, and the program will automatically match your list with the items on the receipt. Once you reach $20, redeem it for cash or gift cards.


Ibotta is an easy alternative for those who don’t want to go looking for coupons everywhere and also to get real cash back!

$8.75 cash back for one grocery shopping trip is not too shabby. Can’t complain about having more money in my pockets.

It’s these small savings that ultimately save you hundreds in the long run. It’s about making small decisions that add up over time.

Sign up for free at Ibotta and use the code YDIGCFJ to get your $20 welcome bonus

4 | Save on Food Costs

Do you know how much you spend on food costs each month?

This is where we were able to save hundreds in a month. We only buy convenience food on the weekends. Meal prepping during the weekday has saved us so much money.

If you need some ideas on recipes to cook, check these out:

Air Fryer Recipes Healthy and Low Carb for Dinner

10 Easy Breakfast Ideas

20 Easy Keto Low Carb Recipes for Dinner

I’ve read an article of someone who only spends $50 a month on outside food. All I can say is wow. It’s definitely possible with effort. We won’t go to that extreme because I think you have to find a happy medium between sacrifice and what you want.

That’s the key to staying motivated on any debt free journey. Things can’t be too difficult where you’re unable to follow through with the plan. Give yourself some freedom in your budget to enjoy things here and there. That can be going out to eat, fun money fund, vacation fund, clothing fund, and more.

To find more saving ideas, check out 95 Best Money Saving Tips to Start Now

5 | Make extra money if you can

With COVID-19 lingering around, it’s probably best to try to make extra side money safely.

  • Put money into a high yield savings account to earn money passively
  • Sell your clothes/furniture/toys/electronics on Ebay, Mercari, Letgo, or Nextdoor
  • Take online surveys for money Get your $10 sign up bonus today with Swagbucks
  • Be a freelancer on Fiverr and sell your skills including being a graphic designer, virtual assistant, photo editing, writing/editing/proofreading content, marketing, programming, SEO optimization, programming, transcription, other social media services
  • Make money losing weight on HealthyWage and other apps like Dietbet and Stickk. People make hundreds to thousands of dollars by challenging themselves to lose weight which creates a financial incentive.

Check out other ways to make extra money every month


6 | Second guess your purchases

Before you buy anything from a $5 to $1,000 item, ask yourself if you really need it. We stopped spending money frivolously just by purchasing things we actually really need rather than want.

Give yourself a budget for things you want.

For instance, we have a spot on our budget for categories like “fun”, “vacation”, “gifts for eachother”, etc.

If you really want those $100 shoes or $600 bag, plan and save up for it.

7 | Travel For Free

During our debt free journey, it was important for us to still have fun and travel. You don’t have to cancel all vacations and trips so that you can be debt free.

Find that happy medium to attain your goals without sacrificing your happiness.

Because of Covid-19, we probably won’t be traveling internationally this year just to be on the safe side.

When we do travel, we have 188,610 travel points to use up! That’s equal to $1,886 worth of points. Find out how we travel for free below.

Debt Free Journey – May 2020 Update

We’re trying to save more money during this time because of Covid-19. We were able to pay $411 towards my student loan which brings our total payoff amount to $77,750 with a balance of $38,250.

I try to find savings where I can like using the Ibotta app when I grocery shop. It’s the little things but it can eventually add up to big bucks at the end of the year. Why not keep more money in your pockets.

Also, if your student loan is currently in forbearance, any payment made may go directly towards principal. Please confirm this information with your student loan provider. I definitely want to pay off as much of my last student loan as possible while the account is under forbearance to undertake this opportunity.

Are you ready to start your own debt free journey? Get started by grabbing this free Debt Thermometer and join us in the free 5-Day Debt Free Bootcamp to pay off $500 worth of debt in your first month.

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Debt, Lifestyle, Money

How To Start Your Own Free WordPress Blog With Bluehost

We partner with some awesome companies that offer products which can help our readers. If you make a purchase through one of our partner links, we may receive a commission at absolutely no additional cost to you! Please see my Policy & Disclosure page for full details. 

 Has the thought ever crossed your mind that it may be awesome to have a blog to call your own? Maybe you're really passionate about something, or you want to share your knowledge, and even maybe you've read blogging success stories of people making thousands of dollars a month from blogging.

Well, what are you waiting for? You won't know if you can succeed if you don't try. I'll show you how to start your own free WordPress blog with Bluehost.

Starting a blog can be a great hobby or it can also earn you major income. It all depends on which direction you want to go in. Either way, blogging can be very fun. There are days where I can spend hours working on my blog but it doesn't feel like a drag, time definitely flies by way too fast.

I guess when you enjoy doing something, it doesn't feel like work at all.

The best part about starting a blog is how very inexpensive it is. You can start a FREE WordPress blog starting today. It's really that easy. You may be wondering what is WordPress?


WordPress is a blog and website creation tool where you can create and customize your content. It may be a website you want to create for your business or create blog posts for your personal blog page.

To think of it simply, WordPress is like a house where you can customize and renovate it and add furniture (content) to your heart's desire. However, a house sits on land. That's where Bluehost comes in.

Keep in mind that you want and not You can start your free WordPress blog or site through Bluehost (web hosting provider).

Why you want

  • Customize your site to your heart's desire
  • Able to make money off your site by placing ads
  • Able to install any plugin you want
  • It is your OWN site and can't be deleted at a whim

No need to worry about this at the moment. When you sign up with Bluehost, is what you will be using.


How to start your own free wordpress site - My Financial Hill

Bluehost is a web hosting provider. Think of it like the land where the house sits on. Through Bluehost you choose your domain name (website name). Once you sign up with Bluehost, WordPress is then free to be used as your platform. The best part about starting your own free WordPress blog with Bluehost is that the fee is extremely inexpensive!

I'm talking about LESS THAN A CUP OF COFFEE a month. Yes, I'm serious! You can start your own free WordPress blog with them for as little as $3.95 a month. That's incredibly affordable for creating something that can change your life.

I absolutely LOVE Bluehost! I mean it! Their customer service rocks! If I ever had questions about my site, I can chat with a representative at any hour of the day or night.

Just the other day, I reached out to a rep at 11:30 at night and had my question answered.

Bluehost reps are the ones that helped me get my site up and running when I first started out and had no clue what I was doing. They're really amazing. For $3.95 a month to start a blog/website/e-commerce page it's totally worth it plus more!

Bluehost Benefits

  • Low rates- Starting at $3.95 a month to host your website (plan I still use till this day)
  • Awesome customer service
  • Easy setup and integration with WordPress
  • Free WordPress site included

Starting your site with Bluehost is an awesome option for beginners and if you don't get a lot of traffic to your site in the beginning. 

Bluehost is highly recommended for those just starting out because their reps go above and beyond to help you get the ball rolling. 

Once the traffic to your site starts picking up or you need super premium hosting service, then I would recommend WPEngine down the road. 

WPEngine offers great customer service, fast site speeds, and comes with all the bells and whistles when it comes to web hosting. 


First you need to head to Bluehost site to register your domain name and sign up for your website hosting. Bluehost if offering a 50% discount at a very low rate of $3.95 a month compared to $7.99 a month for this service. For their level of service, easy-to-use platform, plus a free WordPress site, it can't get any better than that.

Sign up at the discounted rate of $3.95/month with Bluehost-Click Here

How To Start Your Own Free WordPress Blog With Bluehost-Bluehost Main Screen-My Financial Hill

Next, pick your plan

How To Start Your Own Free WordPress Blog With Bluehost-Bluehost Pick Plan-My Financial Hill

If you're just starting out, choose the basic plan. You always have the option of upgrading your plan later if you need to. The basic plan should be more than enough.

Choose your domain (website) name

How To Start Your Own Free WordPress Blog With Bluehost-Bluehost Set Up Domain-My Financial Hill

You can choose your domain (website) name at this point, or come back to it if you can't think of a good name yet. Also, you always have the option of changing your website name later if you're not happy with what you chose to begin with.

Create Your Account
and Pick Your Plan

How To Start Your Own Free WordPress Blog With Bluehost-Bluehost Create Account-My Financial Hill

Within the basic plan, you can sign up for a 12 month plan, 24 month plan, or 36 month plan. When I first signed up with Bluehost, I chose the 36 month plan because I wanted the cheapest monthly cost possible. That is basically $3.95 per month, $47.40 for the year or $142.20 for 36 months. I pay triple in my cable bill for one month compared to what I pay for in a whole year to run my blog.

If you're not sure about a 36 month plan, you can always try it for 12 months which will be $5.95 a month or $71.40 for the year. That's still a really good price to run a website that you can call your own.

To get the cheapest rate, signing up for the 36 month plan would be the best option.

How To Start Your Own Free WordPress Blog With Bluehost-Bluehost Package Information-My Financial Hill

After choosing your plan, there may be some 'Package Extras' that could be automatically checked off. I wouldn't sign up for those tools just yet. First, get your website up and running and you can always download free 'Plugins' to meet your website maintenance needs. You can always sign up for those recommended programs by Bluehost later if you need to.

Install Free WordPress Blog

After signing up with Bluehost, your free WordPress blog and website will be automatically installed. That's another reason why Bluehost is awesome, everything is very simple to use on their platform.

How To Start Your Own Free WordPress Blog With Bluehost-WordPress Themes-My Financial Hill

Choosing Your Theme

First, you will be prompted to choose your theme. There will be lots and lots of free themes to choose from. There will also be premium themes available at a cost. You can choose the theme that you like the most.

When I first started my free WordPress blog, I chose a free theme but quickly ended up with a premium theme. Surprisingly enough, using a free theme was actually a lot harder than using a premium theme.

I found that I had to manually try to "build" a page having to customize every single thing which made it extremely difficult for me since I was completely new to the coding/web page building world.

A premium theme was incredibly easy to use. Everything from the home page, posts, contact pages were already beautifully styled and all I had to do was change wording around.

For people that are new to blogging/website creation, I HIGHLY recommend a premium theme. Save your time, frustration, and energy to create what's valuable which is your content!

For my site I use Thrive Architect theme which you can get get HERE.

Thrive Home Screen - How To Start Your Own Free WordPress Blog With Bluehost - My Financial Hill

I'm stating this from experience but for a good part of the first year of starting this blog, I had another theme which I paid around $50 for it.

It was decent enough where I was able to easily design my pages as needed but as time went on I started noticing that the design of my website was hugely limited compared with Thrive.

As you start your blogging career, you'll begin to realize that any little thing you need as far as appearances go for your site, you may need to start getting plug-ins.

Keep in mind that the less plug-ins you have on your site, the better because a lot of plug-ins actually bog down your site and slow it down.

After months and months of messing with plug-ins and being frustrated with the lack of customization for this site, I came across Thrive and it's been amazing guys!

Thrive is literally the all in one package to help you launch a beautiful site with tons of pre-designed pages. Also, you'll find their page design/builder is extremely easy to use. Even a non-techie and beginner like me was able to design my own site.

Thrive can literally help you save hundreds or more because you won't need to hire designers or buy expensive programs if you want to do more advanced stuff like make courses or create sales pages for your site.

Thrive is all you need! I'm seriously in love with this theme builder and it's so easy to use.

You can get a beautiful site up with Thrive, it's really an amazing tool to use.

So, I HIGHLY suggest for you to try Thrive and save yourself hair pulling, frustration, and wasted time using other themes.

Navigating WordPress

How To Start Your Own Free WordPress Blog With Bluehost-Welcome to WordPress-My Financial Hill

Once you arrive at the "Welcome to WordPress" page, click on "Business" or "Personal" depending on what you want your site to be about. For blogs, I would choose the "Personal" option.

Awesome, now you're all ready to get started creating great content!

Just to familiarize yourself with the platform, let's go over a few things you may see on your navigation bar on the left.

  • Posts- Primarily used for your blog content.
  • Media-Upload your pictures, videos, and other media files for your site
  • Pages- This is where you go to create your homepage, contact page, about me page, and more.
  • Comments-Check recently posted comments on your site.
  • Appearance-This is where you can go to customize the layout of your site by changing themes or adding in widgets.
  • Plugins-Offer extra add-ons to your site if you want specific forms, back-up programs, gallery display, number counters, calendars, graphs, and so much more. There's a plugin for EVERYTHING. You will find all sorts of plugins specific to your site's needs.

There you have it, now you know how to start a free WordPress blog through Bluehost. It's simple and easy to sign up. Bluehost has awesome customer service and they will help you with any concerns you may have. $3.95 a month is so worth having your own beautiful blog and website to call your own.

If you have any questions at all, I'll do my best to help you out. Reach out to me here.

Alright, now you're ready to put yourself out there and share with the world! 

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Debt, Debt Free Story

Debt Free Story of Erin and Steve’s $110,427 Debt

We partner with some awesome companies that offer products which can help our readers. If you make a purchase through one of our partner links, we may receive a commission at absolutely no additional cost to you! Please see my Policy & Disclosure page for full details. 

We live in a society where it’s normal and encouraged to use borrowed money to sustain our lives. We often learn that it’s okay to get what we want NOW and pay it back later. This kind of mentality ultimately hurts us in the long run. What we often don’t realize is that the money we borrow accumulates interest that ultimately makes the lender richer not us! It’s time to flip things around by getting out of debt so that we keep more of our hard earned money back in our pockets. Today’s debt free story of Erin and Steve’s $110,427 debt journey shows us exactly how they were able to turn things around.

Erin and Steve at their favorite place in the world Empire, MI

Meet Erin and Steve! Erin, 35, is a Business Intelligence Manager and also behind WholeFitPlantBased on Instagram. Steven, 36, is a Brewery Cellarman. They are huge outdoor enthusiasts who love to camp, hike, mountain bike, kayak, paddleboard, and Steve is even learning to kiteboard right now. They are also both Vegan and very passionate about their health. Besides loving the outdoor life and being health conscious, they defeated over $110,000 worth of debt!

They were like any average American with loads of debt ranging from student loans, credit cards, and car loans. Having a whopping total debt amount of $110,427.87 cents to be exact. They didn’t look at that number and just give up, they decided to make a change and become debt free. Learn more about the debt free story of Erin and Steve’s financial journey and how they became debt free!

Debt Free Story of Erin and Steve

Erin Wisneski, 35 years old, Business Intelligence Manager

Steven, 36 years old, Brewery Cellarman

From: Spring Lake, MI

Total Debt:  $110,427.87 of debt not including the mortgage

Total Time to be Debt Free: 4 Years and 2 Months

1 |  How much debt did you have to start with? How long did it take to pay off? 

In March of 2016 we had $110,427.87 of debt not including our mortgage. This took us 4 years and 2 months to pay off. 

Debt progress chart provided by Erin and Steve

2 |  When did you first decide to start your debt free journey?

We officially started throwing extra money at the debt above the minimum payments in March of 2016. 

Someone at work had told me to look into Dave Ramsey’s method about 4 years prior to this when I told them about how much debt I was in. 

I looked at it but couldn’t find the right way to start.

After we got married and my husband changed careers I started looking at budgeting for the first time

We had so many dreams we wanted to accomplish for our lives and this debt was a huge hindrance to those dreams. 

We finally decided to focus on paying off our debt in March of 2016 after reading The Total Money Makeover

Using the Ramsey principles we quickly saved up our $1,000 Emergency Fund and then started throwing as much money as we could each month to the debt.

3 | What was your debt consisted of?

Steve’s Student Loan$ 1 K
3 Credit Cards + Private Loan
(Private Loan used to pay off a CC)
$ 17.5 K
Car $ 11 K
Erin’s Student Loans
(5 Private + 1 Federal Loan)
$ 81 K

I also need to add in that life happened during this time. 

We were able to successfully cash flow the following items in the past 4 years during our debt payoff

Vehicle Repairs

* Note this didn’t all happen at once. 
This “lemon” vehicle kept having issues
and seemed to always cost us
$1k or more to fix each time. 
We finally threw our hands and
gave up and replaced it in 2018
$ 12 K
Replaced the “lemon” vehicle with a used vehicle $ 15 K
Replaced Water Heater $ 500
New Washer and Dryer$ 400
New Roof (enforced by our condo association)$ 2 K

4 | What was your income range throughout the debt free journey?

We started at about $90k in household income in 2016.

Last year (2019) we had $125k in household income.

5 | Are there any specific things you did to help pay down debt? 


First, we tracked what we were spending money on.  This was eye opening as we really had no idea what all of our money was going to each month. 

After we tracked our expenses for a couple of months, we identified areas we could cut down or take out of the budget.

I also found a great spreadsheet template that allowed me to list all of our debts and based on our average monthly snowball payment, could predict when we would be out of debt. 

Originally the spreadsheet told us it would take 3 years to pay off this debt, but life happens and we had some unexpected expenses along the way, so it took us 4 years instead.

6 | Did you use any tools to help pay off debt?

For the first 3 years we used the Every Dollar App

This was a great starting point for us but it wasn’t perfect. 

Last year I discovered the YNAB app and this app really helped us make our final push. 

We paid off a lot more this year using the YNAB app than the Every Dollar App.

7 | Do you like the Snowball or Avalanche method to pay down debt?

At first when we had 12 separate debts to tackle I really liked the snowball method

This method allowed us to get some emotional wins that we desperately needed to stay motivated.  But when we were down to the last few debts we changed our method a little to what worked for us. 

We had to replace a vehicle in 2018 and I decided to shift paying off our car loan sooner so that we could more easily sell the old car.  

8 | How did you stay motivated throughout your debt free journey?

I would listen to the Dave Ramsey Podcast almost everyday on my commute to work. 

The debt free screams were really motivating, especially when people had similar incomes/debt as us.

We would focus on our future dreams and goals whenever we said “no” and remember the reasons we were doing this.

9 | How has your life changed from before and after the paying off debt?

Our lives have changed drastically

This debt free journey has really taught us that experiences are worth more than materialistic things. 

We have learned patience and simplicity. 

We don’t compare ourselves to others and try to focus on doing things and buying things that truly make us happy and add value to our life.

10 | Was there anything you wish you did differently during the debt free journey?

There were 2 things I wish we had done differently and differ from the Ramsey Principles.     

1 | I wish we had built a larger Emergency Fund first before paying off debt instead of only the $1000.  We thankfully have been very lucky to have never had to dip into those funds, but based on the current climate (COVID-19) I would feel less at risk than I do now.   

2 | I also wish we had been contributing to our 401ks during this time to at least get the company match.  We missed out on some free money and valuable compound interest time.

11 | How does it feel to be debt free or close to?

It feels like a huge weight has been lifted off our shoulders. 

I feel like we can accomplish anything we set our mind to. 

We are so excited for the future.  

12 | Would you like to offer any words of encouragement to other readers?

Paying off debt is not easy and there is no miracle pill to fix this. 

It probably took you years to accumulate the debt you have, it’s not going to go away overnight. 

It takes time, patience, and a lot of willpower. 

I encourage you to just take one day one step at a time

When life happens don’t throw your hands up and give up.  Move through the bad times and focus on your future life goals. 

You can do this.

And most important, try to surround yourself with people that support your dreams and goals.  Don’t waste your energy on other people’s opinions.  

It is truly amazing what anyone can accomplish as long as they put their minds to it and persevere. This debt free story of Erin and Steve shows us that anything is possible. They were able to dig themselves out of $110,427 worth of debt, how astounding is that?!

What we can learn from Erin and Steve is how important it is to set a clear goal, budget, and use the proper debt payoff strategy to accomplish the debt free life. Two key factors to keep in mind is to save a larger emergency fund before throwing everything you have at debt. Secondly, take advantage of compound interest and free money by investing in your company’s investment account (especially if they match).

Erin and Steve shows us that no matter how bleak things may seem financially, hold your head up and focus taking it one step at a time. Thank you both so much for sharing your awesome debt free story with us! Hopefully it will provide us with more encouragement and motivation for each of us to get through our own debt free journeys.

If you want to reach Erin or Steve, connect with them at WholeFitPlantBased on Instagram!

Ready to start your own debt free journey? Today’s the day to make that change in your life. Start with this free gift – Debt Thermometer and join us in the free 5-Day Debt Free Bootcamp to begin knocking out debt ASAP.

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Debt Snowball Method and Free Worksheet Printable-MyFinancialHill
Debt, Money

Does The Debt Snowball Method Really Work?

We partner with some awesome companies that offer products which can help our readers. If you make a purchase through one of our partner links, we may receive a commission at absolutely no additional cost to you! Please see my Policy & Disclosure page for full details. 

Having debt can be overwhelming. Sometimes it may feel like a never ending abyss of bills upon bills. Working hard, earning money, yet at the end of the month there’s nothing left in your bank account. Did you know that 4 in 10 people live paycheck to paycheck? I was in the same position where I thought I could never get out of debt. My husband and I had $127,229 worth of debt, ridiculous, I know. We got serious about wanting to get debt free since September of 2018. We tried to find the best debt payoff strategy and came across the debt snowball method. You will find out if this method has worked for us or not.

What is the debt snowball method?

It’s a very simple and easy debt payoff method which targets the loans with smallest balances first while keeping up with minimum payments for all other debt besides the mortgage payment.

Over time, as each debt gets eliminated, your monthly payment applied towards the next debt item grows larger and larger.

Your “rollover” money essentially becomes a “snowball” as it grows into a larger payment being applied to your debt items.

How does the snowball method work?

The debt snowball method was so easy for us to implement into our debt repayment strategy. It didn’t require any special calculations or special programs. All you really need is a pen/paper/or computer.

Step 1

List ALL DEBT (excluding mortgage). Debt with the smallest balance should be listed on the top.

Debt Snowball Method-My Financial Hill- Free Debt Snowball Worksheet Printable

Step 2

Pay minimums on all debt to stay current

Step 3

Any extra money (after budgeting, extra income, savings, etc.) is applied to Debt #1 on the list.

Debt Snowball Method-My Financial Hill- Free Debt Snowball Worksheet Printable

Step 4

Once Debt #1 has been paid off, take the minimum amount for Debt #1 and apply it to the minimum amount for Debt #2.

After Debt #2 has been paid, take the *New minimum amount for Debt #2 and apply it to the minimum amount for Debt #3, and continue until you reach your DEBT FREE GOAL.

Debt Snowball Method-My Financial Hill- Free Debt Snowball Worksheet Printable

The debt snowball method worked extremely well for our debt payoff progress. We went from having $127,229 worth of debt down to $37,250. We’ve paid $89,979 worth of debt so far since September 2018.

September 2018

8 Credit Cards
1 Car Loan
2 Medical Loans
2 Student Loans
1 Personal Loan + 1 Personal Loan From Family
Credit Score Upper 600’s-Low 700’s
$127,229 Total Debt

June 2020

1 Student Loan
1 Personal Loan From Family
Credit Score Mid 800’s
$37,250 Total Debt Remaining

The snowball method helped pay off debt very fast. We paid down more than $50,000 within the first 10 months all thanks to implementing the debt snowball method. It was awesome going from 15 debt items to 2 now.

Try your own debt snowball method with the free printable below!

Does the debt snowball method really work?

Yes, it does! It’s definitely worked for our situation. We went from having 15 debt items down to the last two remaining.

It felt as if we were able to pay off debt very fast with the snowball method. We were able to pay off more than $50,000 in 10 months with savings, extra money earned, and also finding money saved in our budget.

The snowball method is also a very motivational way to help pay off debt. As we started seeing the small debts get knocked out, it definitely encouraged us to keep going.

There’s nothing better than to work at something and see results fast.

The snowball method definitely was so easy to apply while getting the results we needed to keep us motivated.

Give it a try with the free printable above. Let us know if this method has helped you to start knocking out debt.

Share the pin below!

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My Financial Hill-Debt Free Story of Ben and Julia's $20,000 Journey
Debt, Debt Free Story

Debt Free Story of Ben and Julia’s $20,000 Journey

We partner with some awesome companies that offer products which can help our readers. If you make a purchase through one of our partner links, we may receive a commission at absolutely no additional cost to you! Please see my Policy & Disclosure page for full details. 

In our society, we often may think that having debt is absolutely normal. We may also think having mortgages or even student loans way into our elder years is normal because our parents may have lived that way. That is not the way to live. More and more people are waking up to the fact that having debt actually is a huge downfall. Usually, when people take on debt whether it is student loans, car loans, credit cards, even a mortgage, there is interest applied. This makes paying off loans take years or even decades to pay back. Especially by applying only minimum amounts may cause us to pay hundreds, thousands, or hundreds of thousands to banks in interest fees over time. This debt free story of Ben and Julia shows us that it’s time to get serious and take back control of money.

I had a great opportunity to interview Ben and Julia. They decided to get serious about paying off their student loans because they wanted financial freedom. Their debt free journey took them 2 years and 4 months to pay off $20,000 worth of student loan debt. Most amazingly, they paid off $15,000 of the $20,000 in only 4 months. The debt free story of Ben and Julia can show us what it takes to get serious about debt and take control over money.

Debt Free Story of Ben and Julia

Ben, 24 years old, Mortgage Servicing Industry

Julia, 22 years old, College graduate

Total Debt: $20,000

Total Time: 2 years and 4 months ($5,000 paid off in 2 years and $15,000 paid off in 4 months)

1 | When did you first decide to start your debt free journey?

My wife and I started out in 2018 with a total debt of 20k. We payed off a little extra each month using the Dave Ramsey Snowball Method but we weren’t taking it seriously. This past January we still had 15k in debt and we were tired of it. We wanted freedom from student loans.

2 | What was your debt consisted of?

The initial 20k was 18k students loans and 2k medical debt from an ER trip.

3 | What was your income range throughout the debt free journey?

Our income went from 25k in 2018 to 40k in 2019 to a projected 50k for this year. I switched jobs half way through 2019 and my wife started working part time at a local school.

4 | Are there any specific things you did to help pay down debt?

We followed the Dave Ramsey’s baby steps. We took advantage of the tools provided by Financial Peace University, mainly the Every Dollar app.

We had no credit cards and kept a tight budget. In addition to an aggressive snowball, we saved money on things like going out to eat less.

We sweated the small things like switching between Netflix and Disney + every few months instead of paying for both at the same time.

Another really important factor in keeping the budget was having a set “fun money” for each of us. It was a set about of guilt free money we could spend on whatever we wanted each month.

Having a budget feels very restrictive but having a set amount of fun money is more freeing than not having a budget in the first place.

5 | How did you pay off $15,000 in 4 months?

We payed a total of 15k in 4 months when we were taking it seriously. So with the initial 20k, it took us 2 years to pay down 5k and 4 months to pay rest (15k).

We took FPU (Financial Peace University) this January and had 15k and change left in student loan debt. I work full time and my wife was in her final semester of college. She also works part time at the school to help supplement our income.

Prior to Covid we paid off about 6k with some savings and our tax return and that left us with a little over 9k left. Then this pandemic hit full swing and we went into “pause and pile cash” mode. We got this idea because Dave typically advises people expecting kids or other major expenses to do just that. We thought both of our jobs would be at risk but we’ve been fortunate so far.

We did the math and realized we had enough to pay it off. We felt confident in our job stability now and thought it was time. Making a 9k payment was nerve wracking but it feels great now.

5| How did you stay motivated throughout your debt free journey?

Staying motivated was tough. My wife and I created a “debt chain” made out of construction paper. Each link represented $100 or out debt. I hung it up in our bedroom so we would see it everyday. We’d cut some off every time we made a payment and it felt great. We also made a debt thermometer. It kind of looked like a fundraiser prop but it was another way to visualize our journey to being debt free.

6 | Has your life changed dramatically before and after the process?

We’re saving more money and our emergency fund is set. Julia and I hope to have kids in the next few years and we are saving up for that as well. Since Covid started, we’ve had opportunities to help local charities and people we know with financial needs. I mention that because it’s an incredibly exciting and fulfilling experience.

7 | Was there anything you wish you did differently during the debt free journey?

I wish we started earlier. Life is so much better when you have a financial plan.

8 | How does it feel to be debt free or close to?

Life feels great. We don’t have to worry about financial emergencies. Some things like small car repairs can be absorbed into our budget. Larger emergencies can be covered by our emergency fund.

9 | Would you like to offer any words of encouragement to other readers?

Don’t give up! Have a plan for every dollar and you won’t wonder where your paycheck went. Saving money now prevents disaster later. Be a blessing to others!

Thank you both for sharing your debt free journey with us. This debt free story of Ben and Julia shows us how important it is to create a financial plan and budget to reach our financial goals.

They got serious about the debt paying process in the last 4 months of their journey and paid off $15,000 of their final debt. They learned to save money where they could, budgeted properly, and still managed to set money aside for their “fun money”.

Their debt free story shows us that paying off debt doesn’t have to be a miserable process. You can still have fun in life but now you can properly plan for it and be responsible about it. They are young and now have their whole lives ahead of them DEBT FREE, how AMAZING!

Ready to start your own debt free journey? Today’s the day to make that change in your life. Start with this free gift – Debt Thermometer and join us in the free 5-Day Debt Free Bootcamp to begin knocking out debt ASAP.

Read More:

Kaleb’s $110,000 Debt Free Story

Paul’s $50,000 Debt Free Journey

How to Get Out of Debt With These 5 Tips

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My Financial Hill Debt Free Story Paying $50,000 of Student Loans
Debt, Debt Free Story

Debt Free Story Paying $50,000 of Student Loans

We live in a society where we’re taught that education is everything. Unfortunately, in most instances we have to pay for our education. The worst part is, even if we graduate or not, our student loans haunt us for years to come. With interest rates applied on thousands of dollars worth of student loans, even making minimal payments can often get you no where. That’s what Paul didn’t want. His debt free story is about the steps he took to make sure he got rid of his $50,000 in student loans.

I’ve had a wonderful opportunity to speak with Paul (alias name-requested to remain anonymous). He is in the military, 29 years old from Allentown, PA and wanted to share his debt free story. After college he wound up with $50,000 worth of student loan debt. He decided that he will not carry it for the rest of his life. He enlisted in the military after college which helped propel his debt payoff since he didn’t have residency expenses. The military provided free board in the barracks. Without huge living expenses, he was able to knock out all $50,000 within 4 years making $24,000-$36,000. Truly amazing! Learn more about Paul’s debt free story of how he got himself out of $50,000 worth of student loans next!

Soldier facing American flag-My Financial Hill-Debt Free Story Paying $50,000 of Student Loans

1 | When did you first decide to start your debt free journey?

I pretty much decided after college. There never was a I’ll just live with these for the rest of my life, that never crossed my mind.

2 | Was there a specific event or situation that led you to decide to start getting rid of all your debt? 

Nothing major I just wanted to get rid of the debt as soon as possible. The debt just felt like an annoying nag. 

3 | What was your debt consisted of? How long did it take to pay off?

My debt consisted of about $50,000 in student loan debt. It took me four years.

4 | What was your income range throughout the debt free journey?

So to make a long story short, becoming an officer in the military, didn’t work out so I enlisted instead.

My first duty station was taxed free and I was an Private First Class (E3.) No car was allowed over there so didn’t have to worry about that.

Next duty station (it was taxed) I eventually got promoted to specialist (E4).

Third duty station got promoted to sergeant (E5). Mind you this whole time throughout my career so far at this point I’ve been living in the barracks (meaning I had no extra money that the military gives you to live off base.)

This was from 2014 to 2018.

My income varied throughout those years. Started with making about 2k a month at my first duty station, then got about 300 more when I got promoted.

At my second duty station I also got about 300 extra a month due to there being no dining facility for the lower enlisted.

Third duty station when I got promoted I made about 3k.

5 | Are there any specific things you did to help pay down debt?

Before I started, I researched the best way to pay off my loans.

I decided to go with the avalanche method (paying them off by highest interest loan first).

I looked at it as tipping the band-aid off first. Once I paid off the most expensive one first I thought, “Okay, the ones after this will become easier to pay off after this.”

Also, in the army we have this thing called charge of quarters. Basically a sergeant and a soldier have to watch the barracks for 24 hours. I would take other people’s shifts on Saturdays who didn’t want to work and got paid $100 for it.

Any extra amount of money would go straight to my loans. It didn’t even matter if it was only twenty for driving someone.

During my second duty station I researched credit cards and felt I was ready and financially mature enough to handle one. All the cash back I got went to student loans of course. It was very important that I made a budget and stuck to it.

Budgeted for food, groceries, emergency fund, going out, and for loans.

6 | In regards to budgeting, were there any particular tools or programs that helped you out?

I tried different apps, but what worked for me was just writing it out and revising via paper or by using a note app on my phone. That’s what I’ve been the most consistent on and obviously it worked for me.

7 | How did you stay motivated throughout your debt free journey?

At one point my going out money was too low for me and I reminded myself that it’s okay to enjoy life. So I allowed myself to add just a bit more to that and not make myself feel guilty. I know I was still going to be on track to pay off my loans in less than five years.

There were times especially in the beginning when I would feel annoyed by how much student debt I had, just constantly logging in to look at the debt, and constantly do the math over and over.

I would read successful student loan pay off stories for motivation.

Mind you, at my second duty station that’s when I really started to take saving for retirement seriously as well. My motivation was really the freedom that it would bring me and the options as well.

Before, certain things I would not allow myself to buy. At my third duty station I got myself a junker to drive. The window was cracked, it made horrible noise, but it was about $1,000 and it got me around.

After, well funny story, but after I paid off my student loan debt, I actually to reward myself got a car loan, but it was $8,000 and I paid it off in like ten months. $8,000 is nothing compared to $50,000. And being debt free from student loans has made it nice to actually pick out a car that I wanted, the cheapest thing!

Currently at my fourth duty station and got promoted to staff sergeant. I’m at a point now where I can easily max out my traditional savings plan (military version of the 401k) and my Roth IRA, and live by myself.

I started saving for my next future car, a vacation fund and a splurge fund as well. I started taking Brazilian Jiu Jitsu too. Not a cheap martial art, but worth it to invest in myself physically.

It hit me the other day like wow I have TWO TVs. I still have my simple flat screen 32 inch TV from college, but it was so nice to treat myself and get a 55 inch for my living room. The next goal financially is to get in rental properties and save up for a dog.

All these opportunities that I mentioned have become available to me since I paid off my student loans. It took sacrifice, but so so so worth it.

8 | Was there anything you wish you did differently during the debt free journey?

It felt great when it was over! Now I almost forget about the days about paying off my loans. I can’t imagine having to deal with an annoying $300 bill each month.

But now I’m so used to being debt free and my focus has really been to continue to max out my TSP and Roth IRA.

9 | Would you like to offer any words of encouragement to other readers?

In the words of Dory, “Just keep swimming.”

Thank you Paul for your service and for sharing your debt free story with us. Paul was able to save a significant amount of money by living in the barracks. He also did side jobs on base for any extra money he could get to throw at the debt. After paying off $50,000 in 4 years, he is now free from debt, what an awesome situation. At 29 years old, his future is looking so bright! Anyone can follow in Paul’s footsteps, anyone can pursue their own debt free story. All it takes is perseverance and never giving up!

Ready to start your own debt free journey? Today’s the day to make that change in your life. Start with this free gift – Debt Thermometer and join us in the free 5-Day Debt Free Bootcamp to begin knocking out debt ASAP.

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Debt, Debt Free Story

Debt Free Story Kaleb’s $110,000 Debt Journey

We partner with some awesome companies that offer products which can help our readers. If you make a purchase through one of our partner links, we may receive a commission at absolutely no additional cost to you! Please see my Policy & Disclosure page for full details. 

Being in debt can be overwhelming. Especially when all your hard earned money flies right out your hands as soon as you get paid. It’s bad enough that you may be swamped in bills, interest rates tacks on even more money to your bills. Sometimes there just seems to be no end in sight. That’s why it’s time to get serious about your money and take control. Start your own debt free journey like Kaleb has with $110,000 of debt.

I’ve had a wonderful opportunity to interview Kaleb Schumann from The Future Millionaire Teacher. He had roughly $110,000 worth of debt which will take him right under 4 years (47 months) to pay off next month (June)! Kaleb is an inspiring High School Band Director from Fort Worth, TX. Wanting to lead by example he started a YouTube channel to track his debt free journey for many high school and college aged students. It’s definitely kept him motivated throughout the debt free journey especially when his students ask him about financial advice and money matters. Find out more details about how Kaleb got himself out of $110,000 debt next.

Photo from Kaleb Schumann from The Future Millionaire Teacher. He is a High School Band Director from Fort Worth, TX. He has paid off $110,000 in just under 4 years (47 months).

When did you first decide to start your debt free journey?

I started my journey in September 2016, after graduate school. I had read the Total Money Makeover a few months before, after some classmates recommended it. I didn’t have a salary at the time, and couldn’t wait until I graduated and started making money so I could start.

What was your debt consisted of?

Basically, rounding +/- a few thousand:

$110,00 total

$60,000 – Student Loans ($20k undergrad, $40k graduate)

$15,000 – Interest on Student Loans

$10,000 – Used Car

$10,000 – Medical Bills (settled for $4k)

$5,000 – French Horn

$5,000 – Credit Card

$5,000 – Loan from “The Bank of Mom and Dad”

What was your income range throughout the debt free journey?

$60,000 – $72,5000

Are there any specific things you did to help pay down debt?

I worked a summer activity called Drum Corps International. It’s basically a summer marching band for kids. I was on the admin team for a group. They travel the country over the summer. I was able to see the country for free, had all my meals paid for, and made a few thousand bucks on top of all that. It minimized my expenses to almost zero over the summer in addition to providing extra money. Those summers *really* accelerated things. 

Do you recommend any particular debt repayment plan?

Surprisingly, my sole source of information that shaped my opinion was Dave Ramsey. I’m the type of person that goes all-in and becomes an absolutist. There are multiple ways to tackle debt, but it helped me to stay singularly focused with Dave’s plan, philosophy, podcasts, videos, etc.

Do you like the Snowball or Avalanche method?

I was a big debt snowball person.. Except when it came to the loan from the Bank of Mom and Dad. The Chief Loan Officer (aka Dad) agreed to provide the loan interest free and let me put the $5k loan in “forbearance” until my other interest bearing loans were paid.

What about budgeting, are there any particular tools or programs that helped you out? 

I used the EveryDollar App, and I tried to compartmentalize all the items in my head as much as I could.. For example, there was a huge difference between my internet bill and my Spotify bill.. Both were drafted monthly, but the Spotify bill always went under “Optional Subscriptions”, giving myself permission to cut it if necessary. 

Related: How To Budget Your Money For Beginners

How did you stay motivated throughout your debt free journey?

Paying off debt became my singular goal. Every decision I made, I made it through the lens of paying off my debt. From big decisions like not going on vacations with my friends, to little decisions like not being afraid to bring left-overs with my co-workers when they went out to lunch.

Has your life changed dramatically before and after the process?

I now consider myself a minimalist. Last summer, I moved from Houston to Fort Worth. I sold everything I could: mattress, dining room table, dressers, TV’s, game consoles… With the extra cash, I was able to buy “matching adult furniture” and still have extra to put on my loans. I was able to monetize every material possession that I didn’t need.

I feel like I have much more control over my finances. I’m no longer overwhelmed thinking about all the bills, or if I can buy that new shirt I want. Since I have complete control, I can make informed decisions about picking up extra work or not, eating at a restaurant or not, etc.

Was there anything you wish you did differently during the debt free journey?

One of my side hustles was teaching English lessons online. It was the easiest money I’ve ever made. From the comfort of my couch, I have Skype conversations with English learners from across the world. I wish I would have started that way sooner. The money I made from teaching lessons was able to pay for my own Spanish lessons and still have a few extra bucks each month to throw at debt.

How does it feel to be debt free or close to?

I’ve been free from consumer/interest bearing debt for a few months. I only owe my parents a few thousand dollars that I’ll be able to finish off in June. It’s a moment I’ve been dreaming of for over four years. I can’t wait to take a vacation and do more than just go to the beach. I can’t wait to donate to my favorite podcasts and give to NPR. I can’t wait to sponsor students to their summer camps or church fundraisers. I can’t wait to buy my friend’s lunch to say thanks. I can’t wait to buy the next round of drinks at convention. I can’t wait to invest. I can’t wait to enjoy my money.

Would you like to offer any words of encouragement to other readers?

This is a mental game. It boils down to two parts.

First – Build the habit of tracking purchases, sticking to the budget, saying no… Figure out how to build those keystone habits that will affect every financial decision that you make.

Second – Focus on one area of your budget at a time: Income/Expense/Surplus. Some months I would focus on increasing my income by selling things, teaching extra lessons, etc. Other months I would figure out how to cut my utility bill, or save on groceries. And some months I would re-prioritize the leftover money… Although, mostly the surplus money just went to the smallest debt remaining. I found that I was most effective when I was only focusing on one area at a time. It was too overwhelming to try and make more, work extra hours, sell this, limit that, cut here, cancel that all at the same time. 

Thank you Kaleb for sharing your debt payoff journey. Kaleb had $110,000 worth of debt straight out of Graduate School. That must’ve been very overwhelming to confront and take control of that enormous amount of debt. Kaleb became inspired after reading Total Money Makeover and also staying focused on Dave Ramsey’s teachings. He literally crushed all $110,000 worth of debt in right under 4 years by next month, what an amazing story.

Let Kaleb’s story inspire you to realize that paying off debt can be done. No matter how difficult or impossible it may seem. It’s all about taking small steps and in Kaleb’s case-just focus on one thing at a time. Being debt free is the ultimate goal. It provides financial freedom, taking control of your money, and just being able to enjoy your own money.

If you would like to reach out to Kaleb, visit his YouTube channel The Future Millionaire Teacher.

Ready to start your own debt free journey? Today’s the day to make that change in your life. Start with this free gift – Debt Thermometer and join us in the free 5-Day Debt Free Bootcamp to begin knocking out debt ASAP.

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Debt, Debt Journey

Debt Free Journey Update April 2020

We partner with some awesome companies that offer products which can help our readers. If you make a purchase through one of our partner links, we may receive a commission at absolutely no additional cost to you! Please see my Policy & Disclosure page for full details. 

It’s been 19 months into our debt free journey and we are in still in limbo right now due to this COVID-19 mess. As of April, we have paid off $77,339 worth of debt which is still amazing in itself. Our debt pay off progress remains the same since last month.

When we first started our debt free journey, we had $116,000 worth of debt. We’ve decided to hold off this month on paying anything towards our last two debts: Student Loan & Personal Loan from family.

September of 2018 we had all this debt:

8 Credit Cards
1 Car Loan
2 Medical Loans
2 Student Loans
1 Personal Loan and 1 Personal Loan from family
Total $116,000

April 2020 we have:

1 Student Loan
1 Personal Loan from family
Total $38,661

In 19 months, we’ve come a long way by paying off $77,339 worth of debt so far. With the right strategies in place, getting closer to becoming debt free is actually not as difficult as I’d thought. Find out the 5 tips we used to help knock out the first $50,000 in 10 months below.

Related: How To Get Out Of Debt With These 5 Tips

Tips To Get Out Of Debt

If you also want to be on your way to achieve a debt free life, you must create a plan that will help reach your goal. The most important aspect of getting your finances in order is creating a monthly budget. It helps to outline where you’re spending your money or if there are any areas in your life you need to save for.

1 | Create a monthly budget

Creating a budget will help you take control of your finances and draw out your map to financial success. I use the Zero Based Budget which has been extremely successful in helping us manage our money. If you want to use an app that tracks your spending automatically then use Personal Capital which is also a free app.


Related: How To Budget Your Money For Beginners

2 | Saving During COVID-19

The reason we decided to stop paying down our debt this month is because of COVID-19. This whole situation has hit everyone hard and it’s affecting the economy. These are uncertain times right now, companies are laying people off or even cutting people’s pay. We’ve agreed that it was best to hold off throwing every cent we could come up with at debt until things settle down.

It’s probably best right now to save whatever money you may have coming your way instead of spending it unnecessarily. If you are also paying off debt, it may be best to be conservative with your spending right now.

3 | Look For Savings


A Pharmacist from Walgreens told me about GoodRX. Look up any medication on GoodRX, find a coupon, print it, and bring it in to a pharmacy to get a discount.

A normal medication which was costing over $90 was about $13 with the printed coupon, it’s amazing.

Car Insurance

Our car insurance company automatically refunded back a few dollars most likely due to COVID-19. Did you get any refund check? If not, it doesn’t hurt to call them up and explain your situation if you’re car has not been driven for months now.

School Loan Forbearance

Take advantage of the school loan forbearance being offered due to COVID-19. Most Federal school loans will be in forbearance until the end of September, and they will also not apply any interest.

Amazon Discount

Those that have Amazon Prime knows how fast the Prime delivery usually is. Now with COVID-19, the shipping times have significantly decreased. You can speak with customer service and they may give you some form of credit if you have a legitimate issue. It may be a few bucks, but hey it’s something.

4 | Save on Food Costs

Prior to starting our debt free journey, we used to go to restaurants all weekend and barely cooked much at home. Once we started budgeting, we realized we were spending almost $800-$1,000 a month on food. That included groceries, take out food, and restaurants. You’d be surprised when you track all your transactions and find out how much you’re actually spending.

Ever since we started being mindful of how much we were spending on food, we’ve been trying to find savings in the food category of our budget. 90% of the time we are eating more at home which helps us save tremendously from spending money at restaurants. Plus eating at home is probably a whole lot healthier than buying processed food from fast food places.

If you need some ideas on recipes to cook, check these out:

Air Fryer Recipes Healthy and Low Carb for Dinner

10 Easy Breakfast Ideas

20 Easy Keto Low Carb Recipes for Dinner

Digital Coupons

I have to admit that I’m not an avid coupon collector or anything, it’s just too time consuming. To make things easier I use Ibotta where I can upload my receipt to get cash back on food, pretty simple to use.

Sign up for free at Ibotta and use the code YDIGCFJ to get your $20 welcome bonus

We have been making more of an effort to cook at home. If ordering delivery on occasion, using Rakuten is good for getting cash back on food delivery services like GrubHub or Postmates.

Sign up today with Rakuten to get $10 in a welcome bonus and be on your way to start earning cash back for online purchases. Don’t miss out on FREE MONEY!

To find more saving ideas, check out 95 Best Money Saving Tips to Start Now

5 | Make extra money if you can

With COVID-19 lingering around, it’s probably best to try to make extra side money safely.

  • Put money into a high yield savings account to earn money passively
  • Sell your clothes/furniture/toys/electronics on Ebay, Mercari, Letgo, or Nextdoor
  • Take online surveys for money Get your $10 sign up bonus today with Swagbucks
  • Be a freelancer on Fiverr and sell your skills including being a graphic designer, virtual assistant, photo editing, writing/editing/proofreading content, marketing, programming, SEO optimization, programming, transcription, other social media services
  • Make money losing weight on HealthyWage and other apps like Dietbet and Stickk. People make hundreds to thousands of dollars by challenging themselves to lose weight which creates a financial incentive.

Check out other ways to make extra money every month


6 | Second guess your purchases

Before you buy anything from a $5 to $1,000 item, ask yourself if you really need it. We stopped spending money frivolously just by purchasing things we actually really need rather than want.

7 | Travel For Free

Now that most states are lifting their stay-at-home order, you may be itching to travel or take a trip somewhere. If you must travel, do so cautiously. On the financial aspect of traveling, did you know that you can get free flights, cruises, and excursions?

While we started our debt free journey, we use credit card points to pay for our trips. Learn how below. Ever since COVID-19 hit, we are taking precautions and not deciding to travel for the time being.

So far, we have accumulated over 500,000 credit card points which is an equivalent to around $5,000. We used those points to pay for our Carnival Cruise, Flight for Las Vegas, and so much more. Also, when we search for flights we use Skyscanner to find the cheapest flights possible. If you’d like to learn about how we accumulate credit card points to cover our trips (before COVID-19), check out the posts below.

Debt Free Journey – April 2020 Update

Not much has changed since last month. Since we are holding off on paying any debt towards our last two loans, our progress remains the same. So far, we now have a total debt remaining balance of $38,661. We paid off $77,339 so far in 19 months out of $116,000 total debt.

I’m hoping the COVID-19 situation goes away soon so life can go back to normal. There is no interest accumulating for our last two debt items so it’s okay if we take our time to pay those back. COVID-19 is a slight hiccup on our debt free journey but I’ve always looked at this process as a marathon, not a sprint.

Are you ready to start your own debt free journey? Get started by grabbing this free Debt Thermometer and join us in the free 5-Day Debt Free Bootcamp to pay off $500 worth of debt in your first month.

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Debt, Debt Journey

January 2020 $69,522 Debt Payoff Journey

We partner with some awesome companies that offer products which can help our readers. If you make a purchase through one of our partner links, we may receive a commission at absolutely no additional cost to you! Please see my Policy & Disclosure page for full details. 

It’s been 16 months so far into this $116,000 debt journey. We are more than half way done as of January 2020 as we paid $69,522 so far! There are a lot of factors that got my husband and I to this point. One day, we decided that enough was enough and set our goals to be debt free one day. This whole process is actually not as hard as I thought it was going to be. I had this preconceived notion that we were going to be sacrificing a great deal, it actually doesn’t feel like we have. There are plenty of factors that we’ve implemented to help us get to this point and will continue to use to reach our goal. I hope these tips can also help anyone else that wants to get out of debt too.

September of 2018 we had all this debt:

8 Credit Cards
1 Car Loan
2 Medical Loans
2 Student Loans
1 Personal Loan and 1 Personal Loan from family
Total $116,000

January 2020 we have:

1 Student Loan
1 Personal Loan from family
Total $46,478

We have a combined total income of about $120,000-$130,000 a year. Basically, we had almost a year’s salary worth of debt. How crazy is that? One day we decided to follow a plan to help get us out of debt because what we were doing definitely wasn’t working. Find out how we paid off $50,000 in the first 10 months of this journey.

Related: How To Get Out Of Debt With These 5 Tips

Tips To Get Out Of Debt

If you implement a few strategies, you can also be on your way to be debt free. It’s all about finding the right tools and tips to help save you money and manage it properly.

1 | Write down your list of debt

Create a list of your debt from the smallest balance on top of the list to the largest balance on the bottom of the list. It will give you an idea of what you’re working with. Don’t be discouraged when you see all the debt you have. You can get through this! If we muddled more than half way through $116,000 then you sure can too!

2 | Create a monthly budget

It which will help you take control of your finances and draw out your map to financial success. I use the Zero Based Budget which has been extremely successful in helping us manage our money. If you want to use an app that tracks your spending automatically then use Personal Capital which is also a free app.

Zero Based Budget MyFinancialHill

Related: How To Budget Your Money For Beginners

3 | Save for an Emergency Fund

Unless you’re a psychic, you will never know what tomorrow will bring. You don’t want to be stuck in a position where you spent all your extra money paying off debt while not having anything saved up during an emergency like a job loss, medical emergency, and more. It’s so important to save a good 2-6 month portion for emergencies before throwing every extra money you have at debt. You can still pay debt while saving for your emergency fund but make sure you don’t forget this category in your budget.

4 | Use the Snowball Method to pay off debt

Snowball Method to Pay Debt - How To Get Out Of Debt With These 5 Tips - MyFinancialHill

5 | Make extra money if you can

  • Put money into a high yield savings account to earn money passively
  • Work extra shifts or over time
  • Drive for UBER  or Lyft
  • Be a babysitter or caretaker on Care / Petsit on Rover
  • Sell your clothes/furniture/toys/electronics on Ebay, Mercari, Letgo, or Nextdoor
  • Take online surveys for money Get your $10 sign up bonus today with Swagbucks
  • Be a freelancer on Fiverr and sell your skills including being a graphic designer, virtual assistant, photo editing, writing/editing/proofreading content, marketing, programming, SEO optimization, programming, transcription, other social media services
  • Make money losing weight on HealthyWage and other apps like Dietbet and Stickk. People make hundreds to thousands of dollars by challenging themselves to lose weight which creates a financial incentive.
  • Rent out a room by charging a fee on Airbnb. That can easily bring in extra hundreds of dollars each month.

Check out other ways to make extra money every month


6 | Second guess your purchases

Before you buy anything from a $5 to $1,000 item, ask yourself if you really need it. We stopped spending money frivolously just by purchasing things we actually really need rather than want.

7 | Stop comparing your lives to others

Truth of the matter is you don’t have to spend tons of money on cars, travel, clothes, etc. to keep up with the Jones’. It’s your life and not theirs. Other people probably are up to their necks in debt trying to live lavishly so there is no point in trying to keep up with others. It’s best to focus on your financial goal and be content with what you have.

8 | Personal loans can help tremendously

As a matter of fact, we took one out years ago to move out of an expensive city. We used a portion of that loan to put away in our emergency fund, applied for a down payment on our home, and applied it for our debt. In a matter of 10 months, we also paid off that personal loan off too. Check to see if you qualify for one at Lending Club to help you consolidate debt.

9 | Find Savings

Food costs was huge expense for us. We spent almost $800-$1,000 a month on food. That included groceries and take out food. You’d be surprised when you track all your transactions and find out how much you’re actually spending. To cut costs on groceries I used Ibotta to get cash back when grocery shopping.

Cooking more at home will help prevent the need to buy take out food. Making large batches of food is easy with the Instant Pot like soups, stews, tender meat, and so much more. Using the Instant Pot will help you save time and money plus you can freeze any left overs.

I used Rakuten  to get cash back when booking travel, hotels, car rentals, online shopping and more.

If I was looking for spa treatment, oil change, restaurants, or activities, I went on Groupon to get the cheapest deals. At Groupon, get an extra 20% Off Local Plus An Extra 10% Off Travel. Use Code SAVE

Cut your cellphone bill in half by switching to Cricket Wireless, they even have free smartphones available. We pay $80 flat with all taxes included for 2 phones and unlimited data.

Get cheaper quotes by switching your insurance companies for the car, home, apartment, etc.

Do some DIY repair work for your home/condo/apartment by doing some research online and getting parts at Home Depot, or Lowes.

10 | Travel For Free

We didn’t want to sacrifice our travel while on this journey to pay off debt. We made it work by using travel card points to cover our travel expenses. By implementing the budgeting and snowball method, we quickly paid off all our consumer debt which in turn raised our credit scores. We qualified for travel cards that offer an equivalent of $500-$700 or more worth of points. We used those points to pay for our Carnival Cruise, Flight for Las Vegas, and so much more. Also, when we search for flights we use Skyscanner to find the cheapest flights possible.

January 2020 Debt Payoff Progress

At the end of this month, we paid a total of $1,553 which consists of our snowball debt rollover amount. So far, we now have a total debt remaining balance of $46,478. We paid off $69,522 so far in 16 months out of $116,000 total debt. Slowly but surely, we’re chipping away!

It’s been a long year of 2019. 2020 is the start of a new year. I have a goal to achieve which is to be debt free by the end of this year! Making extra money, finding ways to save, sticking to a budget, while still having fun will get us there. I hope these tips will help you as well to get you started on your debt paying journey.

Are you ready to start your own debt free journey? Get started by grabbing this free Debt Thermometer and join us in the free 5-Day Debt Free Bootcamp to pay off $500 worth of debt in your first month.

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